Cr Gaedtke Councillor Report – Ordinary Council Meeting 11 September 2019

Cr Gaedtke Councillor Report – Ordinary Council Meeting 11 September 2019

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 11 September 2019

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

12 September   Esk Hospital Auxiliary AGM

13 September   Kilcoy District Football Club 16th Annual Presentation Night

14 September   Salubrious – Mt Archer

14 September   Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Sausage Sizzle – Yowie Park

14 September   Jazz on the Hill – Sheep Station Creek

14 September   Qld State Parachuting Assn Championships 2019 – Hosted by Skydive Ramblers

21 September   Kilcoy Art Society Inc. Country High Tea

21 September   End of Season Function Brisbane Valley Rattlers – Fernvale

25 September   NBN Public Presentation – Kilcoy Information Centre

I encourage residents and businesses to attend the NBN Presentation to be held on Wednesday 25 September.  Come along and hear directly about the NBN, and furthermore ask questions about this service.

Congratulations to Team Somerset.  The Brisbane Valley Rail Trail named Public Works Project of the Year, and also took out the top award, Best Public Works Project ($2 to $5 million) for the 161 km trail.

The International Test Series 3-0 win to the Australian Women’s Woodchopping Team and an outstanding three days of team races against New Zealand, with Team Australia bringing in debut Renee Retschlag (representing Kilcoy) to cut the Underhand in Race 3.  Congratulations to the team of ladies.

Agenda Item #38 Councillors’ Report   

(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

28 August              Kilcoy & District Progress Alliance monthly meeting

The group discussed the refurbishment of the cricket training nets and the necessary funds required to do so.  The group will apply for a community assistance grant for the small balance of funds required.  The Yowie Markets are growing and stall holders are very supportive of recent changes.

29 August              Kilcoy Showground Reserve Overall Management Committee Meeting

The group discussed and supported in principle the Kilcoy Race Club’s request to erect a section of a training track.  Council advised that it is hoping that the showground building project will be completed by the end of November. 

30 August              St Mary’s Anglican Church Hall Annual Wine, Food & Fun

A night filled with great entertainment, trivia, wine, food and definitely loads of fun.  Well done to the organisers.

02 September       Women’s Health Expo – Kilcoy Hospital

Once again lots of information and display of current medical apparatus that assists community members to save lives. 

04 September       Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn. monthly meeting

The committee was still on a natural high after recovering from the very successful “Walk the Wall” weekend held 24/25 August.  This group continues to achieve wonderful outcomes.

05 September       Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail monthly meeting

There was a frank discussion around the agenda items, with the committee agreeing to write to SRC advising that it does not support the proposal to seal the cycleway (Brisbane Valley Rail Trail) between Fernvale and Pine Mountain.

07 September       Show & Shine – Kilcoy Showgrounds – Kilcoy State School

Although this was an inaugural event, and given the very windy and dusty weather the patronage was appreciated.  This event has a real capacity to grow.

07 September       Mayoral Gala Charity Ball – Esk

Another great evening of entertainment and serious fundraising – well done to all staff involved with the organization of this regional and proud event.

08 September       Friends of the Forest Inc. meeting – Moore

                                A lovely networking afternoon with lots of information and a lovely lunch provided by the venue.

09 September       CEO Interviews – Esk

10 September       Kilcoy Hospital Auxiliary AGM

Once again, this organisation struggles for membership, however this small group of women achieve excessive financial returns for their major annual fundraising events, benefiting identified needs of the Kilcoy Hospital.

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Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

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After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

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