Press Release – Thursday 20 December 2018
Category : General News
Press Release – Thursday 20 December 2018
Cr Gaedtke hopes for solutions to effluent spillage on roads
The Livestock and Rural Transporters Association of Queensland (LRTAQ) and the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA) recognise that management of livestock effluent on public roadways is important for protecting road safety, animal welfare, amenity, biosecurity, environment and business interests. LRTAQ and ALRTA advise that while a small amount of effluent loss is inevitable because of the nature of the live cargo and the need for trailers to be ventilated to comply with animal welfare laws, larger effluent loss incidents are primarily caused by poor preparation by persons in control of animals prior to transport and a complete lack of options for managed disposal of captured effluent in the road corridor during transit.
After making a submission in July 2018 supporting the proposed amendments to the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) to clarify the application of Chain of Responsibility to persons who are responsible for feed and water provision to livestock prior to road transport, Cr Gaedtke has been advised that the proposed amendments made through the submissions to a Queensland Parliamentary committee were not adopted.
The aim of Chain of Responsibility (CoR) for a heavy vehicle is to make sure everyone in the supply chain actively ensures the safety of their transport activity. The CoR law also extends to preventing or reducing potential harm or loss (risk) to people.
Cr Gaedtke has been advised that A Master Code of practice has been written to establish standards and procedures for parties in the CoR to identify, analyse, evaluate and mitigate the risk associated with meeting obligations under the HVNL. A Code of Practice for the movement of livestock is being developed to supplement the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association. Once this document is completed it will be released for industry feedback prior to consideration for registration.