Category Archives: General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 28 April 2021

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 28 April 2021

 Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

Senator Paul Scarr joined Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud MP and Kilcoy Global Foods (KGF) Group CEO Dean Good and Australian President Jiah Falcke as they launched the company’s new $1.4m product labelling system to eliminate compliance issues and streamline processes in delivering product from “paddock to plate” anywhere in the world.  Senator Scarr said “Impressive would be an understatement with the company’s world-leading animal tracking from feedlot to carcase chillers, onto boning-room, packing and shipping to 35 export markets globally”.  KGF is at the national forefront of technology in the meat and livestock industry.

Made in Queensland grants of between $50,000 and $2.5 million are available to manufacturers operating in Queensland to become more internationally competitive and adopt innovative processes and technologies.  The first three rounds invested $46 million into our manufacturing sector.

Freedom of expression, modern media reporting and protection of individuals from reputational harm are on the agenda of the Palaszczuk Government with significant amendments being introduced to defamation law provisions today.  The Defamation (Model Provisions) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) has been introduced to Parliament and, if passed, the amendments to the Defamation Act 2005 are proposed to commence on 1 July 2021.  Stage two of the review of the Model Defamation Provisions is currently underway and will focus on the responsibilities and liability of digital platforms for defamatory conduct and the defences applying to disclosures of criminal conduct and misconduct in the workforce.

Queensland has taken the next step in ensuring its biodiscovery industry meets international standards with the Palaszczuk Government opening consultation on a code of practice and guidelines for traditional knowledge in biodiscovery.  Minister for Environment and Science Meaghan Scanlon said the consultation was part of reforming the Biodiscovery Act 2004, to better protect the knowledge of First Nations peoples’ while supporting the growth of Queensland’s biodiscovery industry.  “First Nations peoples’ are Australia’s earliest scientists, with detailed knowledge of this continent from its ancient past to the present,” Ms Scanlon said.

Drivers taking part in illegal mass hoon gatherings will be further targeted under new anti-hoon powers passed in the Queensland Parliament last week.  Minister Ryan said road policing units across Queensland will be using high-tech camera technology along with the traffic monitoring CCTV network to target mass hoon gatherings.  With the new legislation, combined with a fleet of high-tech cameras, the community can expect to see even more enforcement action taken against dangerous hoons putting others at risk.  Members of the public can report hoon activity in their area by contacting the QPS Hoon Hotline on 13HOON or making a report online.

Agenda Item #28 Councillors’ Report


14          Council Ordinary Meeting – Esk

14           Council Workshop – Esk

15           Mad Hatter Tea Party – Lowood

15           Meeting with resident – Yowie Park

15           Meeting with local NFP group

17           Over “50’s” BVRT bike ride – Moore to Esk

19           Meeting with NFP group – Event planning

20           Councillor Training – Esk

20           Lifeflight Charity Bowls Day – Toogoolawah

21          Special Council Meeting – Esk

21           Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Meeting – Kilcoy

25           Anzac Day Commemorations – Kilcoy Dawn Service and Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield

27           Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

27          Open Forum Q&A WLILG Program

It was a pleasure to be part of the events held in our region over the past two weeks.  The Mad Hatter Tea Party was well supported and a fun event, and the weather was superb.  All those in attendance enjoyed the theme of this event, and they were mighty hungry, with around 262 sausage sandwiches provided.  The Lifeflight Charity Bowls Day raised valuable funds, and all by the support of 16 teams enjoying a social afternoon of bowls, lunch, refreshments and friendship.  Another wonderful display of patriotism with Anzac Day Commemorations, held throughout the region.

After riding from Moore to Esk and completing the 45km trip, I have a feeling that I may be in the market for an E-Bike.  I found the very gradual climb from Toogoolawah to outside of Esk a slow trip.

I met with a local resident who is concerned about the decline in bird life at Lake Greensill, Yowie Park.  I requested the resident to attend the local landcare meeting, which has occurred.  The Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group will address an email to Council seeking advice and assistance with this matter.

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 April 2021

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 April 2021

 Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

 I received a request from a Kilcoy resident – “I frequent Yowie Park often as a rate payer of Kilcoy and very regularly enjoy the facilities.  While I was there, I noted that crowds of people use the area.  One time recently, I noticed a young Mother looking within the toilets for a change table facility for her and her baby.  She found none within the toilet block and chose then to lay the baby down on the grass on a blanket, and changed the baby outside on the grass near the toilets.  Is it possible to install a change table into the two disabled toilets?”

I would like to ascertain how many baby change tables we have installed in our public toilet facilities throughout our region, I therefore foreshadow a report of such nature.

Digital driver’s licences will be deployed statewide following a 94 per cent of participants satisfied with the digital shake up after a recent trial.  The seven-month pilot wrapped up in September last year and involved more than 750 residents and 120 businesses from Maryborough and Hervey Bay who were able to display their IDs and licences on a smartphone app.

The 2021 Rugby League Ipswich competition kicks off on April 17 with a stronger Reserve Grade comp, with the inclusion of the Brisbane Valley Bulls back and Brothers fielding an extra side.  Rugby League Ipswich chairman said a final decision will be made about the Goonda and West End A-Grade teams so a draw can be created.  The Brisbane Valley Bulls, an Esk-based team has 30 country footballers signed and eager to play.  The team is made up of players from Toogoolawah, Esk, Lowood and Gatton.

I express my sincere sympathy of the recent fire and destruction of the very popular Red Deer Café.  It has been reported that the owners are determined to rebuild, and Esk will once again enjoy this prevalent destination.

Agenda Item #44 Councillors’ Report


24           Council Ordinary Meeting

24           Council Workshop

24          Kilcoy District Progress Alliance Inc AGM

26           Healthy Waterways on-site meeting

26           Town Planning related meeting – Kilcoy

27           Kilcoy Rodeo & Kilcoy Konvoy

29           Somerset Human Social Recovery Group Meeting

29           Somerset Economic Recovery Group Meeting


07           Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn – Somerset Dam Historic Building Photographs

07           Mount Glen Rock Steering Committee Meeting

08           Meeting – Urban Utilities – Kilcoy Showgrounds

08           Economic Development Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting

09           Women Leading in Local Government Webinar

12           Kilcoy Hospital Auxiliary monthly meeting

  • I welcome the newly elected executive committee of the Kilcoy District Progress Alliance, and I look forward to working with the group in an effort to achieve identified community needs.
  • Congratulations to the organisers of the Kilcoy Rodeo and the Kilcoy Konvoy. The event was a complete success with over 3,000 participants and over 165 trucks taking part in the convoy leaving from Winya Road and making its way through to the Kilcoy Showgrounds.  It was a great event that returned high moral to the Kilcoy community.  Well done to everyone involved!


Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 24 March 2021

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 24 March 2021

 Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

 The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is combining with the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and RACQ to raise road safety awareness and remind community that road safety is everyone’s responsibility.  In recognition of this, a road safety event has been organized for Thursday 1st April 2021 from 10:00am to 2:00pm and which will be held in Pipeliner Park, Esk.  QPS will also have a number of motorcycle police in attendance that will engage with motorcyclists, who are over-represented in the state road toll.  Sadly, the past weekend saw nine people killed in seven separate crashes on Queensland roads.  As of Monday 22nd March, the horrible occurrence brings the state’s road toll for the year to 63, 23 more than the same time last year.  Dozens of people have also been left injured in the pate of crashes.

Congratulations to West Moreton Landcare Group and Fernvale Art Society and the wonderful completed project of the C17 train mural which stands out on the container that is located along the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail at Lowood.  It is absolutely wonderful to see the result of two active groups in our region.

Congratulations to Esk Country Golf Club Inc (Purchase & Install Shed on Concrete Slab $21,750), Kilcoy District Tennis Assn Inc (Resurface Tennis Courts $35,000) & Kilcoy Golf Club Inc (Purchase Mower $35,000) – Gambling Community Benefit Funds.

I was offered very sincere praise of Somerset Regional Council staff, Councillors, our local High Schools and Teachers by Noosa Film Academy.  Andrea and Greg Huglin have enjoyed their involvement with our region, and are looking forward to completing the project and holding the final film presentation to which I once again encourage all to attend.  The Red Carpet Toogoolawah Cinema Community Screening of “Kindness Umbrella” commences at 6:00pm on Thursday 1st April.

Agenda Item # 60  Councillors’ Report


10           Council Ordinary Meeting

Council Workshop

10           Kilcoy State High School P&C Assn AGM

11           On-site meeting – private Kilcoy residence

Meetings with two Kilcoy residents

16           Urban Utilities Regional Visit – Somerset

16           Kilcoy Motocross site visit

17           Meeting local paper

17           Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group monthly meeting

18           Kilcoy Art Society Inc. monthly meeting

19           Live panel session – WLILGProgram

20           West Moreton Landcare Group Inc & Fernvale Art Society – Unveiling C17 train MURAL – BVRT Lowood

22           Open Forum Q&A session – WLILGProgram

22           Kilcoy State School P&C Assn AGM

23           Mount Glen Rock Steering Committee Meeting – Esk

23           Kilcoy State High School – Noosa Film Academy  – “Kindness Umbrella” – RADF funded

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 10 March 2021

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 10 March 2021

 Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

Cr Gaedtke noted that the Clean Up Australia event last weekend was wonderful and it was a great effort from everyone. Savages Crossing, Jensen’s Swamp, Twin Bridges were all cleaned up by volunteers. Well done to everyone.

Cr Gaedtke noted that she has received a great response to our new Red Benches.

Absolutely brilliant news delivered to us all by the announcement of “Brisbane 2032 named “preferred host” for Games”.  The International Olympic Committee named Brisbane as the preferred host for the 2032 Olympics and Paralympic games.  The announcement came days before the SEQ Mayors mark six years since initiating the push to host the games.  As part of its new fair and open process, the international Olympic Committee elevated the Brisbane 2032 proposal to the Targeted Dialogue phase which earmarks the region as its preferred host.  It also kickstarts a more detailed evaluation of the south-east’s proposal for 2032.  What a wonderful opportunity to showcase our beautiful region as an affordable and liveable region, and one that has sound investment and business opportunities.  The SEQ Mayors are committed to securing lasting legacies for the region and will be working hard to develop a proposal that, through design, ensures our cities do not end up with white elephants.

It is great to see local community groups are once again meeting, and are confident to do so with COVID compliance.

Agenda Item #28 Councillors’ Report


25           Kilcoy Recreation Grounds Committee Quarterly Meeting

A very robust meeting, with lots of conversation around the revised master plan for the grounds.  Many thanks to new committee member Robbie Christie for his representation of the Kilcoy Rodeo (& Kilcoy Truck Convoy).


2             Kilcoy Sports Centre – Cert III Sports & Recreation Practical work – Toogoolawah State High School

Kilcoy gym members volunteered their time to assist Year 11 & 12 students to undertake their practical.

2              Kilcoy District Tennis Club AGM & monthly meeting

I was presented with a copy of the Club Development Plan Kilcoy Tennis Club 2021.

2              Meeting with private resident to discuss a local issue/initiative.

3              Somerset Dam District Progress Assn monthly meeting

3              Meeting with Kilcoy Show Society President – site location.

4             Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee monthly meeting

Lots of discussion took place, one query was the actual commencement date of this group.

7              Clean up Australia Day – Clean Up Somerset Waterways and Parklands – Fernvale

A great turn out to remove the litter from areas around Savages Crossing, Twin Bridges and Jensen’s Swamp.

8              The Condensery Toogoolawah – Volunteers Lunch and Welcome of staff

Lovely initiative to welcome newly assigned Condensery staff and to introduce senior staff to our volunteers.

Mary Street, Built Out Pedestrian Refuge – Kilcoy – The reason behind this decision.

Category : General News

Doctor Weller is seeking to relocate the pedestrian refuge as explained:
As at 18th February 2021:
Work has commenced and almost completed for a pedestrian refuge at 42 Mary Street Kilcoy.
This is immediately outside a busy medical practice and removes ALL immediately accessible parking for unwell,elderly, disabled and people with wheelchairs,walking aids etc.
The most utilised pedestrian access is to IGA  3 parking spaces away .
Dr Weller asked permission to use my reply email as my position in this matter.  I am more than happy for Dr Weller to share my position with our residents.
To assist the publication of my position, I offer the advice over social media for wider distribution.
Dear Mark
Since, your question about the placement of the built out pedestrian refuge, I have retrieved the minutes of Council’s Ordinary Meeting dated 13 November 2019, whereby the report regarding parking options in Mary Street, and which includes all scenarios and supporting data is tabled.
I was approached by a business owner on 30 October 2019 regarding the preliminary plans and the proposed location of the built out pedestrian refuge. The business owner believed that the proposed site would have resulted in eight lost car parking spaces in front of the businesses.  The business owner suggested, after alleged discussions with you, that the refuge be placed closer to your surgery.  My understanding was “you were not opposed to the idea”.
I took this request to Council at the 13 November 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting, and the Officer’s report already records that “The pedestrian refuge is considered an essential requirement of the project (Mary Street).  The final location remains under review but will be positioned to minimise the impact on parking to local business”.
I believe the request from the business owner was honoured and this is reflective of what has now occurred.
When checking the Kilcoy traffic flow and safety improvements plan (July 2020), I am unable to find a better location than what is illustrated on the plan.
I know you have said to me that the refuge should be located across from the stairs that lead to the IGA store.  However, and I am not an engineer, but I would be very concerned for our elderly, our sick or injured residents trying to get across Mary Street so close to the intersections of Royston and Mary Streets.
I trust the integrity of this CBD traffic flow and safety improvements project.  As I have already stated at the two meetings that occurred between yourself, Garth Duffy, Marty & Lisa Tanwan, Joey Walker, I am not an engineer and I am not a truck driver, but I trust these professionals’ judgement.  The feedback to me, is that, this project will result in major traffic flow and safety improvements for Kilcoy.  The speed limit has been reduced to 50kph; however, we must ensure that all road users obey this rule.   No Excuses!!!
Mark, as a side issue, can I ask if any of your patients are aware of the parking area behind the surgery?  I have parked there a couple of times, but it appears to be underutilised.  It will not suit all patients, but it will assist many.
In my role as Councillor, I will be advocating for a robust streetscaping plan, and one that seeks community consultation.  This must be done correctly and reflect community’s perception.    As the project is advancing, I am receiving less and less negative comments.  I believe residents are only just starting to see the benefits this enormous project will bring to Kilcoy.
I will be interested to revisit this conversation this time next year with you Mark.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 24 February 2021

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 24 February 2021

 Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

 There is a group of artists from Fernvale who are currently working from a container in Lowood and who would much prefer an art space more conducive to their hobby.  I am asking on their behalf if there is a space local to Fernvale that would be suitable.

Absolutely fabulous news that Queensland’s Anzac Day Dawn Services, marches and public commemorations will go ahead as normal in 2021 as announced by the Premier of Queensland.

Agenda Item # 35 Councillors’ Report


10 Council Ordinary Meeting

10 Council Workshop

10 Kilcoy State High School P & C Assn monthly meeting

11 Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Users Association – Nurinda Underpass Mural – Inspection of progress of works via bikes

11 Brisbane Valley Interagency Zoom Meeting

11 Esk Hospital Auxiliary

13 Over 50’s BVRT Bike Ride – Yarraman to Moore (49 km)

15 RADF Assessment Meeting – Esk

16 Economic Development and Tourism Committee Meeting – Esk

16 Esk Recreation Reserve Committee Meeting

17 Yowie Park Tree Planting

17 Kilcoy District Progress Inc. monthly meeting

17 Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Meeting – Kilcoy

18 Woodfordia – Creative Alliance First Nations Visual Artists Residency Industry Information afternoon

19 Special Meeting – Non-Profit Organisation

22 Toogoolawah State High School Investiture

23 Lowood QCWA Community Morning Tea

23 Kindred Spirits – catch up with the business owners

I was informed at the Kilcoy State High School P & C Assn meeting, that the school has been advised that it will receive a grant of $5.8m to build a two-story school hall.  This need has been identified years ago, and it is absolutely fantastic news that the growing school will enjoy such a wonderful achievement and a very needed hall!

Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group are keen to arrange the showing of Kiss the Ground at Toogoolawah and Kilcoy.  The documentary will open after a guest speaker will share current information about the alternative farming methods.  The group look forward to working with Council in supporting the regenerative agriculture workshops being planned in the region during April and May.

There were around 25 artist that took part in the Creative Alliance First Nations Visual Artists Residency Industry held at Woodfordia over a four-day creative development intensive program.


Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 10 February 2021

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 10 February 2021

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest
Congratulations to all Australia Day nominees and award winners, well done, and a very happy birthday to our very own centennial Mrs Butler. Also welcome to our country to the new Australians naturalised during the Australia Day Ceremony.

The longest serving female mayor in New South Wales, Lilliane Brady has passed away at the age of 90. Mayor Brady has been remembered as a legend and a wonderful leader. Ms Brady had received a Lifetime Achievement Award and an Order of Australia medal. Ms Brady was mayor of the outback mining town of Cobar for almost 23 years, and a local councillor for almost 38 years. In 2020, Ms Brady was honoured to receive the Minister for Local Government Award for her commitment to increasing participation of women in local government.
The mayor was known for not suffering fools, and once when complimented by a Minister on what she was wearing at a Local Government Conference, Ms Brady replied by saying “Ï’m here for finance, not romance.”
I am so sorry I never got to meet Mayor Brady, and what a wonderful motivational speaker she would have been for such events as the Women Leading in Local Government Program 2021. A true inspiration to the 90 Queensland female Councillors currently undertaking the program.

Friends of the Forest invite residents who are interested in their forest care project to meet on 3rd March 2021. Numbers are restricted to COVID needs. Please contact Carolita Fuentes 0435 411 376 to confirm your attendance.

Following the success of the Stonehouse Open Day held in 2019, the historical Stonehouse Open Days will be held on 24th and 25th July this year. Further information to follow.

Agenda Item # 35 Councillors’ Report
7 Teams Meeting – 2021 Planning
20 Ordinary Council Meeting
20 Workshop Meeting
20 Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Meeting
21 Somerset Youth Leadership Camp 2021– Currimundi
25 Clean up Somerset Waterways & Parklands Meeting – Fernvale
26 Australia Day Award Celebrations – Esk
26 Mrs Butler – 100 year Birthday Celebrations – Esk
26 Kilcoy Australia Day Races
27 Kilcoy District Progress Alliance Committee BBQ
2 Mt Glen Rock Steering Committee Meeting – Esk
2 Kilcoy PA&I Society Meeting
3 Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn Meeting
4 Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Meeting – Yarraman
5 Kilcoy Art Society – Courthouse Gallery / Toogoolawah Movie – The Dry
6 Yowie parkrun – 2nd Birthday Celebrations
9 Kilcoy Hospital Auxiliary Meeting

It is wonderful to see that the local Show Societies are planning for their 2021 shows, and that other local community groups are also planning their events for 2021. Let’s all hope that things continue to go well during the year and that there are no unforeseen circumstances that will prevent the successful staging of the planned events.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 20 January 2021

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 20 January 2021

 Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

I would like to acknowledge the oldest man in Australia and the fact he has just celebrated his 111th birthday.  Congratulations to Mr Dexter Kruger and I hope he had a great birthday celebration.  Mr Kruger was born in Kilcoy on January 13, 1910, he worked as a cattle farmer until he retired in his mid-90’s.  Asked what was the best invention, he said the telephone was the best invention he saw in his lifetime.  Mr Kruger described it as “magic”.

Ever since he turned 100, Mr Kruger has been asked the secret to a long and happy life.  “There’s no secret”, he said, just keep breathing, have three meals a day and the time goes on”.  “I do sing and whistle, and I have half a dozen prawns every day”, he added.

Agenda Item #41 Councillors’ Report

Whilst on holidays in North Queensland, I had a chance catch up with Cr Drew Wickerson, Councillor Rockhampton Regional Council.  Cr Wickerson completed the Local Government Elected Members Diploma at the same time as I undertook the same studies.  I was eager to learn more about the First Turkey MTB Park located at Mount Archer and the Mount Morgan MTB Trails.  It was an interesting experience to ride both trails, which are very different in many aspects.

I received complaints about non-compliant camping occurring in a Kilcoy Council park over the Christmas period.  Many thanks to the swift action of our Chief Executive Officer, who ensured that the matter was quickly rectified.  It appears that this attitude of using land for one’s own use is widely abused.  A local land owner was the unfortunate receiver of a large amount of rubbish and even human faeces at his property located north of our regional boundary.  The “bush doof” took place at Upper Kandanga between December 30 and January 2 with a report of more than 1000 people in attendance.  It was also reported that residents were furious that around 1000 people would enter a private property without permission.   The property owner is now left to clean up the area.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 17 December 2020

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 17 December 2020

 Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

 The ongoing issue of hooning within our region is once again highlighted by the residue of rubber left on the bitumen.  Police target the behaviour by increased police presence, strong enforcement through infringement notices, prosecuting offenders where possible and impounding and immobilizing vehicles.  According to local stats there are many offenders living in nearby areas, and meet on a very sporadic basis.  Community members can report via the Policelink website or the HOON Hotline 134 666 (13HOON).

A number of Kilcoy residents have approached me about their concerns with the frequency of power outages in the general area.  There are unconfirmed reasons for the outages, and these occurrences is outside of storms and bad weather, albeit, I would like to request that Council make contact with Energex to enquire about the reasons for the number of outages and future solutions to avoid the ongoing problems.


Agenda Item #27 Councillors’ Report


09           Ordinary Council Meeting

09           Workshop Meeting

10           Annual Tourism Volunteer Christmas Lunch – Linville

A lovely lunch was shared with many of our volunteers at the Linville Hotel.  I am sure that the recent community and business initiatives realized in this unique village has impressed all.

11           Friends of the Forest – Regeneration Project – Greenhide Reserve Linville

Many thanks to Friends of the Forest for organising the working bee at the special Linville location.  Four inquisitive girls shared an environmentally educational morning.  We are all looking forward to the next working bee.

17           Ordinary Council Meeting

17           Workshop Meeting

17           Council Break-Up & Christmas Function


 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 9 December 2020

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 9 December 2020

 Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

The Red Bench campaign has been given some really great support by our Councillors who have met on the Red Bench in Lowood to discuss what this initiative represents.  I would like to express my sincere appreciation of the time and advice offered by Senior Constable Toni Hay (Lowood Police) whilst we talked profundity about the available resources, programs and services here to help.  I acknowledge the support also offered by the Somerset Community Men’s Shed by their generous offer to paint a Red Bench in one of our towns.  We all seek to create pathways for a life free from violence and fear.

COVID-19 has tragically worsened domestic and family violence, with almost 1 in 10 women in a relationship experiencing domestic violence during the crisis, with two-thirds saying attacks started to became worse.  $152 million has been committed to the safety of Queensland women and girls and delivered 140 recommendations made in the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence report, Not Now, Not Ever, Putting an End to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland.

The State Government has re-introduced legislation to ban single-use plastic items in Queensland, items such as straws, stirrers, cutlery and plates.  Following community consultation, 94 percent of the 20,000 respondents supported the proposal to ban single-use plastic items.  As this has been a difficult year the ban start date will be no earlier than 1 September 2021.  Local government, retailer associations and environment groups have all called for expanded polystyrene products to be included in the plastics ban.  There are preferred alternatives available that are less harmful to the environment.


Agenda Item # 30 Councillors’ Report


25           Council Ordinary Meeting

25           Council Confidential Workshop

25           Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group AGM

26           Official opening Bertram Shallcross Bridge & Gregors Creek widening project

A lovely morning centered around the newly designed bridge with much safer approaches, and the newly upgraded section of Gregors Creek Road.  The family were pleased to carry out the honours of the official opening.  Mr Jeff Shallcross proudly shared with the those gathered, the history of the Shallcross family.  It was lovely to see the Shallcross family together for such a special milestone.

26           Kilcoy Recreation Ground Advisory Committee Meeting

27           Stanley River Environmental Education Centre end of year BBQ – Hazeldean


01-03     Fact Finding Trip – Tasmania Councils – Mountain Bike Tourism

04           Kilcoy Lions Club & Kilcoy District Progress Alliance – Meeting

04           Interview with Senior Constable Toni Hay, Lowood Police – Red Bench, Lowood

07           Somerset Regional Art Gallery – The Condensery Advisory Committee Meeting

07           Somerset Regional Art Gallery – The Condensery Advisory Committee Workshop

As a member of the Fact Finding delegation travelling to Derby and St Helens Tasmania, I found the three-day study tour very beneficial and which provided answers to all of our questions.  It also provided very relative information far beyond what we could have anticipated without direct contact and sharing lengthy discussions.  We met with the Mayor, General Manager, Council Officers directly involved with Derby and St Helens Mountain Bike Tracks.  Neighbouring Councils with completely different experience, visions and outcomes.  We also spoke to community members to understand their position with respect to the recently completed local government tourism initiatives.  And of course, the trails had to be ridden to understand the attraction and competing standards.  I feel extremely confident to be an active supporter of the proposed development of the Mt Glen Rock Recreation and Nature Park.  In addition to the above, Council developed introductory relationships with each Tasmanian Council, in the capacity of mountain bike tracks and rail trails.

Facebook News

Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

📢 Funding Alert for Men's Sheds! 🛠️Our Australian Men's Sheds play a huge role in bringing men together—whether it's working on projects, sharing skills, or just having a good yarn. 💬The next round of funding is now available to support our local Men's Sheds with financial assistance where needed. Don't miss this opportunity to help your Shed continue making a difference in the community!Find out more and apply now 👉 #CommunitySupport #Grants #RDAMovement #Ipswich #WestMoreton #FundingOpportunity Queensland Men's Shed AssociationLockyer Valley Regional Council Somerset Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Ipswich City Council ... See MoreSee Less
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📢 Funding Boost for Skilling Queenslanders for Work! 💼🎉An additional $5 million in funding is helping more job seekers gain skills, qualifications, and experience to secure employment or stay in the workforce.Through Skilling Queenslanders for Work, participants receive accredited training in priority industries like construction, primary industries, community services, and hospitality, along with tailored support to help them succeed.🔎 Find funded projects in our region here: #JobsForQueenslanders #SkillsForTheFuture #TrainingOpportunities #CareerGrow Skills for Queensland ... See MoreSee Less
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Looking for grant funding?🚀 Kickstart 2025 with Grant Opportunities! 🎉Looking for funding to bring your community, sporting club, or not-for-profit project to life this year? There are fantastic grants available to help you get started!Visit the RDA Ipswich & West Moreton website to explore funding opportunities and make 2025 a year of impact. 💡🏆🔗 Find out more: #CommunityFunding #RDAMoreton #Ipswich #SportingClubs #NotForProfits #MakeItHappen Ipswich City Council Lockyer Valley Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Somerset Regional Council ... See MoreSee Less
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