Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 24 October 2023 – Councillor Report
Category : General News
Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 24 October 2023
Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest
I am delighted to share that the Kilcoy Yowies are going on tour! Very early in the season, the Kilcoy Yowies were invited to participate in the Fijian Cup. The competition runs from the 30th November to 3rd December at Lawaqa Park, Sigatoka, Fiji. The format will provide each team with a minimum of three games on each day of the preliminary rounds, with a playoff structure through to the finals to decide the winning teams in each division. Congratulations, best of luck and well done Yowies!
Thirty-eight regions in Queensland are most at risk of a horror bushfire season due to below-average rainfall, above-average temperatures, and a high fuel load, according to the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service. It was reported that Somerset and Redland City are most at risk of bushfires in the southeast. It is imperative that our residents and visitors to our region understand the fire risks associated with the current weather conditions.
Agenda Item #30 Councillors’ Report
11 Ordinary Council Meeting & Workshop – Esk
11 Kilcoy State Primary School P&C Meeting
14 The Condensery Exhibition Opening
15-18 Local Government Association of Queensland Annual Conference – Gladstone
19 Toogoolawah State High School Awards Night
20 Kilcoy State High School Awards Ceremony
The 127th LGAQ Annual Conference was held in Gladstone from Monday 16th to Wednesday 18th October, and commenced with a warm and moving Welcome to Country from Gooreng Elder, Aunty Juliri Ingra and a cheerful welcome to Gladstone from Mayor Matt Burnett. Councils across Queensland combined to discuss issues and to work forward with necessary answers. Our council proudly presented to the conference delegates the story of the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail and the ongoing economic benefits to our region. It was a bitter-sweet moment for me as this was my last conference, however I will always treasure the 37 years I have spent in Local Government. The level of government closest to its people and that consist of ordinary people who share passion and a strong desire to enrich their rural region.