Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 12 February 2020

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 12 February 2020

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 12 February 2020 

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

11 February        Esk Community Choir AGM

29 February      Commemoration Ceremony – Jimna Hall – Lost native animals of Jimna

 Congratulations to Patrick Ross Kraut (Rusty) for being awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM) as part of the 2020 Australia Day Honours List. These are some of the highest honours that can be bestowed upon QFES personnel.

Congratulations to Mother and Daughter team, Anita and Taylor Teichmann for taking out 2019 Queensland Class 3 Champions and Aus no. 2 in class of the Queensland Off Road Racing comp.

Council has received positive news from the Hon Steven Miles MP (Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services) advising that the Kilcoy dental services will be reviewed to determine how best to deliver public dental services. The dental clinic at the Kilcoy Hospital was closed for a short time due to unforeseen staffing and equipment issues, however was expected to be operational by the end of January 2020. Council has also received positive news around the ongoing provision of the much-needed outreach service of Headspace in Kilcoy. This service will be extended monthly until a source of funding can be identified. I would like to thank our Mayor for providing letters identifying the issues and requesting assistance, and also to the Hon Shayne Neumann MP for his support.

Agenda Item # 37 Councillors’ Report  

(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

22 January          Separate appointments with two local residents

24 January          Kilcoy Kollections 11 Official Opening – Somerset Regional Art Gallery The Condensery – An exhibition with a twist of difference as three young ladies modelled wearable art

26 January          Australia Day Celebrations – Somerset Civic Centre – Esk  Congratulations to all award nominees and welcome to our country to 32 new Australian Citizens

26 January          Kilcoy Australia Day Races –  A very successful race meeting with a great show of support from locals and visitors, and it is great to see the return of the Kilcoy Gift

28 January          Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

29 January          Kilcoy District Progress Assn Inc monthly meeting

01 February        Yowie Park Run – 1st Birthday Celebrations  –  A fun first birthday celebration with wigs and hats being worn

04 February        Fire Management & Native Vegetation Information Night – Kilcoy Information Centre.  A very informative and well organised forum

05 February        Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn Inc monthly meeting

05 February        Meeting with local Social Health Workers  -A meeting with a very in-depth conversation and highlighted regional issues

06 February        Meetings-Event Planning – Esk

10 February        NCC Early Learners – Kilcoy Childcare  -Lovely to meet the new administrators of this important service

10 February        Kilcoy State School P &C Assn monthly meeting  –  Enrolment of students at 327. A decision will be reached on Thursday if an additional teacher will be appointed to the school. The school continues to develop its diverse culture with over 100 students, or 32% of students having English as an additional language

It was interesting to read an article in the publication Council Reader, the value of parkrun to small communities. The article was provided by Cr Roz Heit of South Burnett Regional Council, and is primarily about the success of the Wondai parkrun and the benefits delivered to the small community of around 2,000. In our own region we are fortunate enough to have two parkruns, Cormorant Bay parkrun and Yowie parkrun. The Mayor and I attended the first birthday celebrations of the Yowie parkrun, where we donned our wigs to join in with the fun. Cormorant Bay parkrun has been less fortunate of late with the risk of falling trees after the fires too high to reopen the track. SEQWater will reassess the situation in March. Parkruns generate tourism and economic benefits, along with social and mental wellbeing.

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I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

One of the reasons I have kept my old Councillor Facebook current. I miss these women, but I know that we are in good hands with women like these in the seat of power. Miss you all🥰💄Despite the recent weather, it is great to catch up with a couple of ALGWA Qld members today at the Civic Leaders Conference. Let us know if you catch up with any ALGWA Qld members!And don’t forget to register for the ALGWA online discussion ‘Empowering Female Leaders’ which is online Thursday 13th of March!#ALGWAQld #CivicLeaders2025 #LGAQ ... See MoreSee Less
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