Cr Gaedtke Councillor Report 20 December 2018 Council Meeting

Cr Gaedtke Councillor Report 20 December 2018 Council Meeting

Category : General News


Agenda Item # 25 Councillors’ Report      (I attended)

12 December     Mt Kilcoy State School Awards Night

14 December     Picturing Innovation Exhibition Official Opening – The Condensery

15 December     Community Carols – Kilcoy Combined Churches

18 December     Official Opening Kilcoy Police Station

20 December     Somerset Regional Council – Christmas Gathering

20 December     Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Inc. – Christmas Gathering

I was honored to present The George Adsett Overall House Cup to the winning house at the Mt Kilcoy State School Awards Night.  The beautiful cup is in recognition of my Great Grandfather’s commitment to achieving a state school on Blunt’s hill, over 100 years ago.

I was astounded at the standard of photography exhibited by renowned Photographer Rob Maccoll who facilitated the Picturing Innovation project.  The official opening was held at The Condensery and the photography exhibition of the nine innovative persons nominated by the community for their trailblazing in our region was extremely professionally presented.  This Photographer has a real ability of catching the pure essence of his subject.  The project was funded through the Regional Arts Development Funding and initiated by the RADF Committee and is extremely proud to be part of this inaugural initiative.

I was personally relieved that the forecast rain did not eventuate on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 December.  The Lowood Lions Christmas in the Park, Esk Christmas Races, Toogoolawah Christmas Tree and Fernvale Christmas Carols continued as planned.  I am fully aware of the hard work and commitment made by the community to bring these events together.

The $2 million Police Station at Kilcoy was officially opened.  The building is a real boost to Kilcoy and to the policing needs of the area.

Lastly, as another year comes to a close, I wish to thank fellow Councillors and Council’s staff for their dedication and commitment during the past 12 months.  I also take this opportunity to wish our retiring Directors all the very best and to acknowledge the work and leadership demonstrated by Council’s CEO, Mr Bob Bain, who is also retiring.  I look forward to being part of a team that will achieve strategic goals and plans during 2019.  Merry and Blessed Christmas to all.

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Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

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