Category Archives: General News

A Jubilee Ride by Deborah Gower

Category : General News

“When my Uncle passed away a few years ago, I found an old rusted bike hanging from a rafter out in the shed.  Intrigued by the word “jubilee” that I could just make out above the peeling red paint, and with a vague memory about the bike being “special” I went in search of old newspaper articles.
Trove revealed the long forgotten story of Commonwealth Jubilee bicycle courier Les Cecil who in 1951 (at the age of 50) cycled from Cairns to Canberra – 2250 miles through deeply corrugated roads, strong head-winds and flooded creeks – collecting some 100,000 messages of loyalty to the Crown along the way.”
When my Uncle passed away he left me a shed full of treasures to unearth.  One of those treasures was hanging – tied securely to a rafter in the form of an old bike rusting away along with its story of jubilee from 1951.
Being inquisitive, I did some research on this bike. I had a vague memory of my Uncle telling me about stopping to help a pale man slumped in a gutter at the Ekka (Brisbane Exhibition) in the 1980’s.  While people trailed past with fairy floss in their teeth and sample bags on their arms, only my Uncle stopped to ask the man if he was ok.   He wasn’t.  As they waited for the ambulance Uncle Ernie and the man (Mr Cecil) discovered they only lived a few streets away and so began a strong (if short) friendship between the two men.
Before he died, Les Cecil gave Uncle Ernie a gift as a reward for helping him when everyone else walked on by.  Modestly all he said was that he had ridden the bicycle as part of the Jubilee celebrations in 1951. After researching National Archives, Trove and some old newspaper clippings I discovered this was no ordinary bike, it was no ordinary ride and Les Cecil was indeed no ordinary man.

Sydney Herald 31st December 1950 carried the story that in 1951-£350,000 would be spent by the Australian Government “to commemorate the founding of the Australian Common- wealth fifty years ago tomorrow. It will be a year of great public rejoicing-with bands, flags, guns, bonfires, fireworks, and military parades . . . historic plays and pageants . . . religious and cultural festivals . . . athletic games“ and a bike ride.

The Jubilee Bike Ride involved four main riders who cycled from Darwin, Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne to deliver some 300,000 messages of loyalty to the Prime Minister Robert Menzies in Canberra on 8 May 1951.  Sergeant Vic Waltham, Western Australian Police set off from Darwin with a rifle strapped to his back to ward of wild buffalos.  Jack Montgomery, of Sale, Victoria, set out from Alice Springs, Eddie Baron, rode across the Nullabor Plain from Perth and Les Cecil set off from Cairns.  Along the way they connected with some 10,000 courier riders and 200,000 cyclists who escorted them into “every available city, town and hamlet” “hundreds of remote stations, tribes and centres” that they passed along the way.
All have their own tale to tell but I stood in the shed looking at the rusty old bike in my shed.  Imagine – that bike had made that journey from Cairns to Canberra in 1951.
According to the old press reports, Les left Cairns on 9 April 1951.  He was 50 years old, just over 5ft tall, weighed 9 stone and was about to ride some 2250 miles across some of the roughest roads in Queensland and New South Wales.
The bike had been made by members of the Queensland Wholesale Cycle and Manufacturers Association to specifications given by Cecil.  He trained on a diet of green vegetables and grilled steak. A brewery worker by day and Specialist Cyclist by choice, Cecil knew what he was doing.  He had ridden with and against the great Sir Hubert Opperman (Oppy) OBE  M.B.E., O.B.E., K.C.S.j., Champion racing cyclist, R.A.A.F. Officer, Politician and Diplomat.
On his trip from Cairns to Canberra, Cecil collected some 100, 000 messages of goodwill and loyalty to the Crown. Two army trucks accompanied him with two trained signal sergeants from the 51st Battalion. The trucks carried spare parts for the bicycle, the bulky messages of loyalty from towns and cities on the route, and a two-way wireless transceiver.
April 11 Cecil reached Cardwell where he “lay in a tub of methylated spirit tonight easing his aches after a 65-mile bone-shaking ride from Innisfail. Cecil rode over 40 miles of deep corrugated road against strong headwinds. He left Innisfail at 9 am and arrived at Cardwell at 4.30p.m, 15 minutes ahead of schedule. ‘It was the first methylated spirits bath I have  taken—but it was certainly one of the best baths I have ever had,’ he said … Cecil will have to sleep in his riding gear to-night— the army truck carrying his clothes and money broke down at Ingham…. ‘I don’t mind sleeping in my riding gear for one night, but I only hope the car catches up with me to-morrow.’
Cecil rode in trunks and a red and white silk jumper refusing all offers of lifts on the road. In North Queensland he insisted on personally carrying his bike across creeks.  The two 3-ton army trucks serving as tenders for Cecil’s Jubilee mail were disabled on the bush track part of the Bruce Highway. The roads were so rough that the special radio telephone truck intended for Jubilee communications could not be used. “Road corrugations between Tully and Cardwell were 10 inches deep,” Cecil said today. “The corrugal HOBS were so deep that my  pedals touched the ground.  They shook me till I felt sore all over.”
North Queensland proved quite a challenge to Cecil. He ran into dust a foot deep between Cairns and Townsville.  He had to dismount and wait while a huge rock python crossed the highway in front of him.  Between Bundaberg and Childers a 5 ft. black snake tangled itself in his pedals and he had to kick it free.  I have often heard people say they breed them tough north of the border – and when I read the old newspaper reports about Les Cecil I see why.
On April 13 Cecil reached Ayr “after a rough ride from Townsville. At one stage, between Woodstock and Giru, he was paced by a Hereford Bull which finally veered across the front wheel, and almost caused an accident.”
April 17 Cecil, was escorted into Mackay by the largest number of cyclists to greet him so far on his trip from Cairns to Canberra. The procession, which was led by a ‘penny farthing’ bicycle, comprised more than 1,000 boys and girl cyclists. What a sight it must have been in some of the towns along the route.
April 21 at Yamba, Cecil was met by members of various Rockhampton cycling clubs. From Moore’s Creek he was escorted by nearly 2000 school children displaying courier’s badges on their cycles, scouts and guides and sports club members. The riders were six abreast and stretched for two miles. Together they rode to a civic welcome from the Mayor (Mr H Jeffries) at the Town Hall.
April 25 Cecil was farewelled from Bundaberg by his wife who had driven 258 miles to see her husband. Later she drove behind Cecil, and they lunched together at Childers. Cecil then continued on his journey alone.
April 26 preceded by fire engines with shrieking sirens and accompanied by hundreds of cyclists, Cecil arrived in Maryborough. Cecil, who has now completed exactly half of the journey, declared he was feeling as fit now as when he began his long ride.
April 27 Cecil was in Gympie being greeted by his two brothers and “a married sister” – their first reunion in twenty years.
April 30 Cecil reached Brisbane escorted by 110 Brisbane cyclists in racing rig, rode into the Brisbane Exhibition grounds where The Premier (Mr Hanlon) gave Cecil three messages for the Prime Minister. The Jubilee declarations of loyalty to the King from Mr Hanlon, the Anglican Archbishop (Dr Halse) and the Roman Catholic Archbishop (I Duhig) were added to the already collected messages many of which were given to Cecil by settlers living in lonely parts of the North, some of them in bark huts.
From Brisbane to Tenterfield, Gyra, Tamworth, Scone, Newcastle, Sydney, Goulburn and then he cycled onto Canberra.
May 8 1951 after some 30 days and some 2250 miles, delayed by bad weather and bad roads on the last lap, Cecil hit the worst section between Mittagong and Canberra.  He battled cold 40-mile-an-hour cross-winds and despite sprinting over the last 14 miles of his trip in 41 minutes with a police escort, newspapers reported that Cecil rode into Canberra 30 minutes too late to accompany the other three jubilee cyclists from other States to present loyalty messages to the Prime Minister (Mr. Menzies).
Former world champion cyclist Mr. Opperman, M.H.R., led the other three Jubilee cyclists to a reception at three o’clock. “Mr Menzies paid tribute to the cyclists and Message sticks, carved in an aboriginal motif, and carried hundreds of miles in four message carriers, excited much interest at the ceremony”
Although he was late for the official ceremony, Cecil had achieved a monumental task – to collect messages of loyalty from all manner of persons, riding a bicycle from Cairns to Canberra and faithfully delivering those messages to a Nation’s Capital.
Epilogue from Courier Mail BRISBANE, May 9.-“The day after finishing his 2400-miIes bicycle ride from Cairns to Canberra, the jubilee courier cyclist. Les Cecil, came home to Brisbane by plane and began mowing his lawn. He plans to take a week’s rest after his strenuous ride.”

Personal Thank You from Cheryl Gaedtke – Councillor – Somerset Regional Council

Category : General News

How do you individually thank each and every person who voted for you?

I never expected to receive the number of votes that I did, so from the bottom of my heart I want to thank everyone who marked the ballot paper across from my name.

Sincere thanks to my “How to Vote Card” Supporters – Jo Jeppesen, Pamela Ham, Debbie and Linsie Dawes, Kevie Miller, Margaret Van Breemen, Naomi, Anne Barradeen, Margaret Leggett, Ron Beruschi, Don Barram, Elaine and Noel Kammholz, Suzy Robinson, Naomi Martin and John Gaedtke. Election Day was as the weather forecast – hot, and standing for most of the day made the hours go very slowly, so I understand and appreciate the invaluable assistance given freely by all of the people nominated above.  I also wish to thank both local newspapers for your professionalism –  a big thank you to Melissa (Kilcoy Sentinel Community News) and Scott (The Somerset).

My election campaign platform included values such as open and two way communication always, and I will ask you as residents of our region to ensure that I can always advocate for your needs. You can do this by contacting me and at times, you may wish to email me and include photographs to assist the communication process.  I welcome your contact.

DSC_0035My contact details are: email:; phone: 0428 408 227; website:



Council Team – 2016 to 2020








Swearing In Ceremony –  Post Election Meeting

Wednesday 13 April 2016





Councillor Candidate Interview on Valley FM 95.9

Category : General News

Valley FMCheck out my community radio Councillor Candidate interview conducted by Reg at 95.9 on Monday afternoon.

There are four separate recordings below that cover the interview process.
(click play button to start audio)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

My Suggestions and My How to Vote Card – Your Choice

Category : General News

This is my suggestion only, please choose the Candidates who you believe would make a great team to lead our region for the next four years:

jpeg Cheryl How to Vote


I am looking for equal representation of gender with merit, equal representation of location within the region and Candidates that will work tirelessly, productively and positively as a TEAM for the next four years.

Please give serious consideration to the current status quo and if you want a fresh change, I urge you to make the hard decision now.  We need Councillors with a dynamic and innovative approach to shape our region and to reach an achievable goal  “Lead in the field of Local Government by example.”  I know we can be that Council!

Sean, Otis and Bob represent the southern part of our region and they all have sound knowledge and experience in the government arena.  The boy’s club mentality will be removed by giving these Candidates your vote.

Helen, Carmel and I represent the northern part of our region and whilst Carmel will be new to Local Government, she is by no means new to our region and what is needed to push our great region forward.  Helen is a sitting Councillor and has been with Somerset Council for four years.  Helen was the highest polling Candidate in the 2012 Local Government Elections.  I put myself up with over 30 years knowledge and experience of Local Government.  I know that we can work as a team and develop immeasurable outcomes.

Finally, I look for Candidates with experience and knowledge, along with passion and commitment, and who will be a team player and kick off from day one to work hard to govern our beautiful region.  We need sound decision makers!

“Let us elect a team that will take our Council, businesses and communities forward with fresh and new ideas.”

You may wish to change some of my suggested Candidates; I will leave that decision to you.

Meet the Candidates Nights held at Lowood & Fernvale

Category : General News

Delivering my three minute speech at Lowood – Tuesday 1 MarchIMG_8557







The eighteen Candidates at the Fernvale Meet the Candidates Night – Wednesday 2 March 20160302_182641

My three minute speech – Tenth Councillor Candidate of the Ballot Paper

Category : General News

I would like to share with you, as residents of our region, my three minute speech which is delivered at the Meet    the Candidates Nights:

Mr Chairman, Fellow Candidates, Ladies & Gentlemen.

My name is Cheryl Gaedtke, and I am the tenth Councillor Candidate on the ballot paper.

The reason I am standing for Council is to achieve identified goals, and to improve the overall operation, and image of Council. I have the commitment to deal with conflicting demands, I have aspirations, and possess logical thinking, to secure the best results for the community as a whole.  I am passionate about our region, and believe that we live in an area that has the potential to develop more successfully, with long term vision, an intellectual approach, a sincere attitude and sound management strategies.

There is a need to develop a strong partnership with all levels of government and as well as other local government, and adopt a communication pathway to avoid bad decision making. Bad decision making is alive and well, and we need to plan with our eyes open.

I commend Council on its achievements over the past term – However, there is always room for improvement.

Items that have made my radar include:

  • Road Maintenance Policies
  • Unsupportive & at times arrogant display of Attitude
  • Management of Land Use and Sustainable Development
  • Transport & Connection Between Towns and Major Cities
  • Management of our Natural Environment
  • Building a Strong Economic Base
  • Strengthening Tourism
  • Acknowledging that Agricultural Business and Industry is a major employer in our region

To enhance our region, future collaborative planning should include the feasibility of establishing:

  1. A higher Educational Facility
  2. An RV Friendly Home Base
  3. A Retirement Village, and other levels of Aged Care Facilities
  4. Regional Government Offices

And in addition:

  • I want Councillors to actually listen to their Communities and Share Concern of the Smallest Issue
  • I want Affordable Community Venues
  • I want Each Councillor to Champion Planning Documents
  • I want Council to continue Addressing the Social Needs of our Communities, in partnership with Other Levels of Government
  • I want Better use of our Recreational Facilities, by examining the Performance of Current Management
  • I want Council to continue to Reap the Benefits of a Strong Investment Strategy
  • I want A Council that Supports One Another and Works As A Team
  • I want this region to be Lead by its Board of Directors, and that is the Mayor & 6 Councillors

Operational Challenges for our Council include:

  • Cost shifting from other government levels
  • Maintaining current grant and subsidy allocations

In Conclusion

I invite you to contact me if you wish to discuss any Local Government related issue or just to say hello. I welcome feedback and I also welcome your point of view.  As I have boasted in my election campaign Two Way Communication Always!  Empowerment & Pride for the Region, for the People







Councillor Campaigning Trail Cheryl Gaedtke – Moore, Toogoolawah, Lowood & Kilcoy

Category : General News

The Candidates’ Draw was conducted at Toogoolawah on Wednesday 17 February and my name appears as the tenth candidate – please look for my surname down the list of a total of fifteen candidates. Voters must mark their choice of Councillor Candidates from number one through to number six in the box beside the candidates’ name.

On Saturday 20th February, I took a pleasant drive over to Moore and attended the Moore Markets after savouring a lovely cup of coffee from Allison, the owner of Kai Lounge.  Many visitors called in as they were driving through this quaint little town.  I purchased a book about policing from a retired Sergeant, the book was called “Inside Story – A Cop’s True Tales”. I chatted to the author, Brian Stallworthy and later advised him that “this book would be given as a birthday present to someone who probably escaped the “Cops” many a time as a young local lad, and around the time that Brian was an active Police Officer”.  The Moore Hall Supper Room was full of life with guests enjoying homemade cooking.  The Principal’s Cottage held a massive sale and there were many customers making their way between it and the Old Church Gallery.  I was interested to learn of key issues that locals spoke about during my visit.  Some of the issues however were not within the jurisdiction of Local Government.












The beautiful Moore Soldiers Memorial Hall – the community and the tireless workers who keep this hall in such top conditon need an enormous pat on the back.

At 5:45pm the Somerset Regional Council Mayoral and Councillor Candidates were invited to attend the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Users Association’s “Sunset n’ Moonlight Ride n’ Dine” bike ride and were welcomed with champagne and canapés. Eighty-Two bike riders were also enjoying the refreshments as well as the art exhibitions and other attributes of the Condensery.  .facebook_1456310265025

Many of these riders made their way to the region to experience the hospitality, food, art and enjoyment of the region’s natural assets.  The event was held at the Toogoolawah Condensery Art Gallery and catering was provided by the Toogoolawah Historical Society.  The evening was well supported by the Candidates, and it was a lovely opportunity for the Candidates to meet, and also meet with these passionate and somewhat fit people.












I attended the Lowood Bunyip Twilight Farmers Market on Friday night 26th February and enjoyed some really interesting conversation with some of the locals.  I also caught up with Ray Hopper, who has some interesting experiences in State Government to share.   It was a very hot day and the number of happy market hunters reflected this.  I also popped into the Lowood & Fernvale Community Bank branch and said hello to the staff.  Kilcoy is working toward its own community bank and is working closely with Bendigo Bank.  I believe our steering committee has done well after two years of campaigning we have over 230 pledgees and over $620,000 worth of pledges.  We cannot wait to get to the second stage of the five stage process.

I also attended the Kilcoy Yowie Markets on Saturday 27th February and chatted to many people and some that I haven’t seen for the past 25 years of more.  I can truly say life is great and how lucky we are to live in this wonderful country and how blessed we are to enjoy a rural lifestyle and the friendship of irreplaceable people.  I am recording the issues as residents speak to me and issues that I believe I can explore at local government level and provide a suitable outcome to.  Please see me if you would like to share any local government related issues, and even good stories are much loved.  I welcome the opportunity to learn from you and your comments and perspectives.Campaign_Trial_-2










It was lovely to catch up with other Candidates at the Kilcoy Yowie Markets:

Helen Brieschke, Ronda Williams, Nicole Lincoln, Ray Hopper, Graeme Lehmann and of course Otis Ogg and wife Bronwyn.

I will be extending my campaign by visiting different towns in the region over the next two weeks.

 I also look forward to meeting you and discussing your particular issues, comments, or just to say hello, at the Meet the Candidates Nights, or at one of the region’s markets on the following dates:

Market Venue Date and Time
Esk Country Markets Saturday 5 March 6:30am – 11:00am
Toogoolawah Railway Markets Saturday 12 March 6:30am – 11:00am
Fernvale Country Markets Sunday 13 March 6:00 am – 11:00am


Why is Cheryl Gaedtke nominating as Councillor for the Somerset Regional Council?

Category : General News

The old cliché that “life wasn’t meant to be easy” is one which has more relevance to the office of Councillor than it does to many other occupations or callings.  The office of Councillor is a political office. Council decision-making is a political process.  That means that it is about dealing with and assessing different and often conflicting demands, aspirations and philosophical perspectives in an attempt to get to an outcome for a particular matter which, in the individual Councillor’s personal opinion, represents the best result for the community as a whole, consistently with the Councillor’s duty under the Local Government Act 2009.untitled-20

During my career with Kilcoy Shire Council, I had a very amicable professional relationship with our Councillors. I experienced a great deal of professional satisfaction as a team member of a small rural Council by balancing its annual budget and providing the best possible service to its ratepayers.  My ambition has always been to stand for Council.   After 30 years of Local Government experience I understand entirely the “glue” that holds a community together.

I am passionate about our region and believe that we live in an area that has the potential to develop more successfully with long term vision, correct approach, approved attitude and sound management strategies. I want to see our region encourage business growth, encourage two way communications and acknowledge and reach community expectations.  I advocate for benchmarking and tracking our communities’ overall satisfaction with our council’s performance in areas such as:- basic services and infrastructure; community lifestyle services; managing the region; customer services/communication; and qualities of council.

As your Councillor, I understand that making decisions will affect our community and it is therefore important to have effective decision-making skills. University has broadened my outlook and given me a much wider perspective on diverse social matters.  As President of the Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. over the past 2 years, I understand the needs of local businesses and the expectations of our local community.  My length of service to Local Government provides me with invaluable leadership skills, experience and knowledge.  I also understand and respect values such as integrity and empathy.

The Role of a Mayor and a Councillor and YOU

Category : General News

Cheryl GaedtkeI have been approached by some residents unsure about the role and responsibilities of a Mayor and a Councillor. I also would like to discuss the power of You during the election process. You, as the elector have a very important role to play on Saturday 19th March. You have the opportunity to vote for a total of seven candidates that You believe will carry out the office of Mayor or Councillor in a way that represents You, and how You wish the Somerset region to develop over the next four years, and in to the future. I gladly offer the following information:

In the elected role of Mayor or Councillor, the opportunity is available to build a better future for our community. This can be achieved by:-

  • Providing strategic direction for one of the biggest businesses in our community
  • Advocating the community’s aspirations and needs to other levels of Government
  • Delivering major infrastructure for the benefit of our community
  • Working to promote the safety and wellbeing of our community
  • Providing efficient and effective local services and facilities.

These opportunities will be achieved by the Mayor and Councillors by:-

  • Taking part in Council Meetings to make decisions for ‘the common good’, now and for the future, for the whole Council area
  • Providing leadership to the Council and our community
  • Shaping the future of our community by adopting and implementing the planning scheme which sets out how land in the Council area can be used and the standards the Council will require developers to comply with
  • Being responsible to our community for the performance of the Council.

The Mayor has the added responsibilities of:

  • Leading and managing Council Meetings
  • Representing the Council and our community at ceremonial functions
  • Preparing and presenting the Council’s annual budget
  • Leading and managing the Chief Executive Officer to ensure Council decisions are carried out.

And You as the elector should expect the following principles from the Mayor and Councillors:-

  • Transparent and effective processes and decision making in the public interest
  • Sustainable development and management of assets and infrastructure and delivery of services
  • Democratic representation, social inclusion and meaningful community engagement
  • Good governance of, and by, the Council
  • Ethical and legal behaviours of the Mayor, Councillors and Council employees.

In a little over three week’s time, You will need to have given consideration to the information contained above. I encourage you to consider attending one of the Meet the Candidates Nights that the two regional Chambers have organised. Questions will be taken from the floor, so give some thought to likely questions you may wish to ask before the event. The region’s major towns, Lowood, Fernvale, Esk, Toogoolawah and Kilcoy will be holding these informative “meet and greet” nights early March. Please refer to advertisements regarding the town, venue and time of each event.

I look forward to meeting you and discussing your particular issues, comments, or just to say hello, at the Meet the Candidates Nights, or at one of the region’s markets on the following dates:

Market Venue Date and Time
Lowood Bunyip Twilight Markets Friday 26 February 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Kilcoy Yowie Markets Saturday 27 February 7:00am – 11:00am
Esk Country Markets Saturday 5 March 6:30am – 11:00am
Toogoolawah Railway Markets Saturday 12 March 6:30am – 11:00am
Fernvale Country Markets Sunday 13 March 6:00 am – 11:00am


Understanding Local Government – some very relevant information

Category : General News

untitled-9After working in Local Government for over thirty years, I would like to share a few facts with you as residents of our region to assist your understanding of our Council.

Somerset Regional Council covers an area of 5,379 sq kilometers and includes main townships of Esk, Fernvale, Kilcoy, Lowood and Toogoolawah. The region has a population of some 22,500 people with a projected annual growth rate of 3.2% and is part of Australia’s fastest growing region. It has the largest land area of all south east Queensland Councils and currently has the smallest rate base. There are 12,000 rateable properties and has the lowest residential rates in Queensland. So given these facts, our Council is performing extremely well to be debt free.

Large corporations and businesses, and in this case Local Government share a goal or a vision and our Council’s Mission Statement is:

We, in partnership with the community, will realise our vision by:

  • Focusing on our customer’s needs
  • Planning for the future
  • Utilising resources efficiently and effectively
  • Using sound business practices
  • Utilising the practice of continuous improvement

The above mission statement has been developed to assist Somerset Regional Council to service its community in a responsive, innovative and efficient manner – exercising leadership and builds community strength. Through a variety of council services, Council feels it can deliver on these promises.

So now you are aware of the very basics about Somerset Regional Council, there are so many more layers to the day to day operation of councils. Twenty odd years ago councils were most concerned with operational items such as “Roads, Rates & Rubbish”. Today councils are also concerned with business development, community engagement, compliance, infrastructure planning, governance, economic development, project management, risk management, enterprise bargaining, asset management, energy audits and the big one of late – disaster management. Long gone are the simple days of just roads, rates and rubbish, these items are still very important and essential, but priorities have grown immensely.

Councillors today must have a clear understanding of strategic planning, infrastructure prioritisation and fiscal sustainability. They must also understand their local communities and be the collaborative influence. I look forward to achieving this and so more as your Councillor.

Facebook News

Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

💰 Get Your Community Moving with $30,000! 💰Physical activity isn’t just great for your health—it strengthens communities too! 💪❤️The Heart Foundation's Active Australia Innovation Challenge is offering grants of up to $30,000 for schools, universities, and community groups to launch innovative programs that get more people moving. 🚶‍♀️🏃‍♂️Got a great idea? Apply now and make a difference!🔗 Learn more: RDA Ipswich & West Moreton Grants page #HeartHealth #CommunityGrants #GetMoving Heart Foundation ... See MoreSee Less
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Are you concerned for our town and our beautiful countryside? Take some time and go to Council's e-planning page to gather facts about this development application. It's up to you, I know how I feel. If you require more answers, please contact Somerset Regional Council to discuss and hopefully gain more understanding about this DA. (DA 24212)Current timelines with Council: In this instance, Council has agreed to extend the period by an additional 20 business days, with the decision period now ending on 3 March 2025. Should you have any further queries in relation to the above, please contact Council’s Senior Planner, Madeline Jelf on (07) 5424 4000 or Pty Ltd C/- SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd 10 Kings Road NEW LAMBTON NSW 2305 Email: Attention: Theo Klok Dear Sir / Madam, Further Advice Given under section 35 of the Development Assessment Rules Property location: Real property description: Development description: Esk Kilcoy Road, Hazeldean Lot 13 SP294647, Lot 8 SP155141, Lot 5 RP90047 Development Permit for Material change of use - Substation and Major electricity infrastructure (Battery storage facility); and Development Permit for Reconfiguring a lot - Subdivision by lease and access easement I refer to the above-described application. Council is continuing its assessment of the application and advises that additional information is required to demonstrate compliance with the relevant assessment benchmarks: Planning matters :Inconsistencies 1. There are a number of inconsistencies within the development application’s expert reports, including:  The application references 512 battery enclosures however the Terrestrial Ecology Report dated April 2023, references 768 battery enclosures however still references a maximum battery storage capacity of 800MW/1.6GWh.  The application is located over Lot 13 SP294647, with access via Lot 8 SP155141 and Lot 5 RP90047. The Terrestrial Ecology Report references Lots 11 and 13 on SP294647 and Lot 2 RP25294, which are properties that are not part of this application.  The report references an area on the south side of the high voltage line. The Terrestrial Ecology Report includes a smaller Project Footprint on the north side of the high voltage line, which also appears to extend onto Lot 2 RP25294. A number of submissions make reference to future expansions of the facility, i.e. inclusion of a solar farm. Lot 2 and Lot 11 are far more visually prominent than Lot 13. The extent of the inconsistencies in the Terrestrial Ecology Report raises questions regarding the accuracy of the applicant’s assertions. (a) Provide an updated and accurate suite of expert reports, including scale of development. Fire 2. The response to Council’s information request included the following responseFire Decommissioning and Rehabilitation ContaminationVisual amenity Stormwater Environmental health issues Acoustics Seqwater matters Period to respond Under the Development Assessment Rules, there is no timeframe associated with responding to this further advice, with the assessment continuing within the current period. DA24212 Further Advice You may wish to consider stopping the current period in accordance with section 32 of the Development Assessment Rules if you require additional time to consider this notice and to undertake any actions you may wish to take in response to this notice. If you are unable to stop the current period, Council may be agreeable to extending the current period. ... See MoreSee Less
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Day 2 wrap up in Canberra: Advocating for Regional Growth 🚀RDA Deputy Chair Councillor Nicole Jonic - Ipswich City Council and CEO Rees Banks kicked off the day with a productive meeting with Hon Scott Buchholz MP, discussing key regional priorities, including:✅ Funding for Beaudesert PCYC to support local youth and community programs✅ Energy projects in the Scenic Rim, driving sustainability and regional resilience✅ Innovative housing solutions to meet the growing demand for diverse and affordable living options✅ Indigenous business opportunities, fostering economic growth and empowermentThese discussions are critical to shaping a stronger future for our region. Now, we’re back in Ipswich to continue the conversations locally and drive action on these priorities.#RegionalDevelopment #ScenicRim #Beaudesert #StrongerRegions #Collaboration Somerset Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Ipswich City Council ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Regional Development Australia Ipswich & West Moreton Inc's post ... See MoreSee Less
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