Category Archives: General News

Somerset Regional Council Weekly Highlights – 31 October 2016

Category : General News

Nominate a Somerset Resident for an Australia Day Award

Somerset residents are being encouraged to recognise the outstanding contributions of fellow residents by nominating them for a 2017 Australia Day Award.

The annual awards are held to acknowledge residents and groups who have made a considerable contribution to  the community.

Somerset Regional Council invites nominations in six categories – Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Event of the Year, Australia Day Sports Award, Australia Day Arts and Cultural Award and Community Group of the Year.

Nominations for each of the categories are open from now until 5pm on Friday, 9 December.

The Australia Day Awards ceremony will be held on Australia Day in 2017 at the Somerset Civic Centre in Esk.

Nomination forms are available from Council offices, by phoning (07) 5424 4000 or online at

Learn to Help Native Animals at This Week’s Esk Cuppa and Chat

The Esk Community Connection Point is holding their next Cuppa and Chat on Friday, 4 November at 10.30am.

This month’s guest speaker, Sue Holmes from FAUNA will provide information on how to recognise when a native animal is in need of assistance and what to do when you see an injured native animal.

This community event is supported by Somerset Regional Council and is free to attend.

For more information contact Council on (07) 5424 4000.

Lowood QGAP Operating Hours Have Changed

Somerset Regional Council wants to remind residents of changes to the operational hours of the Queensland Government Agency Program (QGAP) in Lowood.

Council undertakes the QGAP functions on behalf of the state government offering services from its Lowood Customer Service Centre on the corner of Michel and Main Streets.

All QGAP services at the Lowood centre are no longer available from 12pm to 2pm.

Services offered by the Lowood QGAP branch are available between the hours of 9am to midday and 2pm to 4pm from Monday through to Friday.

These changes came into effect on Tuesday, 1 November.

Emergency Health Workshop on in Esk This Thursday

Learn to recognise and respond to the symptoms of common health problems at a workshop in Esk this Thursday, 3 November.

Toogoolawah Ambulance Station officer in charge, Tanya King, will present an hour long workshop on how to recognise some common health warning signs for heart attacks, stroke, epilepsy and snake bites.

The health workshop will be held at the Esk Visitor Information Centre from 11am.

Residents interested in learning basic emergency health information are encouraged to attend the free session.

For more information about the health workshop contact Council on (07) 5424 4000.




Councillor Report 26 October 2016

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 26 October 2016

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

29 October         Billy Tea & Damper Big Breakfast & Bush Poetry – Toogoolawah Anglican Church

29 October         Day in the Vines – C & K Kilcoy Kindergarten

03 November    Craft Morning – Esk CWA

06 November    Car & Bike Show – Fernvale

12 November    Pig Races, Harlin Hotel

12 November    Caboonbah Undenominational Church Annual Service

12 November    Lowood Show Society Dinner Dance

Agenda Item #34 Councillor Report Meetings/Functions attended

13 October         On-site meeting – Coominya

13 October         Meeting at Kilcoy re: Funding opportunities for tourism

16 October         140 Years of Lutheran Worship Lowood

18/20 October  LGAQ Annual Conference – Gold Coast

25 October         Interagency Meeting – Kilcoy

25 October         Meeting with Kilcoy RSL President

On-site meeting – Coominya

It was a pleasure to take part in the meeting which was well supported by Councillors and Town Planning staff.  Potential business owners often need assistance and guidance to understand the processes required to obtain town planning consent.

140 Years of Lutheran Worship Lowood

The Trinity Lutheran Church Lowood celebrated 140 years of worship by offering a service and an unveiling of the Commemoration Plaque at the Lowood Cemetery (Bethel Cemetery) and a Holy Communion Service in the Trinity Lutheran Church Lowood.  The ceremony was followed by a fellowship Lunch.  The experience was most uplifting and many past residents travelled back to Lowood to take part in the celebrations.  I wish to congratulate the commemoration organisers.

LGAQ Annual Conference – Gold Coast

The conference was well supported by Somerset Regional Council with five Councillors attending.  The Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk MP opened the conference and there were many keynote speakers who had valuable information to share with the conference delegates.  It was interesting to witness some of the debate that occurred around the motions submitted by Queensland Councils.

The draft South East Queensland Regional Plan was released at the conference, which unveils a 50 year vision for the South East, with a focus on community, affordable living, future jobs and maximising existing infrastructure.  Deputy Premier and Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Jackie Trad said it was developed through extensive consultation with the region’s 12 councils, industry and the community.    The SEQ Regional Plan reflects the values, needs and great ideas of the community and was developed in close partnership with the region’s 12 Mayors and South East Queenslanders.

Jackie Trad also announced the State would pay its 25 per cent share of the National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) funding that is owed to councils in plant and equipment costs.  Queensland councils will now ramp up pressure on the Commonwealth to follow the Palaszczuk Government’s lead and reimburse unpaid plant and equipment costs for disaster recovery works.  It is estimated that the reimbursement is worth about $2.5 million to more than 30 councils from reconstruction works performed in 2014. 

Somerset Dam to produce renewable energy for SEQ again

A major refurbishment of the Somerset Hydro-Electric Plant will increase Seqwater’s capacity to produce renewable energy for the state’s electricity grid.  The plant, which first generated power in 1954, has not been operational since it was inundated by the January 2011 floods.  The $11.6 million restoration, once completed, would increase the capacity of the plant from 3.2 to 4.1 megawatts.  Hydro-electricity is the second largest source of large-scale renewable energy in Queensland.


Category : General News

MEGA BRIDGE OPENING – Congratulations to the previous Council and to the two levels of Government – Federal and State for this economic building and socially benefiting initiative!

Hine Road, Dundas

Click on the following link (photo-book highlighted in blue) to see before and after photographs of the bridges:  photo-book 

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Scrubby Creek Bridge, Villeneuve Road, Villeneuve – jointly funded by the Australian government and Somerset Regional Council under the Bridges Renewal Program.

Total cost $927,000.  (BRP $464,000, Council $463,000).  

Jenkinsons Bridge, McCauleys Lane, Sandy Creek – jointly funded by the Australian government and Somerset Regional Council under the Bridges Renewal Program.

Total cost $770,000.  (BRP $385,000, Council $385,000).

Taylors Bridge, Esk Crows Nest Road, Biarra – jointly funded by the Australian government and Somerset Regional Council under the Bridges Renewal Program.

Total cost $1,722,000  (BRP $861,000, Council $861,000). 

Macfarlane Road, Bryden

Postmans Gully Bridge, Macfarlane Road, Bryden – jointly funded by the Queensland government and Somerset Regional Council under the Royalties for the Regions Program.

Total cost $768,000  (R4RP $538,000, Council $230,000).

 Northbrook Creek Rock Causeway, Hine Road, Dundas – jointly funded by the Queensland government and Somerset Regional Council under the Royalties for the Regions Program.

Total cost $257,000  (R4RP $180,000, Council $77,000).

 Northbrook Creek Timber Bridge refurbishment, Hine Road, Dundas – jointly funded by the Queensland government and Somerset Regional Council under the Royalties for the Regions Program.

Total cost $482,000  (R4RP $337,000, Council $145,000).

 Hardings concrete causeway, Grieves Road, Colinton – jointly funded by the Queensland government and Somerset Regional Council under the Royalties for the Regions Program.

Total cost $699,000  (R4RP $489,000, Council $210,000).

Duck Creek Bridge, Cooeeimbardi Road, Cressbrook –funded by the Australian government under the Roads to Recovery Program.   Total cost $552,000 (R2RP $552,000)

Fredrikson Bridge, Monsildale Road, Sheep Station Creek – jointly funded by the Australian government, Queensland government and Somerset Regional Council under the Betterment Program.

Total cost $1,100,000 (QRA $800,000, Council $300,000).

Somerset Regional Council Weekly Highlights

Category : General News

Somerset Regional Council Weekly Highlights

Kilcoy Community Share Meal on This Thursday

Somerset Regional Council is again supporting Kilcoy’s monthly community share meal. The community share meal is being held on Thursday, 27 October from 12.30pm until 2.30pm at the Kilcoy Information Centre. The meal provides a great opportunity for Somerset residents to meet new people and sample different dishes. For more information about this event contact Council on (07) 5424 4000.

Somerset Council to Meet on Wednesday

Somerset Regional Council will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, 26 October at Esk.

Meetings are held in the Simeon Lord Room at the Esk Library off Heap Street, Esk starting at 9am.

Meetings are open to the public and agendas are available from Council’s website:

Learn to Help Native Animals at Esk’s Next Cuppa and Chat

The Esk Community Connection Point is holding their next Cuppa and Chat on Friday, 4 November at 10.30am.

Guest speaker, Sue Holmes, from FAUNA will provide information on how to recognise when a native animal is in need of assistance and what to do when you see an injured native animal.

This community event is supported by Somerset Regional Council and is free to attend.

For more information contact Council on (07) 5424 4000.

Nominations are now open for Somerset’s 2016 Australia Day awards

Somerset residents are being encouraged to recognise the outstanding contributions of fellow residents by nominating them for one of six awards.

Nominations are invited for Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Event of the Year, Sports Award, Community Group of the Year and Arts and Cultural Award.

Nomination forms are available from Somerset Regional Council offices at Esk, Lowood and Kilcoy or from

Nominations close 5pm Friday, 9 December.

Somerset Council Will Hold Next Wild Dog Baiting Day in November

Somerset Regional Council will hold its next 1080 wild dog baiting day on Monday, 14 November.

Baiting stations will be located at Middle Creek, Bryden and Kilcoy Showgrounds from 7.30am until 9am and at the Fernvale Campdraft Grounds and Moore Pony Club Grounds from 10.30 until 12pm.

Participants are reminded that their property must be at least 40 hectares and more than five km from the nearest town.

Baits cannot be laid within 50m of a roadway or within five meters of a boundary fence and neighbours should be given notification of the intention of laying baits.

For bookings or enquiries phone Council on (07) 5424 4000.

Changes to QGAP Operating Hours to Take Effect Soon

Somerset Regional Council wants to remind residents of changes to the operational hours of the Queensland Government Agency Program (QGAP) in Lowood.

Council undertakes the QGAP functions on behalf of the state government offering services from its Lowood Customer Service Centre on the corner of Michel and Main Streets.

As of Tuesday, 1 November 2016 all QGAP services at the Lowood centre will no longer be available from 12pm to 2pm.

Services offered by the Lowood QGAP branch will only be available between the hours of 9am to midday and 2pm to 4pm from Monday through to Friday.



Community at the heart of new vision for South East Queensland

Category : General News

Community at the heart of new vision for South East Queensland

The draft South East Queensland Regional Plan released today, unveils a 50 year vision for the South East, with a focus on community, affordable living, future jobs and maximising existing infrastructure.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Jackie Trad said it was developed through extensive consultation with the region’s 12 councils, industry and the community.

“It’s vital that the SEQ Regional Plan reflects the values, needs and great ideas of the community which is why we worked in close partnership with the region’s 12 Mayors and consulted with South East Queenslanders to develop this draft plan,” Ms Trad said.

“The population of South East Queensland is expected to grow to over 5.3 million people in the next 25 years and the draft SEQ Regional Plan is all about catering for this growth sustainably.

“We are looking, for the first time, beyond the boundary of a 25-year plan and have developed a 50-year vision that looks ahead to the region’s longer-term future and how SEQ responds to global changes.

“Throughout the State we are seeing innovative new industries emerge, the delivery of exciting urban renewal precincts and more and more people choosing to call Queensland home.

“Through smart planning we can ensure that we are ready to capitalise on the transition to a services and knowledge driven economy. That means a lift in economic growth and more jobs for Queenslanders.”

Ms Trad said one of the important features of the draft SEQ Regional Plan was a focus on unlocking land that has been identified for urban development but has so far been underutilised.

“The draft plan focuses on affordable living – not just affordable housing – and looks at the way that people interact with their community and the services around them.

“We have identified areas of regional economic significance throughout the southeast to facilitate economic growth outside the major employment hubs and enable people to work and live closer to home.

“Unlocking land already within the urban footprint is critical, ensuring that there is less demand for expanding into our natural environment.

“We want the SEQ Regional Plan to be shaped by South East Queenslanders and I encourage the community to have their say during upcoming consultation sessions across the region or online.”

Some new areas of focus for the draft SEQ Regional Plan are:

  •          Employment benchmarks to ensure areas of future urban growth are identified
  •          Greater housing choice – ensures housing diversity meets the changing make-up of our population
  •          Smart infrastructure investment – public and active transport will be prioritised as a means of accessing      local services and employment. The SEQ Regional Plan will inform future State Infrastructure Plan updates
  •          Identifying areas of regional significance where we can attract investment and high-value economic activities
  •          Identifying and protecting regional biodiversity corridors

Residents across South East Queensland are being called on to have their say on the draft plan with extended public consultation open until 3 March 2017.

There will be 22 community events where residents can talk to a planner in each of the 12 council areas.

For more information on the draft SEQ Regional Plan, the public consultation and the community events:



Council Launches New Disaster Management Dashboard

Category : General News

Somerset Regional Council has just implemented a new disaster management page on their website to help keep their residents up to date with the latest information.
Council’s new disaster management page will provide information on road closures, weather alerts, active evacuation centres and much more.
This disaster management project was funded under the RACQ Get Ready Program.
Somerset Regional Council Mayor Graeme Lehmann said that the disaster management dashboard is a one stop shop for disaster information in Somerset.
“Council sees this new initiative as an excellent tool for the community that can be used before, during and after an event.
“By providing this information in real-time, in an easy to use dashboard, our community will be able to be kept up to date with what is going on in our region,” Cr Lehmann said.
Council’s new disaster management page can be found by visiting

Councillor Report – Council Meeting 12 October 2016

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 12 October 2016

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

13 October         Kilcoy Historical Society Monthly Meeting

14 October         Stage III Plantings at Yowie Park, Kilcoy

15 October         Kay Avery Bowls Day, Kilcoy

15 October          Bad Moms Night, Toogoolawah

16 October         140th Anniversary Trinity Lutheran Church Lowood

16 October         Bollywood – The colours, The music, The dance, Kilcoy RSL

25 October         Interagency Meeting, Kilcoy

25 October         Toogoolawah High School Annual Awards

26 October         Lowood High School Annual Presentation Night

Agenda Item #28 Councillor Report Meetings/Functions attended

1/2 October       Somerset Relay for Life, Kilcoy

5 October            Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Monthly Meeting, Wyvill’s Museum, Yarraman

5 October            Meeting with Kilcoy Golf Club executive

5 October            On-site meeting Kilcoy Sports Centre

8 October            Mt Kilcoy State School P & C Spring Fair

8 October            Skydive Ramblers Drop Zone official opening of 2016 Equinox Boogie International Skydiving & Music Festival

10 October         Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Monthly Meeting

10 October         On Site Meeting Staghurst Road, Gregors Creek

12 October         Kilcoy State High School Council Meeting


Somerset Relay for Life

Congratulations and sincere heartfelt thanks to all who supported this very worthy fundraising event.  Mayor Lehmann, Crs. Hall, Choat, Whalley and myself offered support to the Somerset Relay for Life event and to our team known as the “Council Crusaders”.  Our team was successful with taking out the award for The Best Dressed Team, wearing our purple tutus and yellow footy socks.  I would like to thank Brenda Fagan and her team of very helpful council staff who finalised all the needs to bring our team to life.  The 2016 event was supported by eleven teams and at the time of writing this report, a total of $23,511 has been raised, with a final goal of raising $30,000.  The 2015 event was supported by sixteen teams and raised over $35,000 in support of Cancer Council Queensland.  The amount of fund raising has been a staggering achievement for the small community of Kilcoy, however it is unreasonable to expect the community to support the event three years in succession.  Therefore, I strongly encourage the southern part of our region to seriously consider hosting the 2017 Somerset Relay for Life.   In the past five years, Relayers in Australia have raised over $108,000,000 for Cancer Council.


Mt Kilcoy State School P & C Spring Fair

I was very pleased to witness the achievement of lots of people and a State Government grant to secure the Kelly Blunt Oval at the Mt Kilcoy State School, which was officially opened at the fair.  There were lots of stalls, interesting games and entertainment provided by this tightknit schooling community.  It was a very special experience and provided me with an opportunity to acknowledge and reflect on the effort made by a wise group of people who formed a committee in February 1908 to establish a provisional school at Mt Kilcoy.  My Great Grandfather, George Adsett was also a member of the committee. The small school building measuring 24ft by 16ft with two verandahs each 7ft wide was opened on 18th January 1909.  Four generations of my family have attended this highly regarded state school.


Skydive Ramblers Drop Zone official opening of 2016 Equinox Boogie International Skydiving & Music Festival

I wish to personally thank the Ramblers for their kind invitation to attend the official opening of Equinox Boogie.  I enjoyed chatting with members and hearing many stories about the passion they share for this extreme sport.  Somerset is fortunate to have this dynamic group located within its boundaries.

Council Meeting Highlights 12 October 2016

Category : General News

Somerset Regional Council Meeting Highlights
Temporary Entertainment Approval for Car Rally Event
Somerset Regional Council has approved a temporary entertainment event for the Asphalt Demons 6th Invitational.
The car rally event is being held at Archer Falls Airfield on Neurum Road, Mount Archer on Saturday,15 October from 8am until late, with entertainment finishing at 11pm.
The event is open to car enthusiasts and offers displays of hotrods, bikes and custom vehicles.
There will also be vehicle time trials and live music entertainment.
Budget Allocation Increased for Wild Dog Bait Meat Subsidy Program
Somerset Regional Council has increase the wild dog bait meat subsidy for the current financial year budget.
As part of Council’s ongoing commitment to landholders and controlling wild dog numbers the budget allocation for the bait meat subsidy program has been increased to $7000.
The subsidy program landholders are eligible to claim a subsidy payment of $1 per wild dog bait.
To be eligible to claim the subsidy the bait meat must be approved by Council for impregnating with 1080 poison.
The maximum subsidy payable a landholder may receive is $100 per month.
Somerset Regional Council is also holding its final wild dog baiting day for 2016 on Monday, 14 November.
For more information on the wild dog bait meat subsidy program or the wild dog baiting days contact Council on (07) 5424 4000.
Council Helps Esk Jockey Club Through Community Assistance Grants
Somerset Regional Council has granted the Esk Jockey Club a community assistance grant of more than $1850.
The grant will allow the club to purchase a ride on mower to improve the general maintenance of the grounds area used for community events.
Somerset Regional Council Mayor Graeme Lehmann said that Council is proud to assist community groups and clubs through the grants program.
“The Esk Jockey Club grounds are maintained by volunteers and its vital we continue to recognise groups and individuals for their contributions to Somerset through funding,” Cr Lehmann said.

Somerset Tourism to Celebrate Gallery’s First Birthday in Style
Somerset Regional Council has allocated funding to celebrate The Somerset Regional Art Gallery – The Condensery’s first birthday in style.
The gallery’s first birthday will be celebrated on Friday, 9 December at invitational cocktail style event.
The evening will focus on the achievements of The Somerset Regional Art Gallery – The Condensery across the first 12 months and strengthen the tie between Toogoolawah businesses and the gallery.
The new edition of the Somerset Tourism regional visitor guide will also be launched at the event.

Council Collaborate with Community Bank to Beautify Lowood
Somerset Regional Council has endorsed a project to beautify areas around Lowood and the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail.
The beautification project was proposed by the Lowood and Fernvale Community Bank.
As part of the Lowood Beautification project Council will provide two new “rail trail” type chairs to be paid by the community bank, a protective hand rail along the culvert adjacent to the IGA, a stormwater pipe extension and provision of mulch.
The total cost of the project for Council is expected to be $16,500 with more than $20,000 of the project being funded by other groups including the community bank and SEQCatchments.
Somerset Regional Council Mayor Graeme Lehmann said that beautifying the Lowood area will benefit both the community and boost tourism.
2 Redbank Street
(PO Box 117)
Esk    Q    4312
Ph: 07 5424 4000
Fax: 07 5424 4099

Councillor Report – Council Meeting 28 September 2016

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

29 September   Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. Monthly Meeting

30 September   Queensland Ballet – Tutus on Tour – Esk

1/2 October       Somerset Relay for Life – Kilcoy

1 October            Glamorgan Vale QWCA Fashion Parade

8 October            Field Day – Esk & Fernvale

8 October            Mt Beppo Hall Committee Inaugural Dinner

8 October            Mt Kilcoy State School P & C Spring Fair

8 October            Kilcoy Art Society Spring Clean Out Auction

8 October            Skydive Ramblers Drop Zone official opening of 2016 Equinox Boogie Skydiving & Music Festival



Agenda Item #58 Councillor Report Meetings/Functions attended

16 September   Somerset Photo Competition Presentations

22 September   Kilcoy CWA Special Meeting

22 September   Invitation from residences 138 & 88 Gregors Creek Road to call in

23 September   Council of Mayors Economic Development Committee Meeting

24 September   BBQ & Beer Festival – Kilcoy

24 September   Di McCauley Open Garden – Mt Kilcoy

24 September   Yowie Markets & Kilcoy Show Society Pet Parade

24 September   Kilcoy Classics on Wheels

25 September   Health, Harmony & Healing Expo – Fernvale

26 September   Farewell to Kilcoy Newsagency Proprietor

27 September   BVRT Inspection of trail – Toogoolawah to Moore


SEQ Council of Mayors – Economic Development Committee Meeting

It was noted that there will be minor changes made to the Council of Mayors (One Region, One Voice) Draft Strategic Plan 2016 – 2020.  Meetings have been held with the Asia-Pacific Cities Summit (APCS) team in Brisbane City Council to commence work on the regional involvement in the 2017 APCS in South Korea.  Agricultural Technology –  Agtech event to be held 22/23 November 2016 in Brisbane.  The SEQ Invest Website continues to be updated by Councils and the Board has requested that the committee identify an opportunity for a formal launch of the site.   Smart Safety – ongoing discussions with Toowoomba Regional Council have been aimed at scoping a pilot for Video Analytics and the opportunities that may provide to councils in the region.  A high level discussion has occurred with Redland City Council around what opportunities may be available to them as a new setup given their limited capacity with CCTV cameras.   The Smart Lighting project being delivered by LGIS remains on track to provide a report to the Board by October 2016.  Smart Transport project is awaiting decisions/ announcements form the State Government on a potential mass vehicle trial that is to be undertaken in SEQ.  Following that announcement, more detailed engagement will occur with Department of Transport and Main Roads to determine the broader opportunities in the region.  Toowoomba Regional Council is hosting a tour to China and will be utilising the SEQ Invest Website as a platform for trade opportunities.  The meeting also endorsed the release of a letter addressed to Hon Barnaby Joyce MP, expressing serious reservations regarding the Government’s proposal to remove the tax free threshold for working holiday makers – the so-called “backpacker tax”.

It was announced after the committee meeting, that the SEQ Council of Mayors would proceed with a $2.5 million 2028 Olympics feasibility study – despite Logan and the Gold Coast City Councils refusing to contribute to it.   Lord Mayor Graham Quirk insisted the study would be of use even if an Olympic bid did not eventuate. The feasibility study will provide a lot of work that has to be done in any event – whether there is an Olympic bid ultimately to occur or not. The study would look at transport, infrastructure and venue needs for the South-East.  Ipswich and Moreton Bay Councils are yet to vote.  Cr Quirk said councils would not be asked to pitch in extra to pay for Logan and the Gold Coast’s share. He said the Council of Mayors would go to the private sector for any additional support. Cr Quirk said an Olympic bid could not go ahead without private sector support.


Kilcoy BBQ & Beer Festival, Kilcoy Classics on Wheels, Di McCauley Open Garden

Around 5000 patrons enjoyed the perfect weather and the inaugural BBQ and Beer Festival.  The program consisted of lots of free events for families and all who attended the event.  The B-Double slip lane appeared to work extremely well and avoided the costly need to remove and replace the traffic island at the intersection of William and Seib Streets.   The number of classic car entries were down to previous years of this event, causing concern for continuing this show in its current format.  The absolute beautiful setting of Ian and Di McCauley’s home and garden were enjoyed by many garden lovers.  The many photographs taken at the property display and record the visual impact of this magnificent Mt Kilcoy location.


Health, Harmony & Healing Expo – Fernvale

The Fernvale Indoor Sports Centre proved to be the perfect venue with lots of space available for setting up stalls.  The venue also offers a weather proof setting.  There was a good variety of stalls that were well stocked and provided a wide range of related information.


Council Free Tree Distribution Days

Due to the popularity of this event, a resident has asked if it would be possible to extend the hours of operation when Council visits Fernvale in future.  The extra time would assist the process due to the number of people who attend the three-hour session, with many residents travelling from nearby populated areas.


Kilcoy Art Society Inc.

I have been informed by the society, that it has been successful with a Community Benefits Funding application for the amount of $35,000 to assist meeting the costs to build a deck on the eastern approach of the Courthouse Gallery.


Where are all the Candidates

Category : General News

election2The photo was taken at the Meet the Candidates night held at Fernvale leading up to the elections in March this year.

3 Mayoral Candidates and 15 Councillor Candidates

Facebook News

Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

💰 Get Your Community Moving with $30,000! 💰Physical activity isn’t just great for your health—it strengthens communities too! 💪❤️The Heart Foundation's Active Australia Innovation Challenge is offering grants of up to $30,000 for schools, universities, and community groups to launch innovative programs that get more people moving. 🚶‍♀️🏃‍♂️Got a great idea? Apply now and make a difference!🔗 Learn more: RDA Ipswich & West Moreton Grants page #HeartHealth #CommunityGrants #GetMoving Heart Foundation ... See MoreSee Less
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Are you concerned for our town and our beautiful countryside? Take some time and go to Council's e-planning page to gather facts about this development application. It's up to you, I know how I feel. If you require more answers, please contact Somerset Regional Council to discuss and hopefully gain more understanding about this DA. (DA 24212)Current timelines with Council: In this instance, Council has agreed to extend the period by an additional 20 business days, with the decision period now ending on 3 March 2025. Should you have any further queries in relation to the above, please contact Council’s Senior Planner, Madeline Jelf on (07) 5424 4000 or Pty Ltd C/- SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd 10 Kings Road NEW LAMBTON NSW 2305 Email: Attention: Theo Klok Dear Sir / Madam, Further Advice Given under section 35 of the Development Assessment Rules Property location: Real property description: Development description: Esk Kilcoy Road, Hazeldean Lot 13 SP294647, Lot 8 SP155141, Lot 5 RP90047 Development Permit for Material change of use - Substation and Major electricity infrastructure (Battery storage facility); and Development Permit for Reconfiguring a lot - Subdivision by lease and access easement I refer to the above-described application. Council is continuing its assessment of the application and advises that additional information is required to demonstrate compliance with the relevant assessment benchmarks: Planning matters :Inconsistencies 1. There are a number of inconsistencies within the development application’s expert reports, including:  The application references 512 battery enclosures however the Terrestrial Ecology Report dated April 2023, references 768 battery enclosures however still references a maximum battery storage capacity of 800MW/1.6GWh.  The application is located over Lot 13 SP294647, with access via Lot 8 SP155141 and Lot 5 RP90047. The Terrestrial Ecology Report references Lots 11 and 13 on SP294647 and Lot 2 RP25294, which are properties that are not part of this application.  The report references an area on the south side of the high voltage line. The Terrestrial Ecology Report includes a smaller Project Footprint on the north side of the high voltage line, which also appears to extend onto Lot 2 RP25294. A number of submissions make reference to future expansions of the facility, i.e. inclusion of a solar farm. Lot 2 and Lot 11 are far more visually prominent than Lot 13. The extent of the inconsistencies in the Terrestrial Ecology Report raises questions regarding the accuracy of the applicant’s assertions. (a) Provide an updated and accurate suite of expert reports, including scale of development. Fire 2. The response to Council’s information request included the following responseFire Decommissioning and Rehabilitation ContaminationVisual amenity Stormwater Environmental health issues Acoustics Seqwater matters Period to respond Under the Development Assessment Rules, there is no timeframe associated with responding to this further advice, with the assessment continuing within the current period. DA24212 Further Advice You may wish to consider stopping the current period in accordance with section 32 of the Development Assessment Rules if you require additional time to consider this notice and to undertake any actions you may wish to take in response to this notice. If you are unable to stop the current period, Council may be agreeable to extending the current period. ... See MoreSee Less
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Day 2 wrap up in Canberra: Advocating for Regional Growth 🚀RDA Deputy Chair Councillor Nicole Jonic - Ipswich City Council and CEO Rees Banks kicked off the day with a productive meeting with Hon Scott Buchholz MP, discussing key regional priorities, including:✅ Funding for Beaudesert PCYC to support local youth and community programs✅ Energy projects in the Scenic Rim, driving sustainability and regional resilience✅ Innovative housing solutions to meet the growing demand for diverse and affordable living options✅ Indigenous business opportunities, fostering economic growth and empowermentThese discussions are critical to shaping a stronger future for our region. Now, we’re back in Ipswich to continue the conversations locally and drive action on these priorities.#RegionalDevelopment #ScenicRim #Beaudesert #StrongerRegions #Collaboration Somerset Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Ipswich City Council ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Regional Development Australia Ipswich & West Moreton Inc's post ... See MoreSee Less
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