Press Release 18 April 2018

Press Release 18 April 2018

Category : General News

Regional Shows and Show Balls get underway in Somerset

Our region has a mix of local shows and show balls, with Kilcoy’s already done and dusted.  The weather was perfect at the Kilcoy Show held on 6th and 7th April, and with recent rains the weather lead up to our shows has been kind indeed.  After holding the position of Vice President and committee member with the Kilcoy Show Society many years ago, I understand the amount of work that is generously provided by numerous volunteers to bring the local show and show ball to fruition.

Kilcoy Show Society is one of fifteen show societies affiliated with the Near North Coast Sub Chamber.  Our other local show societies, Lowood, Esk and Toogoolawah are affiliated with the West Moreton and Brisbane Valley Sub Chamber comprising of a total of ten show societies.  As Councillor, I would prefer to see all of our show societies working under the one banner, but this is not a unique arrangement as prior to council amalgamation, Kilcoy and Esk Shire Councils shared different boundaries for many bodies.  I must congratulate Mrs Estelle Drynan and acknowledge her hard work as President of the West Moreton and Brisbane Valley Sub Chamber.

The finals of the Near North Coast Sub Chamber Miss Showgirl will be held at Kilcoy on 30th June.  The finals of the West Moreton and Brisbane Valley Sub Chamber Miss Showgirl and Rural Ambassador will be held at Esk on 14th July.  Our local show societies must be excited and honoured to be holding such important events.

Husband John and I proudly support our local show by sponsoring events.  So now is the time to find your dancing shoes and your favourite pair of jeans and get to your local show ball and show.  Please call in to the council stand and have a chat, as I look forward to catching up with you at each of our local shows.

Esk Show Ball – 19 May, Esk Show – 25/26 May.  Lowood Show Ball – 26 May, Lowood Show – 15/16 June.  Toogoolawah Show Ball – 2 June, Toogoolawah Show – 8/9 June.

Kilcoy Show President Chris Anderson, Hannah Goode and Dad Geoff



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Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

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