Diploma of Local Government – Elected Members – Somerset and Lockyer Valley Councillors smash it!
Category : General News
Diploma of Local Government – Elected Members – Somerset and Lockyer Valley Councillors smash it! – Week 3 of the Campaign Trail
The Local Government Association of Queensland offers Councillors the opportunity to learn about their roles and responsibilities. Somerset Regional Council’s Cheryl Gaedtke and Lockyer Valley Regional Council’s Michael Hagan wanted to achieve a deeper understanding of their elected positions, with the option to gain a national recognised qualification.
Crs Gaedtke and Hagan feel a sense of achievement and empowerment after successfully completing the diploma. Both Councillors agree that there was a great deal of research required, and lots of hours and in Cr Hagan’s case a lot of late nights to get through the course.
Cr Gaedtke commenced her career in Local Government at the age of 16, and says she has witnessed many changes during this time. “I was employed by Kilcoy Shire Council as Junior Clerk-Typist and worked my way up to Manager of Finance and Administration prior to council amalgamation in 2008” said Cr Gaedtke.
Photo – Cr Cheryl Gaedtke; Cr Michael Hagan showing off their diplomas.
Cr Gaedtke enjoyed all fourteen units which offered training in areas such as manage conflict; establish cooperative arrangements with other organisations; coordinate and facilitate a change process; provide leadership within the council and community; and develop an asset management strategy for the council. Cr Gaedtke also enjoyed the town planning unit – manage council’s development assessment system and analysing strategic planning from an elected member’s perspective. “Strategic planning is so important from an elected member’s perspective; we are the vision makers of our communities for the next 20 years or so” said Cr Gaedtke.
Cr Gaedtke valued her earlier studies at the University of Sunshine Coast, when her text books assisted the research required for the change management unit. Registration for the diploma occurred on 12 December 2017, the diploma commenced on 15 February 2018 and finished on 13 June 2019, Cr Gaedtke said it has been a very rewarding period. “Councillors from many areas of Queensland got to meet and network, this alone is a “win win” situation” said Cr Gaedtke.
Cr Hagan appreciated the opportunity to form a better understanding of the roles of council departments as he worked closely with his council’s departments through the course. Crs Gaedtke and Hagan strongly encourage other elected officials to undertake the training.