Cr Gaedtke Councillor Report – 28 August 2019

Cr Gaedtke Councillor Report – 28 August 2019

Category : General News

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

31 August            Apex Biggest Ever Blokes Lunch – Grand Hotel

2 September     Women’s Health Expo – Kilcoy Hospital

7 September     Bush Breakfast – Toogoolawah

7 September     Mayoral Gala Charity Ball

7 September     Kilcoy State School P & C Assn Show & Shine

7 September     The Spirit of Somerset Community Auction

7 September     Bush Breakfast – St Andrews Anglican Guild Members Toogoolawah

8 September     Esk Community Choir Men’s Choir – Toogoolawah

A local group known as the ProgrESK Association Inc. has jumped on board with the Blue trees for mental health initiative.  The group worked with a local landowner to paint a dead tree blue to bring awareness to suicide prevention.  The blue trees are a symbol of strength and hope; even seemingly dead trees stand strong, with their branches reaching out to those around them, and can provide hope.  The local response to this project has been very well received and has provided us with guided reflection and instigated the question R U OK?

An article appearing In the August edition of the Local Government Focus explains how another Western Australian Council is supporting this cause which began in Western Australia in 2014 by a local farmer Jayden Whyte.

Agenda Item #29  Councillors’ Report   

(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

15 August            Trade & Investment Qld and West Moreton Trade & Investment Meeting – Esk

15 August            Jinibara People Aboriginal Corporation (JPAC) Meeting – Hazeldean

An interesting meeting that lead to questions that will require a further meeting with Council’s Town Planning staff. 

20 August            Sheep Station Creek Progress Assn meeting – Kilcoy

Nick Fredriksen advised that the Sheep Station Creek Progress Assn has now been formed and registered.  The group will work toward rebuilding the Sheep Station Creek school on the reserve where it was originally sited.

22 August            Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce – AGM

A lively meeting where future goals of the group were highlighted.  The future aim is to form one regional chamber.  A guest speaker from CCIQ gave an in-depth address on the structure and services of the parent organization.

23 August            Regional Seniors Event – Esk

Another great event and acknowledgement must go to staff for organising this enjoyable outing for our seniors.

24 August            Wall Walk – Somerset Dam

A brilliant example of a local community group, Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn. working with SEQWater to provide a very well supported and informative weekend public event.

24 August            Progresk & the Blue Tree project

Congratulations to this active community group having completed two successful projects.  The Sandy Creek ecological restoration and Brough Bridge project has provided the community and BVRT users with a clean and safe area.

27 August            Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

Lack of social/public housing was discussed as an important issue to our region and one to address with other levels of government.

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Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

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