Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 July 2021

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 July 2021

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 July 2021

 Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

Wivenhoe, Queensland’s largest hydro power station will undergo a $14 million overhaul from mid-July through to late October 2021, to ensure it continues to pump cleaner, cheaper energy for years to come.  When Callide C Power Station went offline in May, Wivenhoe was ramped up to the point it was generating 530 megawatts over a four-hour period, helping to meet demand and stabilise the network.

There was a lovely article in the Sunday Mail about “Icing Queen rises again”- Champion baker Marilyn Barber’s back in her Fernvale kitchen preparing for another assault on the famous Brisbane Ekka Cake Competition.  Mrs Barber has taken out the purple rosette for most successful exhibitor in the cakes, biscuits and scones section since 2008 (apart from 2013 and last year). Good luck for this year Marilyn with a total of 16 different entries.

 Agenda Item #28 Councillors’ Report


28           Jinibara (JPAC) Board Meeting – Hazeldean


06           Kilcoy District Tennis Club monthly meeting

07           Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn monthly meeting

07           Community member meeting – Esk

07           Community member meeting – Moore

08           Brisbane Valley Interagency Meeting – Zoom

08           WLILG Coaching Session – SEIP unpack – Zoom

10           Community committee meeting – Kilcoy

12           Community committee meeting – Kilcoy

13           Kilcoy Hospital Auxiliary monthly meeting

The Kilcoy Hospital Auxiliary was made aware at the July monthly meeting that much needed equipment and refurbishment of the nurses’ quarters has been completed.  The committee members welcomed the news and were given a tour through the revamped nurses’ quarters.  Many thanks to Metro North Health.


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Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

One of the reasons I have kept my old Councillor Facebook current. I miss these women, but I know that we are in good hands with women like these in the seat of power. Miss you all🥰💄Despite the recent weather, it is great to catch up with a couple of ALGWA Qld members today at the Civic Leaders Conference. Let us know if you catch up with any ALGWA Qld members!And don’t forget to register for the ALGWA online discussion ‘Empowering Female Leaders’ which is online Thursday 13th of March!#ALGWAQld #CivicLeaders2025 #LGAQ ... See MoreSee Less
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🚦 Have you heard of Journi?Journi is an innovative online program now available to all Queensland state primary schools, helping Year 5 and 6 students build essential road safety knowledge and decision-making skills.Developed with leading experts from the Department of Transport and Main Roads , the Australian Road Safety Foundation, plus teachers and students, Journi is designed to be engaging, effective, and easy to deliver in the classroom.With road trauma remaining the leading cause of death for children aged 1–14 years, it’s never been more important to help young people stay safe on and near our roads.🔗 Visit for more information and share with your local school community! 🚸#RoadSafety #Journi #PrimarySchools #SafeKids #TMR #AustralianRoadSafetyFoundation #SchoolSafety ... See MoreSee Less
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📚 Want to support your local school?These fantastic grants are designed to help schools with funding for student groups, committees, education improvements, and supporting our most disadvantaged kids.Every bit of help makes a big difference! 🙌Find out more and see how you can get involved, visit #CommunityMatters #EducationForAll #MakingADifference ... See MoreSee Less
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📢 Grants Now Open for Connected Communities! 🌱💻Telstra’s Connected Communities Grant Program is helping remote, rural, and regional Australia embrace digital solutions for a more connected future.Grants of up to $10,000 are available for not-for-profit organisations supporting digital literacy, access to technology, and innovative ways to build liveable, sustainable, and resilient communities.Ready to boost your community with new tech? Learn more and apply today! Visit 🚀#ConnectedCommunities #Grants #DigitalInclusion #RegionalAustralia #CommunityGrowth ... See MoreSee Less
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