Category Archives: General News

Councillor Report – 8th February 2017

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 8 February 2017
Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest
It is pleasing to see that our region’s landowners have various opportunities to be informed about rural management matters. Various workshops are organised by council and our local land care groups, and I encourage our landowners to attend workshops when possible.
10 February Kilcoy Art Society Inc. – Artist of the Month, Kilcoy Courthouse Gallery
20 February Toogoolawah State High School – Student Leaders Investiture Ceremony

Agenda Item #26 Councillor Report
Meetings/Functions attended
26 January Australia Day Celebrations – Somerset Civic Centre
30 January Meeting with Ten Mile Rural Fire Brigade
2 February Meetings at Esk Office
6 February Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Meeting
6 February Meeting with rural residents
6 February Kilcoy Dance Group AGM

Australia Day Celebrations – Somerset Civic Centre
On a lovely, but warm morning the Australia Day Awards Presentation and Citizenship Ceremony was held at the spacious Somerset Civic Centre. Breakfast was very tasty and consisted of lots of choices. Congratulations to all involved with organising this fantastic celebration. There was lots of laughter, and it was a time for locals to meet up and chat about things since they last saw one another. Being nominated for these prestigious awards and the associated recognition is truly an honour and privilege. This accomplishment alone is an unforgettable milestone. I offer my congratulations to all nominees and offer special congratulations to the winning nomination of each award category. The Australia Day Ambassador, Lakeisha Patterson presented a thought provoking speech. I can hardly wait for next year’s event, to enjoy yet another professionally administered and heartwarming event.

Ten Mile Rural Fire Brigade
Three members of the Ten Mile Rural Fire Brigade met with me to discuss current Department of Transport & Main Roads’ procedures with burning off vegetation from TMR’s road reserves network. After discussing legal liability responsibilities with matters such as; feeding cattle on TMR’s roadsides, fencing of TRM’s roadsides, landowners slashing TMR road reserves and identification of hot spots on TMR road reserves, it was agreed that the Ten Mile Rural Fire Brigade would consult further with TMR about such issues for further clarification.

ABC Landline Broadcast
Landline aired “Window On China”, a special program analysing the economic powerhouse that is Australia’s biggest trading partner. The program recorded business interests from premium beef to high fashion, and offered the pitfalls and success stories of doing business in modern China. Two hundred & twenty local government and business representatives from Toowoomba made the trip from Wellcamp Airport to Beijing, China to discuss and learn more about future free trade incentives. Initiatives included clean and green, paddock to plate, E-Commerce with a platform of millions of clients. New Hope Group and its current business ventures were documented, with a very informative visual and oral presentation of Kilcoy and Kilcoy Pastoral Company. Local business identity, Duncan Brown was also interviewed.

Local Government News of Interest
As part of its Submission to the 2016 – 2017 Federal Budget, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), has asked for certainty the indexation of Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs) will be restored.
The 2016-17 Budget should include a commitment to: • Immediately restore the indexation of the Financial Assistance Grants.
Beyond 2016-17, the Federal Government should commit to: • Increase the quantum of the base and reform the indexation methodology of the Financial Assistance Grants; and • Provide appropriate resources to aid in the prevention of cost shifting, including working towards a renewed Inter-governmental agreement.

Councillor Report – 25 January 2017

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 25 January 2017
Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest
26 January Australia Day Celebrations – Somerset Civic Centre
26 January Australia Day Celebrations – Esk, Lowood, Toogoolawah & Kilcoy Swimming Pools
26 January Australia Day Races – Kilcoy

Agenda Item #31 Councillor Report
Meetings/Functions attended
9 January Somerset Skate Series – Kilcoy Skate Park
16 January BVKLandcare Group Meeting – Kilcoy Information Centre
18 January Meeting with community members Linville
18 January Roy Emerson Unveiling of Statue – Blackbutt
19 January Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Meeting

Somerset Skate Series
The first of five events of the series were held at Kilcoy on a warm afternoon. The event was well organised, with a free barbecue and music.

Roy Emerson Unveiling of Statue
The committee of the Roy Emerson Museum – Blackbutt Tourism & Heritage Qld organised a touching, memorable and jovial event with highly distinguished guests in attendance. There were lots of stories and chuckles from memories that were shared on the day with this tennis legend, lovingly known as “MO”. Cr Hall & I, represent Somerset Regional Council on the Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Committee, whereby members of the Blackbutt & District Tourist & Heritage Assn. are also members. Due to this close working relationship, I would like to move that a letter of congratulations be forwarded to the voluntary association, recognising the effort and funding achieved to bring their vision to fruition. If you wish to view this historic event, there is a wonderful you tube video.

State Government News of Interest
Sixty-five councils will receive funding under the Palaszczuk Government’s $200 million Works for Queensland program, effectively ensuring local government plays a pivotal role in Queensland’s job creation strategy. The regional breakdown of the funding is : Far North Queensland – $54.16 million; North Queensland – $32.35 million; Central Queensland – $22.66 million; Wide Bay-Burnett – $37.91 million; Mackay-Whitsundays – $17.56 million; Western Queensland – $19.86 million; and North West – $15.5 million.

Councillor Report – 22 December 2016

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 22 December 2016

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

Agenda Item #32 Councillor Report Meetings/Functions attended
26 November Glamorgan Vale Christmas Carnival
08 December On-site Inspection of Development Application & existing operations
09 December Somerset Regional Art Gallery “The Condensery” Business Networking Night & Launch of 2017 Tourism Brochure
10 December Kilcoy at the Hall – Children’s Christmas Show
13 December Somerset Tourism Volunteers Day – Kilcoy Visitor Information Centre
13 December Meeting with Local Residents, Shayne Neumann (MP) & Susan Lamb (MP) – “Bangladeshi Boys” (Current Status)
13 December Fernvale Lions Club Christmas Dinner – Glamorgan Vale
13 December Viewing of Christmas Lights – Beatties Christmas Lights – Glamorgan Vale
14 December Lowood Community Centre – Launch of Lowood Hub Service
14 December WISE December Christmas Catch-up – Esk

Community Held Events
Congratulations to Glamorgan Vale Community Hall Committee for holding such a well organised and supported Christmas Carnival, also to the Fernvale Lions Club for holding a fun filled Christmas Dinner evening, with great raffle prizes. Held on a warm day, the Launch of the Lowood Hub Service was well supported by residents and their families. I also attended community events during this period that unfortunately were very poorly attended. There is always a great deal of work carried out by volunteers and/or staff to support these events, and although the volunteers never appear to be deterred by this occurrence, it is disappointing to witness this outcome. The business networking night and launch of the 2107 tourism brochure held at The Condensery, Toogoolawah provided guests with a very relaxing and welcoming atmosphere. It was lovely to catch up with business owners on the night.

Somerset Tourism Volunteers Day
It was encouraging to see so many local tourism operators who took part in the celebrations by providing information stalls at the Kilcoy Visitor Information Centre. There were many tourism volunteers who enjoyed the interaction, a lovely lunch and the movie “Florence Foster Jenkins”, an inspirational true story of a New York heiress.

Beatties Christmas Lights
I must congratulate the Beatties for the fantastic display of Christmas lights. Mr Beattie explained that he has around 400,000 lights in this jaw dropping display.

Bangladeshi Boys
A group of concerned Kilcoy residents organised a meeting with Shayne Neumann (MP for Blair) and Susan Lamb (MP for Longman) to discuss the current status of the sixteen “Bangladeshi Boys” of Kilcoy. MP Shayne Neumann conceded that this matter is a Federal Government issue, and offered his assistance to the sixteen young men and their current issues.

Women in Somerset Enterprises (WISE) December Christmas Catch-up
I was impressed with the caliber of the membership of this group of passionate business women. This informal group offers support and encouragement to business women based in the Somerset region and meets monthly. Well done to these women who show leadership, courage and skills necessary to start their own business in today’s tough economic times.

Farewell to Somerset Regional Council Staff
It’s a bitter sweet moment when saying farewell to valued staff members, however all staff are wished the very best with future endeavours and their chosen career path. On this occasion, I would like to acknowledge and share words of wisdom from one young staff member advancing their career and moving on, “I have learnt a lot during my time with Council – The most important thing I’ve learnt is that difficult customers just want someone to listen to them”, with this attitude, I think this young employee will do well in the future.

Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) News of Interest
• The LGAQ has applauded the Crime and Corruption Commission for its recommendation that publicising allegations of corruption against candidates during local government elections should be prohibited. The Association has argued strongly for the measure, which it said would help eliminate smear campaigns and mud-slinging during election periods. LGAQ CEO Greg Hallam congratulated the Crime and Corruption Commission for recognising that allegations against candidates should not be manipulated for electoral gain.
• A $200 million funding package announced by the Palaszczuk Government as part of its Mid-Year Fiscal and Economic Review is set to support local councils undertaking job-creating, maintenance or minor infrastructure projects in regional Queensland. The LGAQ has welcomed the announcement, saying it was delighted that the State had listened to its appeal to establish the program in response to high levels of unemployment currently being experienced by many Queensland communities. The funds made available under the State Infrastructure initiative will focus on communities in need outside of South East Queensland.
• The Works for Queensland program, combined with funding measures announced in the 2016 State Budget has meant that the LGAQ has been successful in securing an additional $400 million in funds for Queensland councils this year.
• LGAQ also managed to hand back insurance premiums to members amounting to one million dollars more in 2016 than we took in membership subscriptions.
• The reviews into the local government elections and councillor complaints system will help deliver some important reforms in the new year.

State Government News of Interest
• Treasurer Curtis Pitt says the expected surplus for the 2016-17 State Budget has been revised upwards to more than $2 billion – up from the $867 million estimated in June at the time of this year’s State Budget. Releasing the state’s improved economic positon at the 2016-17 Mid-Year Fiscal and Economic Review, Mr Pitt said the $2.026 billion surplus was the largest net operating surplus since 2005-06 and followed the recent upward revision of the 2015-16 surplus from $152 million to $970 million.
• Scientists have begun attaching satellite tracking devices to little red flying-foxes in Lissner Park at Charters Towers to track their movements throughout the year. Environment Minister Steven Miles said the monitoring project was part of a $2.7 million investment over three years by the Queensland Government to help councils improve management of flying-fox roosts in urban areas. “The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection has engaged CSIRO scientists to track the little red flying-foxes from Charters Towers as they move across the state in search of flowering tree species,”Dr Miles said. “We want to know where they go, what factors are driving their behaviour and what influences their roosting preferences. “The intention is to gather factual, science-based evidence which will provide practical assistance to councils as they carry out their responsibilities to manage urban flying-fox roosts.”
• Dr Miles has also advised that a $1.8 million breeding program to boost healthy koalas’ genes has commenced at Dreamworld. Dreamworld and University of Queensland are developing a living genome bank that could be used to improve the health of small, fragmented wild koala populations.


Category : General News


A crucial meeting was held on Wednesday 7 December 2016 to define the content of the Jimna Forest Action Group Incorporated’s (JFAGI’s) submission to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) regarding options for the future of the heritage listed Jimna Fire Tower (JFT).

The meeting was held at the Caboolture office of Wood Research and Development (WRD) and was hosted by Mr. Dan Tingley Senior Wood Technology Structural Engineer and Mr. Stephen Richards Senior Project Manager (WRD). It was also attended by Mr. Jim Burgess Area Manager Forest Industries, Mr. Albert Kello Senior Project Officer (DAF), Mr. Leo Talty JFAGI Advisor and Mr. Dave Wright Sec. JFAGI.

Central to the discussion was the evaluation of the long held JFAGI advice that the JFT needed to have a steel core structure constructed within the existing tower to address structural and stabilizing requirements, meet public safety regulations and to allow public access consistent with a self funded tourist destination.

The recently circulated Jimna Fire Tower Level II Condition Report prepared by WRD for DAF and dated 30 June 2016 provided cost estimates based around three main options which in brief were:
• Option 1 – restore without public access
• Option 2 – restore with public access
• Option 3 – deconstruct whilst retaining the cabin intact

After being briefed on the durability, the structural qualities compared with steel, and the cost competiveness of timber structures being built around the world today (some much higher than the JFT), the JFAGI contingent was soon convinced that an all wood restoration of the JFT was a viable solution.

Further discussion regarding public access, maintenance, public safety, building time frame, heritage value retention and the fact that a modified staircase built to Australian Standards would in fact enhance the structural integrity of the JFT, confirmed option 2B ticked all JFAGI boxes, including a people loading limit of 60 at any one time.

Agreement was reached with DAF to allow WRD to use the findings in the WRD report to assist JFAGI in the preparation of its submission for the future of the JFT to DAF by the required date 16/12/2016. It is only after the expert commentary delivered at this memorable meeting by Mr. Dan Tingley and Mr Stephen Richards that JFAGI is confident that there is a feasible solution to the restoration of this Aussie Icon.

JFAGI has no hesitation in publicly supporting Option 2B in the WRD report and can only hope that our local, State and Federal politicians along with their engineering advisors take the time to understand this new information and seek bipartisan support for redevelopment funding of this national treasure. The possibility of commercial, private and public contribution to funding should also be investigated.

JFAGI’s Recommendation

As a result of both the public consultation process hosted by DAF at Jimna on Wednesday 16 November and WRD’s briefing on Wednesday 7 December 2016, JFAGI recommends that DAF adopts Option 2B as the basis for a sustainable long term solution for the Jimna Fire Tower.

Heritage Listing

1. The basis for the tower’s heritage listing remains unchanged, viz.:
a. The place is important in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of cultural places. – As the tallest tower in Queensland, and constructed using three poles, the Jimna fire tower is the finest example of a three-legged timber fire tower.
b. The place has a strong or special association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons – Jimna fire tower is valued by the community as the tallest fire tower in Queensland, for the views available from the top of the fire tower, and for its construction by a father and son team.
c. The place has a special association with the life and work of a particular person, group or organisation of importance in Queensland’s history – Jimna fire tower is important for its association with Arthur Leis, who was influential in the design and construction of fire towers in Queensland from the late 1950s to the early 1990s.

2. Of the options considered by DAF and detailed in the WRD Condition Report, only Options 1 and 2 are compliant. Option 3 will result in the tower being removed from the Heritage Register.

3. Option 2 is the most compliant option as it maintains full functionality, especially public access.

4. The Tower is a national icon, being the tallest three legged wooden fire tower in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere. It has been judged by Queensland Government Survey to be the most unique of its kind.


5. Jimna Tower sits on State Land bounded by a plantation lease on three sides and the Kilcoy-Murgon gazetted road on the fourth. During the consultation meeting on 16/11/2016 DAF raised no objection to the suggestion that this small portion of State Forest land may be capable of being leased in its own right as part of a long term solution to retain, refurbish and commercialise visitor access.

6. DAF also confirmed at that meeting that Option 2 was specifically included in the WRD Condition Report because it allowed for commercialisation of the asset. This option is the only one of the three considered that has the potential to generate a financial return on the Government’s investment.

7. Historic records confirm the tower is an important tourist asset attracting in excess of 30,000 visitors a year when public access was an option and tourism promotion virtually nonexistent.

8. By its proximity, the tower adds significant value to Jimna as a tourist/weekender destination as it is close to the recently upgraded Peach Trees camping ground ($1million upgrade) and numerous dedicated walking and 4WD trails in the Jimna State Forest.

9. If DAF adopts Option 2B and restores the asset in line with the Government’s heritage obligations, JFAGI would be prepared to enter into a commercial lease agreement for a trial period of two years at a nominal fee. In return, JFAGI would:
a. manage the tower as a tourism asset;
b. retain a dedicated and auditable accounting for the tower’s operations;
c. handle the day to day maintenance and operation of the tower and base camp ground as an adjunct to its Visitor Information Centre in Jimna; and
d. gather benchmark visitor and tourism data to enable DAF to better understand the commercial viability of the tower and underpin any tender for lease of the asset into future years.
In effect, JFAGI would take over and manage the asset as part of an informed and co-ordinated approach which would transition the tower from a forest asset to a tourism drawcard. Based on past visitor numbers, JFAGI believes the tower can be self funding and is prepared to provide the short term stimulus needed to prove this point.

Ongoing Financial Cost

10. WRD’s representatives confirmed at the briefing session on 7/12/2016 that when properly constructed and maintained, timber structures are more than a match for steel and concrete, have a history of longevity (some over 1000 years old) and can and do last for centuries. Both Options 1 and 2 redress some of the inherent problems in the original design (e.g. by creating gaps between the main pole frame and the concrete base supports of the tower to reduce moisture penetration and by inserting more bracing to reduce stress). Both options also utilise significant expert knowledge on wood preservation and structural design techniques that will reduce the incidence and need for significant outlays like those faced by DAF in the current exercise.

11. These two options include the use of fumigants to control wood decay. The Condition Report confirms that these will be deployed as rods inserted throughout the structure. During the briefing session with WRD on 7/12/2016, Dan Tingley confirmed these rods will need to be replaced over time and the estimated annualised cost of replacement is less than $1,000 per annum.

12. The only other maintenance cost relates to the replacement of sections due to age and/or wear and tear. In this regard, apart from the standard maintenance techniques of the day carried out by the tower’s builder Arthur Leis and a more recent attempt to install anchor cables to stabilise the structure, there hasn’t been any significant maintenance undertaken on the tower since it was built in 1977. With this in mind and given the fact that Option 2B will cost around $800,000 to fully restore and upgrade the tower to current building standards with public access, this suggests that an amortised maintenance cost of something significantly less than $20,000 per annum would be required to maintain the tower into perpetuity. While DAF didn’t object to this reasoning during the public consultation meeting on 16/11/2016, it noted that government agencies don’t normally work this way (i.e. put aside an amount of budget each year to cover the contingent cost of major renovations).

13. As a worst case scenario, DAF can lease the asset after restoration to a non-profit organisation like JFAGI to operate as a tourism/community based asset and allocate an initial budget allocation of $20,000 per annum to be accumulated in a dedicated and auditable (JFAGI) account to offset future repairs and maintenance identified by the Lessee and approved by the Lessor (DAF). Any lease agreement can include the option that surplus funds generated out of public access are used for maintenance and repairs and if JFAGI is correct, the budgeted annual allocations will become redundant as the asset should become self funding.

Sighted and signed:

Rhonda Affoo

Bill Montgomery

David Wright

Leo Talty

Councillor Report – Meeting 7 December 2016

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 7 December 2016

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest
09 December Condensery 1st Birthday Celebrations & Tourism Brochure Launch
10 December Kilcoy @ the Hall (Children’s Christmas Celebration)
13 December Somerset Tourism Volunteers Day – Kilcoy
14 December Launch Lowood Hub Service
17 December Esk Races
18 December Mt Beppo Hall Committee Christmas Party

Agenda Item # 34 Councillor Report Meetings/Functions attended
23 November Somerset Region Business Alliance – Business After Hours “Focus on Tourism” – Cormorant Bay
24 November Linville & Moore Mobile Hub
24 November On-site meeting at Linville – BVRT infrastructure
24 November Kilcoy Showground Overall Reserve Management Committee Meeting
24 November Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. Meeting
25 November Welcome to members of the Blackbutt & District Tourism & Historical Assn to Kilcoy
25 November Council of Mayors Economic Development Meeting – Brisbane
25 November Stanley River Environmental Education Centre “Friends of the Stanley River BBQ”
30 November Esk State School Special Music Parade
01 December BVHT Christmas Lunch & Annual General Meeting – Yarraman
01 December Meeting with non-profit event organiser – Kilcoy
01 December Meeting with community member – Shaping SEQ – Draft SEQ Regional Plan (October 2016)
03 December Kilcoy Community Carols (Unable to attend due to weather event)
04 December St John’s Lutheran Church Coolana 125th Anniversary of Congregation (Late apologies given due to storm cleaning demands)
06 December Lowood-Fernvale Community Bank Christmas Celebration

Somerset Region Business Alliance – Business After Hours “Focus on Tourism”
Congratulations to another very informative and collaborative networking evening organised by the Somerset Region Business Alliance. I strongly advocate that the newly formed Somerset Regional Council’s Economic Development Advisory Committee embrace this initiative and organise similar events on a regional basis. A wonderful opportunity exists to network with the two regional business orientated committees (KCCCI & SRBA) to achieve successful outcomes. Through this process, local businesses should be encouraged to build strong alliances and develop important networking qualities. I also envisage that Council’s Tourism Advisory Committee could collaborate further, and provide support and depth regarding this initiative.

Council of Mayors Economic Development Meeting
Conversation included recognition of “SEQ” as a broader branded area, without the expectation to distinguish Council boundaries. Piggy backing on major events in SEQ was discussed, and discussions took place around pre and post event strategies. The progress of the following projects was updated – Trade & Investment Events, Regional Tourist Trail, SEQ Invest Website and Smart Region Projects. A report based on Smart Street Lighting Feasibility (Executive Report November 2016) was tabled. A presentation was provided based around the Queensland Local Government Grants Commission. The Commission’s Annual Report 2015/2016 was also tabled at the meeting. The meeting discussed the methodology used by the Commission to distribute the Queensland Local Government Financial Assistance Grants. Grant allocation principles and processes used to develop the general purpose grant and identified road grant, including minimum grant allocations were included. The committee will seek direction from each member Council about a particular section of the methodology. Discussion took place about the need for Councils to complete the ECQ’s survey regarding the 2016 Local Government Elections. It is felt that a review of current procedures is urgently needed.

Esk State School Special Music Parade
I attended a very well-rehearsed production along with Crs. Lehmann, Hall, Brieschke, Choat and Whalley. The Esk State School music teacher, Mr Adam Smith must be congratulated on the standard of this musical presentation. Well done to every student and to all those involved with providing such an endearing experience.

Meeting with community member – Shaping SEQ – Draft SEQ Regional Plan (October 2016)
I met with Mr David Matthews to discuss the information he obtained by attending a community conversation session of the draft regional plan, Shaping SEQ. Mr Matthews advised that there is very little in the document that relates specifically to the Somerset region. He is concerned of obvious oversights with future planning for the next twenty-five years in our region. It was agreed that the Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. be requested to consult with the Somerset Region Business Alliance to evaluate the contents of the draft regional plan and to make associated comments that may need attention. It was also agreed that once this action has been achieved, that representatives from the groups meet with Council to address their findings. After attending a session on this subject at the Local Government Association of Queensland’s Conference in October 2016, I am aware that advice given to Council delegates was to ensure that this draft regional plan was understood and if considered necessary provide a properly made submission during the statutory public notification period, which concludes at midnight on Friday 3rd March, 2017.

State Government News of Interest
• Early in the morning of Friday 2nd December 2016, the Queensland Government passed the Industrial Relations Bill 2016, which LGAQ offered amendments to. Disappointing to learn that the requests by local government were rejected. The Bill introduces a new Industrial Relations Act to commence in March 2017, and which contains changes including the introduction of conditions and entitlements for workers at a cost to councils, a significant strengthening of the role of trade unions in local government, and the return to a system of multiple complicated awards covering local government employees.
• A $2.5 million investment in regional rail has seen the first cattle train in two decades roll into Oakey from either Quilpie, Charleville, Morven, Roma and Mitchell with the potential for a rural jobs bonanza. One train load of livestock is the equivalent of up to 44 decks of cattle delivered by B Double. Meat processing is estimated to employ 18,000 Queenslanders.

Federal Government News of Interest
• Queensland Councils have welcomed the decision to reimburse the $1 billion (2014-15 cyclones) in disaster funding owed, but have vowed to continue fighting for more than $8 million (2013-14 floods and storms) to 38 Queensland councils in unpaid plant and equipment costs.
• The eighteen month long backpacker tax sage has finally been resolved with the compromise 15% tax rate passing both houses of the Australian Parliament Sunday night, 4th December 2016. Queensland Farmers’ Federation is satisfied that the 15% tax rate restores Australia’s competitiveness as a destination for backpackers.

Councillor Report – Council Meeting 23rd November 2016

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 23 November 2016


Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

24 November    Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc Monthly Meeting

26 November    Glamorgan Vale Hall Christmas Party

26 November    “Market on the Green” Old St Andrews Church Esk

27 November    Lowood Writers Circle Meeting

29 November    Community Share Meal – Kilcoy

30 November    Special Music Parade – Esk State School

01 December     Annual Presentation Night – Lowood State School

02 December     Carols in the Park – Toogoolawah

03 December     Kilcoy Community Carols

03 December     Kilcoy Races Christmas Cup

04 December     Esk Community Choir “Annual Christmas Variety Concert”

04 December     St John’s Lutheran Church Coolana 125th Anniversary of Congregation



Agenda Item #30 Councillor Report Meetings/Functions attended

16 November    Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting

16 November    Local Disaster Management Group Meeting

17 November    Meeting with RADF Committee Member

18 November    Kilcoy State High School Year 12 Valedictory Ceremony

19 November    Bush Dance Linville

21 November    RADF Committee Meeting

23 November    Meeting with Town Planning staff – Development Application

23 November    Somerset Region Business Alliance – Business After Hours “Focus on Tourism”


Kilcoy State High School Year 12 Valedictory Ceremony

Congratulations to the seventy-one students who graduated successfully from Kilcoy State High School.  These ceremonies consist of mixed emotions, and a sense of excitement, as to what lies ahead.  I recall my Kilcoy State High School graduation ceremony and I acknowledge and appreciate the changes achieved through the education system/processes and the associated expectations currently shared by students, teaching staff, parents and families.

Linville Bush Dance & Community Church Service

John and I along with our two granddaughters, Marley and Ally attended the Linville Bush Dance and we all thoroughly enjoyed the family orientated event.  Ginn Gang, a Christian musically gifted family performed during the evening and had all dancers up and enjoying various styles of bush dancing.  The many children in attendance soon acquired the knowledge of the various steps that were taught during the night.  The performing family also lead a Community Church Service the following morning at Linville.

Billies Bay & Hays Landing -new recreation destination

Both areas have been transformed into a new recreation destination catering for BBQs, picnics, swimming, fishing, paddling and sailing.  Six hundred South East Queensland students enjoyed a sneak preview on Tuesday 22nd November, as part of Seqwater’s annual Play it safe day.  The new site is to be opened to the general public from Saturday 10 December.  I echo our Mayor’s statement that tourism has been identified as one of the key economic drivers for our region both now and into the future, and that the new facility has the potential to further enhance our growing reputation as one of Australia’s premier lakes’ districts.

Innovative Queenslander takes out agriculture award

Mr Dan Papacek was named the winner of the 2016 Peter Kenny Medal at the AgFutures Conference held in Brisbane on Tuesday night (22nd November).   Applicants for this award had to be involved in agriculture, fisheries or forestry in some capacity.  Mr Papacek is a leader in his field, committed to advancing Queensland agriculture through the use of integrated pest management.  His mission is to help Australian growers achieve best practice management with minimal pesticides.  Mr Papacek started his business “Bugs for Bugs” in Munduberra in 1981, at a time when integrated pest management and use of beneficial insects to control pest insects was not common practice.  His perseverance and belief in the science has meant that “Bug for Bugs” is now one of Australia’s leading suppliers of biological control agents.

Gold Coast to host $50 million Chinese business event

The Gold Coast will host one of Australia’s biggest ever business events when more than 8,000 employees from Chinese company, Infinitus, come to Queensland in 2018.  The Gold Coast has won the week-long business event that would generate more than $50 million for the state.  Gold Coast Business Events collaborated with Tourism and Events Queensland and Tourism Australia to beat national and international competition for the staff incentive program of Infinitus, one of China’s largest personal health care companies.  This will be one of the largest conference groups to visit Australia, and the biggest the Gold Coast has ever hosted.  This event will offer a great opportunity to showcase the Gold Coast and the state as a premier tourism and events destination.  The Infinitus China program will bring thousands of Chinese business delegates to Queensland and showcase its diverse tourism experiences to the growing China market.







Councillor Report – Council Meeting Monday 14 November 2016

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 November 2016


Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

16 November    Healthy Waterways – Report Card Kilcoy

19 November    Glamorgan Vale Hand Crafted Market Day

19 November    Linville Bush Dance

20 November    Linville Community Church Service


Agenda Item #40 Councillor Report Meetings/Functions attended

27 October         Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Monthly Meeting

28 October         54th Annual Awards Ceremony – Kilcoy State High School

31 October         Agforce Meeting – Toogoolawah

2 November      Kilcoy & District Village Committee General Meeting

3 November      Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee Monthly Meeting

6 November      Fernvale Car & Bike Show – Fernvale

7 November      Toogoolawah Ambulance Committee Special Meeting

8 November      Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting

9 November      Somerset Region Community Enterprises Ltd Annual General Meeting – Lowood

11 November    Remembrance Day Commemoration – Kilcoy

13 November    Artist of the Month Exhibition Opening – Kilcoy Courthouse Art Gallery


Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Monthly Meeting

Correspondence will be forwarded to the respective government Ministers advising of the very intermittent mobile coverage in and around Kilcoy areas.  I requested that a copy of the correspondence be cc’d to Somerset Regional Council for information purposes only.


Domestic Violence Measures

Following the formation of a special committee, the Palaszczuk Government has committed a record $198.2 million over five years in this year’s Budget to continue to implement the response to Not Now, Not Ever.

Key achievements include:

  • releasing the 10-Year Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy;
  • opening of 72-hour crisis shelters in Brisbane and Townsville, which have helped more than 1000 victims escape violence. Since the six-month report, a further $8.7 million has been allocated for regional shelters in Charters Towers and Roma;
  • trialling of a specialist domestic and family violence court at Southport. To build on the trial, the 2016-17 Budget included $42.4 million over four years to roll out more specialist courts;
  • a suite of laws including amendments to the Penalties and Sentences Act to make domestic violence an aggravating factor and laws to make non-fatal strangulation a separate offence;
  • the development of the Respectful Relationships education program for all Queensland schools to counter attitudes and behaviours that underpin violence later in life. The State Government has also included introducing an Industrial Relations Bill, and once passed, will provide to up to 10 days of domestic and family violence leave per year on full pay.

Queensland Country Women’s Association Conference

A landmark vote was made at the annual state conference on the 26th October 2016, allowing men (over the age of 18 years) to join the previously exclusively “women only” organisation as support members.


Awareness Campaign – Property Fire Risks

Given the event of out of control fires to the east of Kilcoy during the month of October, I would like to suggest that council consider educating its residents of the need to judge the fire risks of their individual properties, and become more “Fire Ready”.   This strategy could be supported by collaborating with Community Education Officers.  Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group in conjunction with local Rural Fire Brigades and the South East Qld Fire and Biodiversity Consortium will be holding a fire management planning workshop on 25th February 2017.  Council could assist this serious situation by raising awareness of its residents.


Queensland’s Heritage Grants

Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection Dr Steven Miles has advised that 99 applications were received under round one of the ‘heritage’ category and 18 successful recipients would share $701,944 in funding.  Congratulations to local recipient, Your Archives Pty Ltd submitting a project that aims to prepare a Condition Assessment report and undertake urgent stabilisation work at the historic Stonehouse at Moore for a grant of $50,000.


Emergency Vehicles to get priority in neighbouring Toowoomba Region

I was interested to learn that the Emergency Vehicle Priority (EVP) system is an innovative technology that provides fire trucks and ambulances priority when responding to emergencies.  The EVP system provides a green traffic signal to approaching emergency vehicles fitted with the technology, when safe to do so.  Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Paul Antonio commented that council is happy to see this system being implemented in the Toowoomba Region.

Somerset Region Community Enterprises Ltd AGM

The meeting was held at the Lowood Golf Club on Wednesday 9th November.  I was overwhelmed by the achievements of this organisation. Total holdings after acquiring the Toogoolawah Bendigo Agency on 1 November is now $100 m. The organisation has now reinvested around $326,000 back in to the community over the last six years. Congratulations to everyone, past & present who have been involved.

Somerset Regional Council Weekly Highlights – 7 November 2016

Category : General News

Nominate a Somerset Resident for an Australia Day Award

Somerset residents are being encouraged to recognise the outstanding contributions of fellow residents by nominating them for a 2017 Australia Day Award.

The annual awards are held to acknowledge residents and groups who have made a considerable contribution to the community.

Somerset Regional Council invites nominations in six categories – Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Event of the Year, Australia Day Sports Award, Australia Day Arts and Cultural Award and Community Group of the Year.

Nominations for each of the categories are open from now until 5pm on Friday, 9 December.

The Australia Day Awards ceremony will be held on Australia Day in 2017 at the Somerset Civic Centre in Esk.

Nomination forms are available from Council offices, by phoning (07) 5424 4000 or online at

Somerset Council Meeting to Be Held on Monday

Somerset Regional Council has changed the date of their next meeting to Monday, 14 November 2017.

Council meetings are held in the Simeon Lord Room in the Esk Library Building off Heap Street.

Meetings are open to the public and start at 9am.

Agendas can be found at

Council Looking for More Volunteers

Somerset Regional Council has vacancies for volunteers to join its team at various information centres in the region.

Volunteers are wanted for visitor information centres at Esk, Fernvale and Kilcoy as well as the Somerset Regional Art Gallery – The Condensery at Toogoolawah.

Volunteers must be willing to work weekends (only short shifts) and be active promoters of tourism in Somerset.

A rewarding incentive program is offered to volunteers and all training is provided.

If you would like to join the Council team and give back to your community, visit or phone Council on (07) 5424 4000.

Somerset Regional Council Meeting Highlights – 27 October 2016

Category : General News

Council Continues Pest Management in Somerset

Somerset Regional Council is appealing to residents to help manage invasive pest plants in the region.

Council has several invasive plant treatment programs occurring throughout the region to target weeds but is looking for support of residents to manage their private properties.

Council officers have been managing an increase in requests for assistance from landholders specifically targeting Fireweed.

Fireweed is a restricted invasive plant that competes with pastures and can be toxic to livestock.

Earlier this year Council included fireweed on its Chemical Subsidy Program.

The Chemical Subsidy Program applies to certain invasive plants in Somerset and allows approved landholders to receive a subsidy of one-third of the herbicide cost upon presentation of receipts to Council and an approved property pest management plan.

For more information about invasive weed species, how to manage them, or accessing Council’s Chemical Subsidy Program contact Council on (07) 5424 4000.

To access fact sheets on invasive plants and animals visit:

Council Names Ovals at Fernvale Sports Park

Somerset Regional Council has named several ovals constructed as part of the Fernvale Sports Park development.

Public comment on the name changes was sought and Council received submissions in support of the proposals.

The cricket oval will be called Les Titmarsh Oval, the netball courts will be named after Judith Schmidt and a third field will be named Harrisborough Field.

Council will also rename part of what is currently known as Brouff Road to Sam Brouff Way when changes to the Fernvale Sports Park access occur in future.

Council will install signs to reflect the new names.

Somerset Council’s 2015/16 Annual Report Released

Somerset Regional Council has released its 2015/16 annual report.

Highlights in the financial year, as detailed in the report, include the construction of the Fernvale Sports Park and drainage upgrades, replacement of several ageing timber bridges in the region and continued development and implementation of Council’s tourism strategy.

The annual report is available for download on Council’s website:

Council Supports Race Club

Somerset Regional Council has, through its Community Assistance Grants program, approved financial support for two upcoming race meetings of the Kilcoy Race Club.

Council received a request from the club to sponsor a race meeting in December and January.

Council will contribute $1000 towards sponsorship of the two race meetings with Council to have naming rights of two gallop races.

Category : General News

Council Staff Member Recognised for Long Service

Somerset Regional Council has recognised the efforts of employee, Mellenie Wheeler, for 10 years of service to Council.

Mrs Wheeler started with Esk Shire Council as a trainee and completed a Certificate III in Business Administration.

Two years later she became a records officer and has continued to work in this role since.

Somerset Mayor Graeme Lehmann congratulated Mrs Wheeler on attaining 10 years of service with Council.

Mellenie Wheeler is congratulated by Somerset Mayor Graeme Lehmann on her long service.


NB: Somerset Regional Council held its meeting on Wednesday, 26 October in the Simeon Lord Room at the Esk Library starting at 9am.


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Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

📢 Funding Alert for Men's Sheds! 🛠️Our Australian Men's Sheds play a huge role in bringing men together—whether it's working on projects, sharing skills, or just having a good yarn. 💬The next round of funding is now available to support our local Men's Sheds with financial assistance where needed. Don't miss this opportunity to help your Shed continue making a difference in the community!Find out more and apply now 👉 #CommunitySupport #Grants #RDAMovement #Ipswich #WestMoreton #FundingOpportunity Queensland Men's Shed AssociationLockyer Valley Regional Council Somerset Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Ipswich City Council ... See MoreSee Less
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📢 Funding Boost for Skilling Queenslanders for Work! 💼🎉An additional $5 million in funding is helping more job seekers gain skills, qualifications, and experience to secure employment or stay in the workforce.Through Skilling Queenslanders for Work, participants receive accredited training in priority industries like construction, primary industries, community services, and hospitality, along with tailored support to help them succeed.🔎 Find funded projects in our region here: #JobsForQueenslanders #SkillsForTheFuture #TrainingOpportunities #CareerGrow Skills for Queensland ... See MoreSee Less
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Looking for grant funding?🚀 Kickstart 2025 with Grant Opportunities! 🎉Looking for funding to bring your community, sporting club, or not-for-profit project to life this year? There are fantastic grants available to help you get started!Visit the RDA Ipswich & West Moreton website to explore funding opportunities and make 2025 a year of impact. 💡🏆🔗 Find out more: #CommunityFunding #RDAMoreton #Ipswich #SportingClubs #NotForProfits #MakeItHappen Ipswich City Council Lockyer Valley Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Somerset Regional Council ... See MoreSee Less
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