Category Archives: General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 22 March 2023

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 22 March 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

Congratulations to Jack Jeffrey who won the Pony Club events and the Junior Draft at the Toogoolawah Draft.  Jack’s sporting efforts were recognised earlier in the year when he received the Australia Day Sports Award for the Somerset region.

Agenda Item #30 Councillors’ Report


08   Ordinary Council Meeting  –  Kilcoy

08   Council Workshop  –  Kilcoy

09   Brisbane Valley Interagency Meeting – Teams

13   Kilcoy District Progress Alliance Meeting

14   Kilcoy Hospital Auxiliary Meeting

14   Kilcoy Show Society Meeting

16   Traffic & Safety Advisory Committee Meeting – Teams

16   Improving transparency & accountability in Local Government – Civica – Teams

16   Kilcoy Art Society Inc. General Meeting

I was unable to attend the Kilcoy State High School P&C Annual General Meeting last Tuesday and I wish to pass on my congratulations to the elected executive committee – President – Tony Martin; Treasurer – Tanya Marmdeen;  and Secretary – Jo Ludgate.


Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 8 March 2023

Category : General News


Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 8 March 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

Congratulations to Major-General Jake Ellwood who has been appointed the Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.  Major General Ellwood led the recovery from last year’s SEQ floods as State Recovery Coordinator.  The Queensland Reconstruction Authority is the state’s lead agency responsible for disaster recovery and resilience.  It was the first of its kind in Australia and has responded to over 100 disasters since 2011.

Congratulations also to Emma Gibbons (Granddaughter to past Chairman Kilcoy Shire Council Ken and wife Mary Nunn) for winning the Queensland AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award.  Ms Gibbons was selected from a field of four finalists who epitomized the significant impact women have on rural industries, businesses and communities.  Her Coolum Beach-based business Huds and Toke sells  dog food and treats made with Australian-farmed insect protein and vegetable surplus.  The business now boasts a thriving national and international market base.  Ms Gibbons will represent Queensland as a national finalist in September.

Agenda Item # 22 Councillors’ Report


22   Council Ordinary Meeting – Kilcoy

22   Council Workshop – Kilcoy

23   Kilcoy State High School Investiture 2023

23   Kilcoy Recreation Grounds Advisory Committee Meeting

27   RADF Advisory Committee Meeting – Esk

28   Kilcoy Interagency Meeting – Teams


02   Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Meeting – Yarraman

04   Kilcoy District Tennis Club AGM

05   Watts Bridge Airfield Breakfast

It gave me great pleasure to present badges to the Year 12 students – 2023 class. I wish every student all the very best for the subsequent educational year.

As Chair of the RADF Advisory Committee, I wish to thank committee members for the very in-depth discussions and consequential points raised at our last meeting.  The arts and cultural presence in our region is definitely progressive and valued.

The Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Committee is planning to produce a book recording the trails of telephone exchanges, hospitals and schools that were historically based along the Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail.

Cr Gaedtke – Councillor Report – Ordinary Council Meeting – 8th February 2023

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 8 February 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest
Our region was a buzz over Australia Day, and congratulations must go to the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail – Australia Day ride which attracted 450 attendees on the day, making it the largest event ever run on the rail trail; Kilcoy Race Club held the Australia Day Races and the Kilcoy Gift attracting a very large crowd and approximately 60 professional competing sprinters; congratulations to all Australia Day Award nominees, to be nominated is a complete honour, and greetings to our new Australian Citizens. Well done to our pool managers and local businesses who supported this great annual event.

Yowie parkrun celebrated its fourth anniversary on Saturday 4th February. Around 70 energetic supporters arrived to take part in the event, and around 35 of those supporters were from out of the region. The visitors enjoyed the town’s cafes and restaurants, and some of them stayed overnight.

Officers from the @Queensland Reconstruction Authority will be in Somerset from 20 February checking on homes and businesses damaged by the 2022 South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding event.
Damage assessment and reconstruction monitoring audits are an important part of the recovery process and are conducted at regular intervals following significant disasters.
If residents are not home or available when a QRA officer visits, a calling card will be left containing information about the assessment, community recovery and reconstruction.
For more details visit

Agenda Item #23 Councillors’ Report
18 Ordinary Council Meeting – Kilcoy
18 Council Workshop – Kilcoy
20 Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government & Planning – Brisbane
24 LGAQ Team Training – Somerset Dam
26 Citizenship Ceremony & Australia Day Awards – Somerset Civic Centre
26 Kilcoy Australia Day Races
30 Council Strategy Day – Kilcoy
02 Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Committee Meeting
02 Meeting with Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce
02 Meeting – Kilcoy Multicultural event
06 Lowood State High School – Leadership Induction Ceremony
06 Friends of Stonehouse – Subgroup meeting
06 The Condensery Advisory Committee Meeting – Toogoolawah

The Lowood State High School delivers high quality educational opportunities and outcomes that enable all students to experience success, and this was very evident at the Leadership Induction Ceremony, when Almira Shailer was awarded the Highest ATAR Achievement Award and Dux of 2022. Almira is a humble and intelligent young lady who is looking forward to attending the University of Queensland in a few days to begin her studies in primary teaching.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 18 January 2023

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 18 January 2023

 Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

 With a very heavy heart I wish to express my sincere condolences to the Boughen family with the recent passing of Elizabeth Boughen, two days prior to her 23rd birthday.  John and I had the pleasure of judging the Rural Ambassador – West Moreton and Brisbane Valley Sub Chamber on 25th September 2021, and we were delighted to award Elizabeth with this title.  Lizzie has been a familiar face in the cattle sections where she has been involved in shows across Southern Queensland as a steward since she was nine.  In more recent years Lizzie became a judge at several shows.  Lizzie showed a great sense and understanding of rural life and she was extremely proud of her Droughtmasters, and associated breeding responsibilities.   For Lizzie, many lessons in life could be learnt in the paddock including the fact that in life where there is a will, there is a way.  Rest In Peace Elizabeth Boughen.

 On a brighter note, I would like to encourage everyone’s attendance at the Kilcoy Race Club – Australia Day Races on Thursday 26 January.  This year will offer a fantastic new Kilcoy Gift professional sprint race for female sprinters, along with the men’s Kilcoy Gift. The Kilcoy Race Club has advised that the sprint will be a first for Kilcoy and maybe Queensland.  So please come along to watch the young competitors and make the Kilcoy Gift the  “Stawell Gift of Queensland”, in addition to the normal program of five gallops, three mini trots and fashions of the field.

 Agenda Item #31 Councillors’ Report


16     Meals on Wheels – Volunteering at Kilcoy

21     Kilcoy Recreation Meeting – Teams


12     Somerset Youth Leaders Camp 2023 – Currimundi

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Councillor Report – Ordinary Council Meeting 15 December 2022

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 15 December 2022

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

The ABC Drive radio show visited Kilcoy and interviewed various residents.  Markian and Ulana Drevniak who escaped Ukraine along with their children were interviewed.  Other local identities interviewed included Denise Modistach, Sarah Eaton, John McAulay, Donald Walker and Gerald Youles.  Care to listen to the interviews –

Congratulations and many thanks to the Somerset Assist Team, comprising of Lyn Buchanan (President); Julie Hayes (Vice-President & Care Co-Ordinator); Brenda Moloney (Secretary); Ruth O’Dowd (Treasurer).  This very vibrant team is a new community not-for-profit which will offer older Esk and Toogoolawah residents the option for in-home care.  The team have partnered with Trilogy Care, a nationally registered home-care package provider, and Mable a platform connecting people who need support to local people who provide support.  The team also welcome interested workers to make contact to understand how they can provide personal care support.  This is not a volunteering situation.  For further information, call Julie Hayes on 0484 822 485 or email

I came across a very handy Facebook page called The 2 Hour Circle & Beyond.  This page provides interesting information about local tourists’ spots.  The page features interviews and information about visited  Somerset located businesses.  Some of the reviews include feedback such as finding places that you have never heard of; learning the history behind these towns is really interesting; and also supporting local businesses.

Agenda Item #40 Councillors’ Report


23     Ordinary Council Meeting – Kilcoy

23     Council Workshop – Kilcoy

24    Traffic & Safety Advisory Committee – Kilcoy

24     Volunteers High Tea – Kilcoy State School

28     Kilcoy Gymnastic Presentations

29     Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

29     Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting – Kilcoy

30     Kilcoy’s Got Talent – Kilcoy State School – Final Show


01      Kilcoy Recreation Grounds Advisory Committee Meeting

  • 02     Turning on the Christmas Lights – Community Christmas Tree, Yowie Park
  • 03      Kilcoy QWCA Centenary Celebrations Morning Tea

03      Lester Kropp Bridge – Villeneuve – Photo Invitation extended by Shayne Neumann (MP)

03     Kilcoy Christmas Carnival

05     Cyber Security Training – Zoom

05     Christmas Famil/Volunteer thank you Dinner – Glamorgan Vale

06     Kilcoy State School Year 3-6 Annual Awards Ceremony

07     Mt Kilcoy State School Awards Ceremony

08     Kilcoy Golf Club AGM

12     ALGWA Management Committee Meeting – Teams

15     Ordinary Council Meeting – Kilcoy

15     Council Workshop – Kilcoy

15     Council Christmas Party – Kilcoy Showground

A huge shout out to the many months of hard work and pure dedication of the Kilcoy Christmas Carnival committee, who once again provided the highest quality of Christmas entertainment to Kilcoy and District residents. The new carnival site is definitely a winner providing much more room, a flatter and safer area.  The children provided the sweetest Christmas Carols, music and dancing, and we also enjoyed the music provided by the Morayfield State High School Band and a beautiful rendition provided by FIP Fijians singers.  Many thanks to the Mayor for officially opening the carnival.

Congratulations to the Kilcoy QCWA in celebrating its centenary, with the provision of many interesting stalls, Devonshire tea and scones, memorabilia showcase, raffles, music and a very warm welcome to the proceedings.  The President Caryl Cook explained the branch had no plans in slowing down and currently has eighteen members, however will be looking for more members to join in the new year.

I was honoured to proudly present the “George Adsett” Sporting Cup to the winning sports house for 2022 at the Mt Kilcoy State School Awards Ceremony.  The cup is in memory of my Great Grandfather who was the Chair and member of the Mt Kilcoy State School Steering Committee who shared the vision of securing a school for the Mt Kilcoy area.  An area of land was excised from Blunt’s farm to provide the perfect place for the school renowned as the school with an awesome view.  Today the school has around 120 students and provides a very high standard of education to the Mt Kilcoy and surrounding area.





 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 23 November 2022 – Councillor Report

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 23 November 2022

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

According to data from booking site Stayz, demand for rustic getaways has increased by up to 90% in the past year, with demand for locations close to mountains, lakes and rivers increasing by 50%.  Queensland is ticking all the boxes.  Expedia Australia general manager Daniel Finch agrees that Aussies love the beach, but they are also craving private holiday homes with lots of space – think converted regional barns and rural farmhouses.  Our region, Somerset, definitely has all of the abovementioned attractions.

Many thanks to Somerset & Wivenhoe Fish Stocking Association volunteers who released 67,000 bass fingerlings into Somerset Dam, resulting in a boost to the Somerset Dam ecosystem.

The Lowood APRA Rodeo postponed from October is now happening on Saturday 26 November at 5:00pm at the Lowood showgrounds.

Saturday 19 November was International Men’s Day (IMD), which presented an opportunity to celebrate men and boys and ask what it means to be a positive male role model in modern society.  It’s about showing respect, being kind and empathetic, acting as genuine role models for young boys to aspire to and acknowledge male diversity.  It was also a time to openly discuss positive masculinity and challenge rigid cultural standards, male stereotypes and gender roles.

Agenda Item #28 Councillors’ Report


09     Ordinary Council Meeting – Kilcoy

09     Council Workshop – Kilcoy

10    Brisbane Valley Interagency Meeting – Teams

11     Remembrance Day – Kilcoy RSL Sub-Branch

11     Meeting with Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce President

14     Calendar Shoot – Toogoolawah

14      RADF Advisory Committee Meeting – Esk

14     Kilcoy State School P & C Meeting

14     Kilcoy District Progress Assn Meeting

15     Kilcoy State School Instrumental Band and Choir Performance Parade/Chalk Murals

15     Disaster Management Prep Workshop for Businesses – Kilcoy

16     Mt Kilcoy State School P&C Meeting

17     Somerset Regional Council Human Social Recovery Group – Teams

17     Focus on Farmers Dinner – Esk

18     Kilcoy State High School Senior Graduation Ceremony

18     Stanley Rivers Environmental Centre End of Year BBQ

22     Kilcoy State High School P & C Assn Monthly Meeting

It is pleasing to learn how progressive and strong our local P & C Associations have become.  The hard working groups of parents and citizens have raised funds required to purchase very needed school related items, and also have enjoyed the fund raising effort.  I was also very impressed with the Year 4 school students who took part in the Kilcoy RSL Chalk Murals for Remembrance Day.  The students were asked to “Draw to Remember” and each student drew what signified Remembrance Day on a personal level.

Mary O’Brien from Are You Bogged Mate was brilliant and openly encouraged conversation about issues facing rural men and outlined the available support and lifelines.  Mary gave a sensible, down to earth story that summed it all up – don’t burn the bogged vehicle, it can be unbogged.  Give it time, ask for a hand to carry that bucket.  A lovely dinner and country music was provided at the Somerset Civic Centre and Marcus Mission and its volunteer peer mentors gave an overview of their service that will be available soon in the Somerset community.  After speaking at length to the service providers represented at the event, I am confident that our primary producers have the best available resources at their fingertips.

Without a doubt, I attended the most emotional Senior Graduation Ceremony last Friday morning at the Kilcoy High School. The Class of 2022 has experienced many milestones over their entire school years, and the level of comradery, i.e., their spirit of friendship, the feeling of trust and community between this group of students, teachers, parents and care-givers, who have known each other for a long time and gone through the same experiences together became very obvious.  This group is so comfortable around each other, and they truly support each other, and as a past student and Councillor, I was completely honoured to be asked to offer the opening inspirational speech.  Good luck and all the very best  to each and every student.

I wish to offer my sincere apologies for allowing my passion and my heart on one occasion to overrule my head, and inadvertently in doing so, resulted in my complete misjudgment when livestreaming on my Councillor Facebook Page a (<30 second) video of gym members completing a movement to music routine and then seeking feedback of the gym manager at the invitation only Toogoolawah Gym opening.  This oversight was found to be an offence under Section 150K (1) (b) of the Local Government Act 2009 and is considered that I engaged in Inappropriate Conduct in contravening a policy, procedure or resolution of the local government.  This matter has now been finalised and I affirm will not occur again.





Councillor Report – Ordinary Council Meeting 9 November 2022

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 9 November 2022

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

State Government will soon gauge the community’s views on growing the containers for change program by expanding the program to include glass wine and spirit bottles to ramp up recycling, put money back into the pockets of Queenslanders and charities, and protect the state’s environment and great lifestyle.  Consultation is expected to be launched in December and run through to February 2023.

Mark Saunders, Area Director QFES publicly acknowledged the students of Kilcoy State High School when he presented Certificate II in Public Safety program at the Awards Morning held on 21st October 2022.  Mr Saunders thanked the brigades, mentors and instructors involved in this program as without them, the program would not be possible.

Federal and State Governments have discussed the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games infrastructure budget allocations and associated responsibilities, it is reassuring to learn that the State Government has proposed a draft master plan for significant upgrade of South Bank to modernize the precinct ahead of the 2032 Olympics.   The draft master plan was produced after extensive community consultation which highlighted how residents and visitors want to evolve the parklands more than 30 years on after its creation after World Expo ’88.

Agenda Item #40 Councillors’ Report


29     Let’s Talk about Art – Afternoon Conversation within walking distance by Hayley & Brave Girl by Karike

31     Evacuation Centre Training – Esk


01     Citizenship Ceremony – Esk

02     Joint Urban Utilities Board/Councillor annual regional tour – Somerset & Lockyer Valley Regional Councils

07     The Condensery Advisory Committee Meeting – Toogoolawah

08     Valley of the Lakes Garden Club Annual General Meeting – Esk

08     Kilcoy Rodeo Committee Annual General Meeting – Kilcoy

The Condensery was the venue for an in-depth discussion around Art with Dr Alexandra Lawson, Dr Louise R Mayhew, Dr Karike Ashworth as guest speakers, which concluded with an energetic performance by Brave Girl Karike.  With the sun setting in the background, the abundance of fresh picnic style refreshments, the ambience was complementary to the overall experience.

Planning for a sustainable water future and preparing for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games was discussed at length at the joint tour of SRC and LVRC.  The discussion outlined the current status of the situation and also again, highlights the critical position the regions are facing.

President Kerri Melville shared with the 79 guests/members at the Valley of the Lakes Garden Club Annual General Meeting that around 7,000 people attended the 2022 Esk Lifestyle and Garden Show, that this was the 12th annual general meeting for the club, and there are 125 club members, amongst other interesting facts.  It was an honour to chair the election of committee members of one of the most successful clubs in our region.  Congratulations to all involved.

Councillor Report – Ordinary Council Meeting 26 October 2022

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 26 October 2022

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

Following on from discussions, presentations and forward vision shared at the 2022 LGAQ Annual Conference, the Queensland Housing Summit was held the following day (Thursday 20 October) in Brisbane. Local Government was represented at the summit.  During the summit many points were raised by those who attended.  The Palaszczuk government will urgently audit land across Queensland to identify pockets prime for urban development and fast track a review of proposed satellite cities to ease the state’s housing crisis.  Queensland Council of Social Service chief executive Aimee McVeigh said it will be really important to see what’s in the federal budget.  Community housing projects will become eligible for fast-tracked development approval processes in a bid to help ease the state’s housing crisis.  It was declared that the planning rules will change to allow social or affordable housing projects by community housing providers, that meet the criteria, to also be eligible for an Infrastructure Designation, effective immediately.  Another comment was that planning red tape will be slashed to speed up delivery of emergency housing in the wake of natural disaster.  The Palaszczuk government will announce planning approvals will no longer be needed for temporary emergency housing following major weather events.  Many other strategies were raised also.

Agenda Item #30  Councillors’ Report


12     Ordinary Council Meeting – Kilcoy

12     Council Workshop – Kilcoy

12     Mental Health Week – Somerset Health & Wellbeing Expo – Kilcoy Yowie Park

13     Kilcoy Craft Group – Kilcoy Explore Centre

13     Australia Local Government Women’s Association – Qld Branch – Committee Meeting

15     Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Greening event – Harlin – Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Assoc Inc.

16-19     Local Government Association of Queensland – Annual Conference – Cairns

17     Leading Ladies Networking Evening – Cairns

20     Queensland Housing Summit – Livestream from Brisbane (Morning Session)

21     Kilcoy State High School Annual Awards

21     Regional Seniors Event – Somerset Civic Centre – Esk

22     Free Tree Day – Kilcoy

24     Kilcoy Progress Alliance Inc meeting

25     Mass Kara – Celebrations for Seniors Month – Kilcoy

25     Current Issues in Agriculture – Kilcoy Golf Club

25     Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre Redevelopment Master Plan Steering Committee Meeting – Post Survey

Crs Brieschke, Isidro and I attended the Australian Local Government Women’s Association (ALGWA) Media Relations and Speech Writing Workshop and the ALGWA – Qld Branch Annual General Meeting on 1st September 2022, which was held at Royal on the Park in Brisbane.  Cr Daphne McDonald (City of Gold Coast – Division 13) who has represented the southern Gold Coast for more than 30 years retired from her ALGWA – QB position of Zone 4 Representative, and I was delighted to be in a position to take over the role from Cr McDonald.  I look forward to the next two year as the ALGWA – QB Zone 4 Representative.

As a new ALGWA committee member, Vital Leaders extended an invitation to take part in a four woman panel during the 2022 LGAQ Annual Conference with the theme Leading Change/Doing it Differently The tagline is : what got us there yesterday, won’t get us there tomorrow.  The Leading Ladies Networking Evening, in addition to the LGAQ Annual Conference Program, provided a great opportunity to discuss individual Councillors/CEO’s perceptions, experiences and future visions.  Each panelist was asked to respond to three set questions. The panel consisted of a Mayor, a Councillor and two Chief Executive Officers (all females).  Vital Leaders provided a very vibrant and self-awareness based Women Leading in Local Government Program from February – September 2021.

It gives me great pleasure to offer my sincere congratulations to all involved with the successful events held over the last two weeks, Somerset Health & Wellbeing Expo; Brisbane Valley Rail Greening event; KSHS Awards Presentations; Regional Seniors Event; Free Tree Day Kilcoy; Mass Kara Festival; and Current Issues in Agriculture.

I was invited to attend a weekly meeting of the Kilcoy Craft Group, and personally saw the gratitude this group has with the recently adopted Council policy around the free of charge use of council buildings by non-profit organisations.  The ladies explained that the room is bigger than the old venue, it has more available power points, it is climate controlled, it has great lighting, and lastly it has a beautiful rural outlook.  These types of rewarding community based changes warm my heart.


Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 12 October 2022 – Councillor Report

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 12 October 2022

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

Anglicare SQ Kilcoy Community Services is holding a Free multicultural event on the 25th of October 2022 in celebration of Seniors month.  The event is a traditional Pilipino Festival called Mass Kara.  Mass Kara festival is celebrated to bring back the smiles on people’s faces.  Celebrated in the Philippines the Mass Kara Festival was created to lift the spirits of the people and is a declaration that they will survive challenges that are faced and that smiles will return.  Celebrations include a Parade of smiling masks, dancing and music, culturally diverse range of food stalls and video presentations. The event is happening on the grassed area outside of Kilcoy Explore Centre, Kilcoy Yowie Park from 10.00am to 2.00pm. Parade at 10.00am – See you all there!

The Lowood ‘APRA’ Rodeo is being held on Saturday 22 October, 2022 at 10:00am at the Lowood Showgrounds.  The event is also known as the Cuttin Loose Utes ‘n’ Chutes Rodeo.

Congratulations to Sue Minto and Dan Owbridge from One Tree Canoe Adventures Fernvale, finalist for the Ipswich Chamber of Commerce and Industry – CPC Production Services Tourism Business/Event of the Year Award.

Kilcoy Tennis Club is holding its Club’s Junior and Senior Championships on Sunday 13th November 2022.  A nomination sheet will be on the club house notice board.

Aussie drivers will soon start seeing an “R plate” on some cars which are designed to help anxious drivers return to the road with ease after a traumatic experience or an extended absence.  The R plates — or Return plates — are a third-party initiative and are not an official item sanctioned by state road authorities like Learners or Provisional driver plates.  It’s similar to a baby-on-board sign, according to reports, and aims to encourage other road users to have more empathy for nervous drivers.

Agenda Item #27  Councillors’ Report


28     Ordinary Council Meeting

28    Council Workshop

29     Teddy Bears Picnic – Somerset Civic Centre

29     The Condensery – Special Advisory Committee Meeting – Teams


05     Somerset Tourism Strategy 2022 Annual Review – Esk

06     Esk Hospital Auxiliary AGM – Esk

11     Kilcoy Hospital Auxiliary monthly meeting

11     Kilcoy State High School monthly meeting

Congratulations to the Esk Hospital Auxiliary on a very successful AGM.  All executive positions have been filled.  It is a relief, that both hospital auxiliaries  (Kilcoy & Esk Hospitals) are now looking forward to the next twelve months of operation.





 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 28 September 2022

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 28 September 2022

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

The Lowood Truck Show organisers presented $16,097.44 as a donation to their chosen charity to help families and research for Brain Cancer.  The organisers have  advised that next year’s donation will be made to the charity Motor Neurone Disease. The group wish to thank all sponsors and everyone who came along on the day to help raise a fantastic amount of money.

Congratulations to Jayne McKenzie (Somerset Health & Fitness) for receiving the Queensland State winner of the AUSactive National Awards 2022 Program – Social Value and Community Impact category.

Best of luck to the Kilcoy Golf Club who has become a finalist of the 2022 Queensland Golf Industry Awards (Under 400 members) category.

Agenda Item #27  Councillors’ Report


21           Ordinary Council Meeting

21           Council Workshop

23           Toogoolawah Pool Splashpad Opening

23          Zone 26 Pony Club Queensland Championships

26           Condensery Meeting – Toogoolawah

26           Kilcoy Lions/Kilcoy Bowls Clubs meeting

27           Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

Facebook News

Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

💰 Get Your Community Moving with $30,000! 💰Physical activity isn’t just great for your health—it strengthens communities too! 💪❤️The Heart Foundation's Active Australia Innovation Challenge is offering grants of up to $30,000 for schools, universities, and community groups to launch innovative programs that get more people moving. 🚶‍♀️🏃‍♂️Got a great idea? Apply now and make a difference!🔗 Learn more: RDA Ipswich & West Moreton Grants page #HeartHealth #CommunityGrants #GetMoving Heart Foundation ... See MoreSee Less
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Are you concerned for our town and our beautiful countryside? Take some time and go to Council's e-planning page to gather facts about this development application. It's up to you, I know how I feel. If you require more answers, please contact Somerset Regional Council to discuss and hopefully gain more understanding about this DA. (DA 24212)Current timelines with Council: In this instance, Council has agreed to extend the period by an additional 20 business days, with the decision period now ending on 3 March 2025. Should you have any further queries in relation to the above, please contact Council’s Senior Planner, Madeline Jelf on (07) 5424 4000 or Pty Ltd C/- SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd 10 Kings Road NEW LAMBTON NSW 2305 Email: Attention: Theo Klok Dear Sir / Madam, Further Advice Given under section 35 of the Development Assessment Rules Property location: Real property description: Development description: Esk Kilcoy Road, Hazeldean Lot 13 SP294647, Lot 8 SP155141, Lot 5 RP90047 Development Permit for Material change of use - Substation and Major electricity infrastructure (Battery storage facility); and Development Permit for Reconfiguring a lot - Subdivision by lease and access easement I refer to the above-described application. Council is continuing its assessment of the application and advises that additional information is required to demonstrate compliance with the relevant assessment benchmarks: Planning matters :Inconsistencies 1. There are a number of inconsistencies within the development application’s expert reports, including:  The application references 512 battery enclosures however the Terrestrial Ecology Report dated April 2023, references 768 battery enclosures however still references a maximum battery storage capacity of 800MW/1.6GWh.  The application is located over Lot 13 SP294647, with access via Lot 8 SP155141 and Lot 5 RP90047. The Terrestrial Ecology Report references Lots 11 and 13 on SP294647 and Lot 2 RP25294, which are properties that are not part of this application.  The report references an area on the south side of the high voltage line. The Terrestrial Ecology Report includes a smaller Project Footprint on the north side of the high voltage line, which also appears to extend onto Lot 2 RP25294. A number of submissions make reference to future expansions of the facility, i.e. inclusion of a solar farm. Lot 2 and Lot 11 are far more visually prominent than Lot 13. The extent of the inconsistencies in the Terrestrial Ecology Report raises questions regarding the accuracy of the applicant’s assertions. (a) Provide an updated and accurate suite of expert reports, including scale of development. Fire 2. The response to Council’s information request included the following responseFire Decommissioning and Rehabilitation ContaminationVisual amenity Stormwater Environmental health issues Acoustics Seqwater matters Period to respond Under the Development Assessment Rules, there is no timeframe associated with responding to this further advice, with the assessment continuing within the current period. DA24212 Further Advice You may wish to consider stopping the current period in accordance with section 32 of the Development Assessment Rules if you require additional time to consider this notice and to undertake any actions you may wish to take in response to this notice. If you are unable to stop the current period, Council may be agreeable to extending the current period. ... See MoreSee Less
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Day 2 wrap up in Canberra: Advocating for Regional Growth 🚀RDA Deputy Chair Councillor Nicole Jonic - Ipswich City Council and CEO Rees Banks kicked off the day with a productive meeting with Hon Scott Buchholz MP, discussing key regional priorities, including:✅ Funding for Beaudesert PCYC to support local youth and community programs✅ Energy projects in the Scenic Rim, driving sustainability and regional resilience✅ Innovative housing solutions to meet the growing demand for diverse and affordable living options✅ Indigenous business opportunities, fostering economic growth and empowermentThese discussions are critical to shaping a stronger future for our region. Now, we’re back in Ipswich to continue the conversations locally and drive action on these priorities.#RegionalDevelopment #ScenicRim #Beaudesert #StrongerRegions #Collaboration Somerset Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Ipswich City Council ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Regional Development Australia Ipswich & West Moreton Inc's post ... See MoreSee Less
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