Councillor Report 24 July 2019

Councillor Report 24 July 2019

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 24 July 2019

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

26/27 July           Somerset Art Society Inc. Art Awards – Esk

27 July                  Esk Cultural Festival

29 July                  Toogoolawah Shed of Knowledge Info Session

31 July                  Kilcoy District Progress Alliance monthly meeting – AgForce

03 August            Dedication Ceremony Flagpole & Plaque Commemoration of the Armistice Centenary – Jimna

A truly remarkable day was shared with over 400 visitors on Saturday 20th July in the town of Moore.  Open house of the historic Stonehouse attracted visitors from all over the state and there were lots of stories shared about this very endearing property.  Many of the heritage listed buildings have withstood the passage of time, and as many of us thought whilst admiring the style and attraction of these buildings, “If Only These Walls Could Talk!”  I am pleased to advise that the owners have been successful with a State Government grant application, and hope to hold a second open day once the Old Stonehouse Inn restoration is completed. This will provide the visitors with a ‘before’ and ‘after’ experience.  Acknowledgement and appreciation must be made to the Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee who organised this very special and heartfelt event. Out There Cycling owners Josie and David Sheehan, donated the proceeds of the day’s bus trips to the Friends of Stonehouse, a subgroup of BVHT, so the funds can be used to assist restoration efforts.

Agenda Item #38  Councillors’ Report   

(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

06 July                  Esk Men’s Shed – Turning of the sod

12 July                  Special Meeting – Esk

14 July                  Somerset Rail Trail Fun Run – Lowood/Fernvale

17 July                  Briefing – Esk

18 July                  Let’s Talk – Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce and Community Inc.

20 July                  Ice Breaker SRRFB Group – Kilcoy Showground

20 July                  Stone House Open Day – Moore

22 July                  Briefing – Esk

22 July                  Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group meeting

23 July                  Lowood QCWA Birthday International Luncheon

With the resignation of our CEO, Mr Jason Bradshaw, Councillors have been working together to professionally appoint our next CEO resulting in special meetings and briefings over the past two weeks.  A Local Government professional recruiting service provider has been appointed and an external Interim CEO has also been appointed and will commence work on Monday 29 July.

I must congratulate SRC staff and volunteers, and thank our major sponsor Lowood & Fernvale Community Bank Branch Bendigo Bank for such a wonderfully run Somerset Rail Trail Run or Ride.  The weather was absolutely perfect for the 970 runners, riders and walkers.  Congratulations to Brendan Press and Tamara Carvolth for winning their respective 8 km runs.  (26 minutes 42 seconds & 28 minutes 35 seconds)  I am proud to advise that I completed the 25km bike leg in 1.5 hours.

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Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

One of the reasons I have kept my old Councillor Facebook current. I miss these women, but I know that we are in good hands with women like these in the seat of power. Miss you all🥰💄Despite the recent weather, it is great to catch up with a couple of ALGWA Qld members today at the Civic Leaders Conference. Let us know if you catch up with any ALGWA Qld members!And don’t forget to register for the ALGWA online discussion ‘Empowering Female Leaders’ which is online Thursday 13th of March!#ALGWAQld #CivicLeaders2025 #LGAQ ... See MoreSee Less
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