Category Archives: General News

Councillor Report – Wednesday 24 May 2017

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 24 May 2017

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

25 May   Mobile Hub – Eagle Rise Estate Lowood

25 May   Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. Meeting

26/27 May Esk Show

27 May   Glamorgan Vale QWCA Fashion Parade

27 May   Kilcoy Hospital Fete & Auction

27 May   Lowood Show Ball

27 May   Kilcoy Lions Club Change Over Dinner

27 May   Harlin State School P&C Cent Auction

02 June   Somerset Schools Sports Cup – Toogoolawah

03 June  High Tea – Moore Soldiers’ Hall

03 June   Lowood Slimmers’ Biggest Morning Tea

04 June   Lowood Fernvale Pony Club – Open Sports Day – Fernvale


Postcode 4306 & bizarre associated problems

An e-petition to Federal Parliament has been launched to try again to get Blackbutt’s bizarre postcode troubles fixed by Australia Post. Blackbutt shares its 4306 postcode with Ipswich city which is located 140 km away.  The areas don’t even share a border.  Australia Post has previously refused to allocate different postcodes saying the change was not necessary, despite acknowledging it had been raised several times by Federal MPs, including then Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull.  Postcode 4306 covers more than 50 suburbs and is spread across five federal electorates taking in six different Local Council areas.  The shared postcode impacts residents’ access to government services, including social services and providers, insurance, financing and the many other circumstances that warrant a geographically suitable postcode.  Residents are encouraged by the fact that a previous successful postcode reallocation occurred in the western suburbs of Brisbane within the past decade setting a precedent for Australia Post to consider this matter more seriously.  The petition is live for four weeks, closing June 7.   Areas include, but not limited to: AVOCA VALE, BORALLON, COLINTON, DUNDAS, FAIRNEY VIEW, FERNVALE, GLAMORGAN VALE, HARLIN, LINVILLE, MOORE, MOUNT STANLEY, SPLIT YARD CREEK, WIVENHOE POCKET.


I move that Council acknowledge the need for change by forwarding a letter of support to Federal Parliament, requesting Australia Post provide unique postcodes to areas of those residents affected by the postcode 4306 which is currently spread across fifty suburbs, five federal electorates and six different Local Government areas.


Agenda Item #  30  Councillors’ Report

Meetings/Functions attended

10 May   Somerset Art Society Inc. General Meeting

10 May   Bendigo Community Bank Forum – Toogoolawah

12 May   Council of Mayors – Economic Development Committee Meeting – Brisbane

13 May   Viewing of Historical Photographs – Toogoolawah Historical Society

15 May   Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Meeting – Kilcoy

15 May   Kilcoy State Primary School – Meeting with Principal

15 May   Exchange Hotel Kilcoy – Proposed Event Meeting

15 May   Fernvale Community Action Group Committee Meeting – Fernvale

16 May  RV Futures (CMCA) Forum – Brisbane

17 May   Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting; Disaster Management Committee Meeting – Esk

17 May   Kilcoy District Cultural Village Committee AGM & General Meeting

22 May   Regional Arts Development Fund Assessment Meeting – Esk

23 May   Wacky Ladies Biggest Morning Tea – Toogoolawah

24 May   Kilcoy State High School Council Meeting


Bendigo Community Bank Forum

Around 92 people brainstormed projects that they believe are important to the community and require serious consideration for future funding.   A total of 25 projects, each with the construction value of $5,000 or more was provided from the floor.  The task then began to prioritize the projects, with the following projects gaining greater support:

  1. Recreational facilities upgrade at Toogoolawah. Swimming Pool upgrade, Indoor Sports facility, flood lights at McConnell Park, Volley Ball court upgrade and training workshops.
  2. Alexandra Hall – renovations for use as Evac Centre, dressing rooms, painting etc.
  3. Support for Rural Fire Shed.
  4. Outdoor Sporting facilities – netball. Esk/Toogoolawah.


Council of Mayors – Economic Development Committee Meeting

A discussion took place around the committee review of Council of Mayors’, and it was advised that it has been decided that the committee structure and meeting process could easily be remodeled by key staff visiting each South-East Queensland Council and discussing various issues with whole of Council.  It was also pointed out that the Economic Development Committee will remain intact.

Sunshine Coast Regional Council showcased its latest tourism app that provides a schedule of tourism visitation with local tourism venues, visitation times allotted, directional maps along with estimated travelling times.  The app lends itself to any Council’s use and the ability to provide relevant and unique information relative to each regional area.  I consider that this app would be a valuable tool for our tourism space.


The Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Meeting

Cr Sean Choat delivered the printed Flora of Yowie Park Booklets completed by Kathy Baton.  Cr Choat offered the group advice on future publication and printed information options.  The Treasurer, Tony Robinson gave a report on the dire financial situation and membership decline.  David Matthews commented on grant history which shows that SRC has been extremely generous in the support through works and materials provided. Previously SEQC had provided office accommodation, phone and internet costs but following amalgamation with Healthy Land & Water current negotiations indicate that this arrangement may cease.  It was asked if Somerset Regional Council could favourably review the current office rental fees. The BVKL Group’s honorary administration payments will cease after the end of May 2017.  The group was congratulated on the many achievements and successful projects accomplished over the many years of operation, and that the loss of such a group would be detrimental to our region.


Kilcoy State Primary School – Meeting with Principal Mr Terry Janz

I met with Mr Janz to discuss the social needs of children from years 3 to 12, and how he is advocating for schools in our region to consider using the program to discover, map and educate well-being to our school children accordingly.  The program has sound research and achievable outcomes.  I will continue to assist in my role wherever possible. This program will be discussed this afternoon at the Kilcoy High School Council meeting, and I look forward to this initiative becoming a regional based program.  Kilcoy State Primary School has already completed the first step of the program with their students.


Exchange Hotel Kilcoy – Proposed Event Meeting – Beer & BBQ Festival

A list of in-kind support items was discussed and forwarded to the Director of Operations for further clarification and proposed support from council if and where applicable.  It now appears that there is not a great opportunity for Council to offer in-kind support as requested by the event organiser.


RV Futures (CMCA) Forum – Brisbane

This forum was very professionally organised and was very informative with some great speakers and the Deputy Mayor of Hinchinbrook Shire Council, Cr Mary Brown acknowledged the RV success story in Ingham.   There were many positive comments about the possibility of a Somerset town trialing a CMCA RV Park, which will not produce any real costs to council.  I will provide Councillors and Staff with a report on the forum.


Kilcoy District Cultural Village Committee AGM & General Meeting

Congratulations to the incoming executives – President David Matthews, Vice President Richard Whiting, Secretary Lynn Candey, Treasurer David Dunn.  I must also congratulate the committee on past achievements and identified future goals.


Caboolture to Wamuran Rail Trail – Moreton Bay Regional Council

The Caboolture to Wamuran Rail Trail will be a 10.5km long shared pathway extending from Beerburrum Road, Caboolture to Atwood Street, Wamuran.  This is a unique project that follows the old Caboolture to Kilcoy railway corridor that closed in 1964.  The aim of the project is to showcase the history of the railway while providing a quality shared pathway and support facilities that will attract cyclists and walkers to the area.  The project will include: 10.5km long, 3 – 3.5m wide shared asphalt and concrete pathway; entry statements in Caboolture and Wamuran; bridge and culvert crossings; interpretative and wayfinding signage; and seating nodes.  Council is investing $4.6m into the design and construction of this project.  This project will be jointly funded by Moreton Bay Regional Council and the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.












Councillor Report – Wednesday 10 May 2017

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 10 May 2017

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

10 May   Toogoolawah Community Forum – Somerset Region Community Enterprises Ltd

13 May   Toogoolawah Historical Society –  Historical Photographic Display

13 May   Kilcoy Art Society In. Mother’s Day Luncheon  –  CANCELLED

13 May   Fernvale Stampede

17 May   International Day Fly the Flag – (Against Homophobia Transphobia & Biphobia)

17 May   Domestic Violence Awareness – Clock Park Lowood

20 May   Esk Show Ball

23 May   Wacky Ladies Biggest Morning Tea &Wacky Fashion Parade – Toogoolawah


Agenda Item # 29 Councillor Report

Meetings/Functions attended

27 April   Meeting with Kilcoy resident

27 April   Somerset Youth Leadership Forum

27 April   Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. Meeting

28 April   Esk Girl Guides District Support Group Annual General Meeting

29 April   Kilcoy Show

04 May   Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee Meeting – Moore

06 May   Glenwood Aged Care Hostel 20th Anniversary – Lowood

06 May   Linville Markets

09 May   Valley of the Lakes Garden Club Meeting

09 May   Citizenship Ceremony – Esk

09 May   Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting – Esk

09 May   Eagle Rise Estate Community Meeting – Lowood


Somerset Youth Leadership Forum

I spent a few hours with approximately sixty students from Lowood, Toogoolawah and Kilcoy State High Schools and a very capable facilitator Nicole Gibson, CEO of Rogue and Rouge Foundation.  The students connected well with Nicole, and at the age of twenty-four years, Nicole has achieved so much already in her life.  The students happily absorbed everything that Nicole was talking about.  I was surprised by the open and honest feedback that Nicole achieved from some of the students.  I look forward to learning of the outcomes from this energetic forum.

Esk Girl Guides District Support Group Annual General Meeting

Crs Lehmann, Brieschke, Choat and I attended a well-supported Annual General Meeting.  It is always interesting to learn how a club/organization works within its community.  I was surprised by the amount of work and the activities that the girls complete each year.  Congratulations to Kathy Heck for achieving District Leader status of the Girl Guides group.  I must also congratulate Patti Jaenke for offering an interesting motivational speech, and one that I could have listened to for much longer.

Kilcoy Show

With such beautiful weather, the Kilcoy Show was another outstanding success.  There were many rides, stalls and continuous entertainment.  The pavilions were stacked full of entries in their relevant classes, and there were plenty of agriculture to admire, including fat cattle, vegetables, fruit and fowls.  The equine and donkey classes appeared to be well supported.  The wood chopping and chain sawing events draw loyal supporters, who offer their full support to these strength zapping events.   With lots of great food options, no one went hungry.  The Kilcoy Konvoy was well supported by the entry of 68 sparkling trucks.  The Trackside pavilion housed many beautiful art entries.  The mud pie competition received a total of 108 mud pie entries.  Congratulations to all responsible for organising such a great show, I am aware of the many months of work that is needed to bring our local shows together.  I am pleased to advise that Somerset Councillors (Crs Whalley, Choat & I) were able to join in with the grand parade, and we thank the generous offer from Kel Stanton to use his impressive black utility.  The Show Society challenged us to take part; so challenge met!

Glenwood Aged Care Hostel 20th Anniversary

Along with Crs Lehmann and Choat, I believe we learned interesting information about the history of this very valuable community facility.  Twenty-five years ago, the Lowood community decided it needed the services of an aged care facility.  With over five years of fund raising activities, the community raised over $600,000.  Government funding provided over $900,000, with the centre costing $2.2 million to build.  The centre has just seen a refurbishment and looks fresh and even more inviting.  Congratulations to all concerned with organising this wonderful event.

Linville Markets

The Linville Hall was full of interesting stalls, and the children were kept busy with various activities.  The weather was perfect for outdoor activities and campers were arriving to spend the weekend in this unique little town.  Unfortunately, there was an incident where a couple arriving with their caravan for the weekend lost one of their precious little dogs.  I wish to thank Rosie O’Brien for helping in this very difficult time, and I received a lovely email from the Brisbane couple expressing their thanks for the love and support that was shown to them by the locals.

Lowood Show Society

The Show Society held two very successful events during the month of April.  The B & S Ball (8th) attracted over 660 young people and over 3,000 people attended the Lowood Rodeo (29th).  Congratulations to this busy group of volunteers.

New Koala Habitat Funding for Wild Koala Day

The Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group has been successful with a funding application to fund the creation of the South Toogoolawah Koala Habitat Enhancement Corridor between Toogoolawah-Biarra Road and The Condensery Art Gallery.  The group will receive $7,940 to continue developing koala habitat.

Bike Week 2017

Queenslanders celebrate the power of the pedal with Bike Week 2017 kicking off from Saturday 6 May.  There are many events that are planned during the week including the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Experience on Sunday 14 May.  Stats reveal that 760,000 Queenslanders ride a bike at least once a week, but another 1.53 million people would ride if the conditions were right, or they felt more comfortable cycling.



Category : General News

BVK Landcare


April 2017




“The Hub” Kilcoy Information Centre, SEQC&W Offices                  Hope St Kilcoy

Tel: 07 54971253   Fax: 07 54220515

PO Box 116 Kilcoy 4515



Chairperson:                         David Matthews

Vice Chairperson:

Secretary/Treasurer            Tony Robinson                 07/ 5496 3582


** Next Meeting GM Monday 15th May   9.30 am

Kilcoy Information Centre   –   **All welcome


Newsletter Advertising.

Costs per issue $11(inc. GST) for a quarter page, $22 for a half page and $44 for a full page.  Contact the office for more information. 54971253

*Get your business out in view and see what Landcare can do for you*




Breaking News ….. Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare is in the process of establishing a website  ….    –   early days yet with a lot more information to be processed. 




BVK has submitted an application for funds to establish  the Birdwing Butterfly vine (Pararistolochia praevenosa) at strategic locations within the Stanley River catchment. This is to be achieved by establishing new host vines thus providing the plant habitat (food source for the larvae) for the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly (Omithopter richmondia )  to expand its range (Dr Don Sands, CSIRO Pullenvale Qld)

The Richmond Birdwing Butterfly was once common in South East Queensland, however, due to loss of habitat by development and clearing for agricultural production and the extensive planting of the introduced South American Dutchman’s Pipe vine (Aristolochia elegans) into domestic gardens (this vine is poisonous to the Birdwing larvae) the population of this attractive and valuable pollinator of native species has been depleted.  The Birdwing Butterfly is listed as vulnerable on the Queensland Conservation status list.

An extensive eradication and community awareness program has removed most of the Dutchman’s pipe vine. The Queensland government legislated to prohibit sale through nurseries

Currently the Birdwing Butterfly is surviving in the upper Stanley catchment and Sunshine Coast hinterland (Mary Cairncross Park, Stanley River Park) and also the Gold Coast border region.

The vine is uncommon and suffers competition from aggressive introduced species, Cats Claw Creeper and Madeira vine and others.

Left Female Richmond birdwing feeding on Pentas   Right  Male Richmond birdwing     The adult male birdwing has a wingspan of about 12-13cm and is basically black, with green stripes and spots on both sides.

We have consulted and will continue to collaborate with the Richmond Birdwing Conservation Network, Wildlife Queensland and Healthy Land & Water.  For more information on these organisations see : and  RBCN website

To be notified success or otherwise in June.


Application has been submitted for funds to establish a corridor at Toogoolawah of 800 koala ‘friendly trees’ along a section of creek bed adjacent to the site of The Condensery (Art Gallery) and through a number of privately owned rural properties.  This application has been fully supported by The Somerset Regional Council in being desirable to maintaining the viability and genetic diversity of the local Koala population and the opportunity to engage the broader community and landholders associated with the corridor.

This application submitted in last December, yet to be advised.

SEQ WATER is planning upgrades to 2 dams in our region : quote

In 2012-13, Seqwater commissioned an independent assessment of its 26 regulated dams. This assessment included a review of the condition of our dams and their compliance with current Queensland and Australian guidelines, and has identified a program of work needed to ensure our dams meet these guidelines. Under our Dam Improvement Program, we will upgrade some dams and reduce the water levels of others until upgrades can be completed.

Somerset Dam upgrade  Somerset Dam is one of a number of dams identified for upgrade in the next six years.

In 2017, we will undertake further geotechnical investigations at Somerset and preliminary design to identify the preferred upgrade option. Once the preferred option is determined, we will start preparing the detailed design. At this stage, construction is expected to start by 2020.

The preferred Somerset Dam upgrade option will impact and influence the final decision on the Wivenhoe Dam upgrade.

Wivenhoe Dam upgrade Planning for the Wivenhoe Dam upgrade is in the early stages and it will be at least two years before a decision is made on the preferred upgrade option.

In planning the upgrade, we need to consider the safety and integrity of the dam structure, the security of our drinking water supply, and the potential for further flood mitigation. The benefits and costs of about 50 different options will be explored, including consideration of options to increase the height of the dam wall to improve flood mitigation downstream.”

Find out more

Farmers encouraged to sign up for Ergon Energy Tariff Trial 

Queensland farmers are being encouraged to sign up the Agricultural Tariff Trial to get a better understanding of their electricity usage and to save money on their electricity bill. Any farmers located in the Ergon Energy area can join the trial, with registrations closing Tuesday 2 May.


The trial will give farmers the chance to test off-peak and demand-based electricity tariffs under the Regional Business Support Package. “A large number of farm businesses remain unaware of the changing tariffs and how this will impact their business post 1 July 2020.”   “The Ergon Tariff Trials are a win-win for farmers who may save money on the electricity bill and receive a better understanding of their usage through the smart meters available through the trial.”   DETAILS & REGISTRATION:

Are Energex customers being given similar opportunities?

Would You Like to Share your unusual sightings of any wildlife or birds, insects, reptiles, flora or anything connected to Landcare at all that you might like to have published?.. .  send an email with details and photos to  so we can include it in our next publication.

Yeoman’s Plow

New points have been purchased, Merlin tungsten tipped, high wear resistant points. The plow is presently in the Esk/Toogoolawah area. It will fit on the back of a ute or large trailer. Fees for hiring of the plow are: $40 a day plus $6 per acre for members.  Bond is $250

Booking and hire agreements forms must be filled out prior to hiring the plow. It is becoming popular, so please book ahead at The Hub,   Kilcoy Information Centre .  Email


 Landholders are advised that the invasive weed Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) is a significant weed in Queensland. Fireweed is a declared pest under Queensland legislation.

 Native to southern Africa, fireweed is a daisy-like herb. Fireweed was first recorded in Australia in the Hunter Valley in 1918. It is thought to have arrived in the ballast of ships trading between Australia and Europe via Capetown. Fireweed spread slowly at first, but, in the past 30 years, has rapidly increased its range, most likely aided by modern transport and rural practices.

Fireweed competes with pasture and is toxic to livestock. It is found along the entire New South Wales coast and scattered across various regions of Queensland.

Fireweed can easily be mistaken for closely related, native Senecio species, particularly Senecio pinnatifolius and Senecio brigalowensis. Senecio brigalowensis is increasingly abundant and weedy in central Queensland from Roma to Rockhampton, and also causes cattle poisoning.

Fireweed is a restricted invasive plant under the Biosecurity Act 2014.

 Quick Spray Unit  -Please note that all enquiries regarding the hire of the Quick Spray Unit are to go to the Somerset Shire Council 54224900. This unit has a 400 litre tank and two hoses to enable two people to spray at once.

BVK Landcare Date Claimers :

BVK is currently planning to hold a stall at the Esk Garden & Lifestyle Fair on 17th June 2017 – volunteer helpers would be welcomed, please email your interest to

Hiring Equipment

Hire equipment rule changes!

All hirees of the varied equipment available must now become members of BVK Landcare before Hiring. This is due to tax/non-profit status reasons.

Newly available is the Lantana Splatter Gun $10 a day for members, and $60 bond – contact David Matthews. Also available from the Hub is the wick wiper for Giant Rats Tail Grass, and the Yeoman’s Plough. The Quick spray unit is available from Somerset Regional Council.



Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2017

Category : General News

BVK Landcare


 February 2017




“The Hub” Kilcoy Information Centre, SEQC&W Offices      –        Hope St Kilcoy

Tel: 07 54971253   Fax: 07 54220515

PO Box 116 Kilcoy 4515



Chairperson:                         David Matthews

Vice Chairperson:

Secretary/Treasurer            Tony Robinson                 07/ 5496 3582


** Next Meeting GM Monday 20th March 2017  9.30 am

Kilcoy Information Centre   –   **All welcome

  Newsletter Advertising.

Costs per issue $11(inc. GST) for a quarter page, $22 for a half page and $44 for a full page.  Contact the office for more information. 54971253

*Get your business out in view and see what Landcare can do for you*


 Yowie Wetlands Planting

Thursday  4th August 16 saw a large eager group of school students from Kilcoy Primary School attend our stage 3 Tree Planting, in conjunction with National Tree Day.

Over 150 trees and shrubs were planted in the section along the boundary fence that leads own to the second pond to complete the wildlife corridor between Kilcoy Creek and the roadside park.

Trees planted were a variety of eucalypt species, silky oak, bottle brush,  black bean, Blue gums, sandpaper figs and  she oaks.. Enthusiastic mulching was then carried out. Thanks go to Somerset Regional Council, for financial support and Kilcoy Primary School students and  staff  for enthusiastic planting. 

 The Waterways Report Card will include details of our Wetland Project as an example of enhancing biodiversity.  This is a result of the earlier Finalist achievement by BVK.        Photo shows Stage 1 November 2014

 Urban Utilities are planning to establish a plantation of Pongamia (millettia pinnata) at Toogoolawah. This is their press release :   Biofuels: In an Australian first, we recently established ‘energy crop’ farms at our Toogoolawah and Boonah Sewage Treatment Plants, which involved planting 5,800 Pongamia plants, complete with custom irrigation systems. These trials are expected to reduce effluent discharged to the environment by irrigating the ‘energy crops’ with treated effluent, a+nd offset our fossil fuel dependency by harvesting the seeds to produce bio-fuel. It is estimated that four hectares of plants could yield 12,000L of biodiesel every year, which is enough to run around 24 fleet vehicles. The crop farms will also provide a droughtproof source of water to help maximise the trees’ annual seed yields and diversify land use in regional areas. 

Discovered : A new family of Black Swans on the upper reaches of Lake Somerset near Lester Kropp Bridge, Mount Archer.

Parents with six cygnets.

Would You Like to Share your unusual sightings of any wildlife or birds, insects, reptiles, flora or anything connected to Landcare at all that you might like to have published?.. .  send an email with details and photos to  so we can include it in our next publication.

Yowie Park Signage now in place in Yowie Park, Kilcoy – completing the 25th Anniversary Project .   QR Reader is incorporated onto the sign to facilitate access to the website or via mobile devices.

Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare is also in the process of establishing a website which will make information on local events and workshops easily available to all.  An announcement will be made when the final stage is completed.


Landholders are advised that the invasive weed Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) is a significant weed in Queensland. Fireweed is a declared pest under Queensland legislation.

 Native to southern Africa, fireweed is a daisy-like herb. Fireweed was first recorded in Australia in the Hunter Valley in 1918. It is thought to have arrived in the ballast of ships trading between Australia and Europe via Capetown. Fireweed spread slowly at first, but, in the past 30 years, has rapidly increased its range, most likely aided by modern transport and rural practices.

Fireweed competes with pasture and is toxic to livestock. It is found along the entire New South Wales coast and scattered across various regions of Queensland.

Fireweed can easily be mistaken for closely related, native Senecio species, particularly Senecio pinnatifolius and Senecio brigalowensis. Senecio brigalowensis is increasingly abundant and weedy in central Queensland from Roma to Rockhampton, and also causes cattle poisoning.

Fireweed is a restricted invasive plant under the Biosecurity Act 2014.

Quick Spray Unit  -Please note that all enquiries regarding the hire of the Quick Spray Unit are to go to the Somerset Shire Council 54224900. This unit has a 400 litre tank and two hoses to enable two people to spray at once.

BVK Landcare Date Claimers

Hiring Equipment

Hire equipment rule changes!

All hirees of the varied equipment available must now become members of BVK Landcare before Hiring. This is due to tax/non-profit status reasons.

Newly available is the Lantana Splatter Gun $10 a day for members, and $60 bond – contact David Matthews. Also available from the Hub is the wick wiper for Giant Rats Tail Grass, and the Yeoman’s Plough. The Quick spray unit is available from Somerset Regional Council.

Yeoman’s Plow

Fees for hiring of the plow are: $40 a day plus $6 per acre  for members.  Bond is $250.    The plow is presently in the Esk/Toogoolawah area. It will fit on the back of a ute or large trailer. Booking and hire agreements forms must be filled out prior to hiring the plow. It is becoming popular, so please book ahead at the Hub.


Councillor Report – 26 April 2017

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 26 April 2017

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

28-29 April          Kilcoy Show

29 April                 Lowood Show Society’s Utes & Chutes Rodeo

30 April                 The R & R Trail Experience

1-24 May             Glen Rock Gallery – new exhibition

4 May                   Kilcoy Courthouse Art Gallery – new exhibition

6 May                   Glenwood Hostel Lowood – Celebrating 20th Anniversary

6 May                   Prenzlau Pride Car Show Fundraiser

7 May                   “Fanciful & Familiar 2” – Esk Community Choir Variety Concert – Toogoolawah

9 May                   Kilcoy Races


Agenda Item # 27 Councillor Report

Final Curtain falls for Brisbane Valley Masonic Lodge

It saddens me to read that members of the Brisbane Valley Lodge (No. 198 UGLQ Toogoolawah) held a meeting on 29th March 2017 to finalize the closure and business of the lodge.  Upon handing over the warrant to the Grand Lodge, the tradition of one hundred years was broken.  The warrant has been surrendered and not cancelled, which means it is dormant only and could rise again with increased membership.

Kilcoy Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade Completed

The plant originally built in 1967 has undergone a significant revamp to ensure the long-term sustainability and efficiency of the town’s sewerage infrastructure.  Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) has modernized the automation and control systems to more effectively treat sewage now and into the future.  The plant can now be operated remotely which will allow QUU to resolve issues from anywhere and at any time of the day or night.  QUU if investing $5.8 million dollars in capital works in the Somerset region this financial year.

Kilcoy Diggers Race Day

The Kilcoy Race Club held a solemn ceremony to commemorate the ANZACs for the fourth annual Diggers’ race day.  Complete silence and respect prevailed over the race crowd during the Ode, Last Post, Silence and Pipers Lament, Rouse and the National Anthems of both New Zealand and Australia.  A superb performance was provided by the serving soldiers of the 8th/9th Battalion.  As a point of interest, eleven female jockeys and nine male jockeys rode during the program.

Anzac Day Commemorations

Along with Cr Hall, I attended the Linville Anzac Day Service.  The foggy morning gave way to a well-attended and organised commemoration.  Local skilled musicians provided the moving experience of live instrumental sounds during the ceremony.  I must congratulate the commemoration organisers and the ladies who provided a wonderful morning tea.

The 11:00 am Kilcoy Anzac Day Service march was well supported by the representation of many local groups, schools and organisations.  The commemoration was blessed with outstanding weather and two fly pasts, consisting of very different ages and styles of aircraft.  Marquees provided adequate shade to the huge number of patrons, followed by a BBQ lunch and refreshments served at the Kilcoy RSL.  I was informed that there were even more attendances at the Kilcoy Dawn Service than in previous years.




Councillor Report – Meeting 12 April 2017

Category : General News

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

14/16 April          Fernvale Campdraft

16 April                 Jam’n in Esk

22 April                 Kilcoy Races

22 April                 CWA Cake Stall Esk


Agenda Item # 44 Councillor Report

Meetings/Functions attended

24 March             Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast – Lowood

28 March             Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

28 March             Meeting with Stumer Park Users, Fernvale

28 March             Eagle Rise Residents Community Meeting, RSL Lowood

01 April                 Kilcoy Show Ball

05 April                 Kilcoy Skate Park Competition

05 April                 UQ Gatton Campus Community Advisory Group Meeting

06 April                 Real Spaces Media Call – Lowood

12/13 April          Australian Local Government Women’s Conference


Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast – Lowood

Along with Mayor Lehamann, Crs. Hall & Ogg, a hearty breakfast was enjoyed by all guests.  I met with those who shared a strong belief in prayer, and I found that I was unaware of my own need for prayer, given the recent death of my sister.  Attending Councillors were offered a Leaders’ prayer by Pastor Jimmy NJino.  This wonderful Pastor was the guest speaker and offered words of wisdom about mindsets and “how we are – what we think we are”.  I enjoyed his address very much and agreed so much with his philosophy on life.


Meeting with Stumer Park Users, Fernvale

I sat in Stumer Park with several passionate users of the area and discussed their vision of this important facility to the Fernvale community.  The conversation included previous plans and future needs of the local users.  The passionate group are supportive of collaborating with Somerset Regional Council to achieve grant funding needed to complete very much needed improvements to the park.  The groups are supportive of meeting with council to develop a master plan, associated action plans and funding requirements and resources.


Eagle Rise Residents Community Meeting, Lowood

I must acknowledge the positive and open communication that took place during this public meeting.  I attended the meeting along with Mayor Lehmann, Crs Brieschke and Choat, and around 33 interested community members.  The meeting was chaired by a local community member and various points were raised and recorded as future action items.  I believe that Somerset Regional Council can assist with some of the issues identified and better the lifestyle of this community.


Kilcoy Show Ball

A lovely night was shared with a number of young ladies who were the focal point of the evening.  Cr Choat and his wife Nicky provided an interesting sponsorship of the best dressed lady and gentleman of the evening.  Mayor Lehmann, John and I enjoyed the evening and appreciated the time and effort of the young entrants and their partners who proudly displayed their recently acquired dancing skills.  Congratulations to all of these lovely young ladies and their partners.


UQ Gatton Campus Community Advisory Group Meeting

Teaching & Research Pig Facility – The campus currently houses 380 sows, which produces around 3,000 – 4,000 piglets yearly.  A new piggery will be built on a greenfield site at the campus, and will operate at RSPCA standards and include a sow stall free breeding environment.  Property acquired at Darbalara – This newly acquired property will be used for grazing and cropping purposes.  Urbis Strategic Plan – A ten-year development plan is almost complete for the Gatton Campus.  120th Celebration – A paddock to plate lunch will form part of the celebrations to be held on Thursday 27th July 2017.  Santa Gertrudis herd sold and replaced with Droughtmaster herd.


Real Spaces Media Call Lowood

The installation of the realSpaces gym features a hand bike, cross trainer, leg press, bench for weights and leg lifts, plus assisted pull up and other exercise equipment allowing people to do a whole of body workout.  Cr Ogg must be acknowledged and congratulated for his contribution with respect to this initiative.  Lowood is the third town in Queensland to have a realSpace gym installed under the current funding arrangements.  Many thanks for the significant financial contribution made by Real Insurance, without its support, nor that of our local Bendigo Community Bank, this achievement and the many associated benefits would not have been possible.   Mayor Graeme Lehmann, Crs. Ogg, Brieschke and myself enjoyed the opportunity to learn how to use the various equipment.


Qld Local Government News of Interest

  • Queensland councils have applauded the Federal Government’s common-sense decision to reimburse councils opting to use their own plant and equipment to clean up after natural disaster events. The announcement ensures that councils who used their own plant and equipment to rebuild damaged public assets following floods and storms of 2013 and 2014 will not be out of pocket.  (A funding shortfall of $7.5 million across about 35 Queensland councils, some of which are currently cleaning up after the aftermath of Cyclone Debbie, are now eligible to be repaid under Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA)).


Qld State Government News of Interest

  • Eight regional mayors accompanied Premier Palaszczuk to India end of March to demonstrate their support for Adani’s proposed $21 billion Carmichael Coal mine-rail-port project and are now awaiting a final decision to go ahead from the company. (Regions represented: Townsville, Rockhampton, Mackay, Gladstone, Whitsunday, Charters Towers, Isaac and Central Highlands.)
  • Queensland Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment, Curtis Pitt, has welcomed an increase in Queensland’s GST funding share following the release of the Commonwealth Grants Commission’s 2017. The Commonwealth Grants Commission has estimated Queensland’s GST share in 2017-18 to be $14.9 billion representing an increase of $889 million on the 2016-17 GST share. The Commission adjusted upwards the relativity applied to Queensland when allocating GST shares to 1.18 from the 1.17 applied to 2016-17.



Councillor Report – Council Meeting 22 March 2017

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 22 March 2017

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

24 March             Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast – Lowood

25 March             The Ultimate Eagles Experience – Esk

25 March             Glenwood RCF Auxiliary Cent Auction

30 March             Esk Girl Guides AGM

01 April                 Easter Carnival – Glamorgan Vale Hall

01 April                 Kilcoy Show Ball

01 April                 Glen Rock Gallery/Kilcoy Courthouse Art Gallery New Exhibitions

03 April                 Esk Skate Park – Youth Week

04 April                 Fernvale Skate Park – Youth Week

05 April                 Kilcoy Skate Park – Youth Week

09 April                 Somerset Skate Championship – Esk – Youth Week

Agenda Item #63 Councillor Report

Meetings/Functions attended

08 March             Kilcoy State High School P & C AGM & General Meeting

18 March             Brieschke Breakfast for House Fire Victims – Mt Beppo Hall

18 March             Colours of Somerset Arts & Culture Festival – Lowood

18 March             Somerset Dam & Districts Progress Association AGM

20 March             Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Meeting – Kilcoy

The weather on Saturday 18th March was just beautiful for the hosting of the three events I attended.  The Brieschke Breakfast was well supported and much needed funds were raised to assist replacing possessions lost in a recent house fire.  There was interesting art, miscellaneous displays and cultural exchange at the Lowood festival.   A great roll up was experienced at the local Somerset Dam group’s AGM.

Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Meeting

The committee addressed recommendations 1 to 5 of the summary of Fauna Survey of Yowie Park (2016) by Scott Burnett.  The remainder six recommendations will be discussed at the next monthly meeting.  The Fire and Biodiversity Farm Management Workshop and the Small Property Planning Workshop were very successful and well supported, with more workshops planned in the future.  The matter of lack of strategy and control of feral cats was discussed and it was agreed that the current situation requires urgent action.  The group is working with local high schools to provide district youth representatives to be nominated to the Queensland Youth Environment Council.  The council is looking for representatives from the age of 12 – 21 years.

Qld Local Government News of Interest

  • The Census gives us a five-yearly snapshot of Australia, providing us with the richest and most comprehensive statistical resource to help plan for our future. Data from the 2016 Census will be released through a range of products in two main stages, June and October 2017, with a preview of Census information released in April 2017.
  • North’s Women lead the Way – LGAQ witnessed the vision of five female Mayors in areas between Townsville and Mt Isa, which included seven councils along the way, all leading their councils in pushing for economic development, technology and innovation.  Tribute was also paid to the two male Mayors in this area as well, but it was instructive to see the different focus the women were taking, putting a high price on jobs, growth, innovation and community engagement.   They are all having a red hot go, indeed prepared to fail if need be rather than sit on the proverbial fence.  Tradition and past performance are not high on their agenda, nor is blame. LGAQ’s CEO said ”It was really good to be in the presence of such positive people, glass half full mayors”.

Qld State Government News of Interest

  • The historic Mary Valley Rattler will charm the Gympie region once again following final approval of $4.7 million in funding through the $200 million Works for Queensland program.
  • Regional delegates comprising of 11 Sunshine Coast; 9 Moreton Bay; 13 Ipswich and West Moreton; 10 Redland and Logan; and 10 Gold Coast reps, will be amongst 127 regional entrepreneurs to attend next week’s Myriad Festival in Brisbane, to connect with global investors and venture capitalists managing a staggering $10 billion in funds.
  • An interim report was released on 10th March 2017 by the Koala Expert Panel set up last year to explore ways to better protect koalas in the state’s south-east. As well as other strategies, the panel has supported the development of new koala habitat mapping between Noosa and the Gold Coast, as well as areas west of Brisbane.



Councillor Cheryl Gaedtke – Councillor Report 8 March 2017

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 8 March 2017

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

08 March             Kilcoy State High School P & C AGM

08 March             Lowood Community Safety Forum

08 March             Brisbane Valley Bulls Community Meeting – Esk

9-12 March         Toogoolawah Campdraft

10 March             Inverness Toogoolawah – Celebration of 100 years

11 March             Esk Races

14 March             Agforce Meeting – Toogoolawah Showground

18 March             Brieschke Breakfast (For house fire victims Jeff & Lyn) – Mt Beppo Hall

18 March             Lowood Colour Festival

18 March             St. Mary’s Anglican Cent Auction – Kilcoy

18 March             15th Anniversary of International Care – Sundale – We Rock & Aloaka Lodge Kilcoy

18 March             Kris Tasker Memorial Trail Ride – Toogoolawah

19 March             “Say I Do in Somerset” Wedding Fair – Esk


Agenda Item #37 Councillor Report

Meetings/Functions attended

23 February        Kilcoy Art Society Inc. AGM & General Meeting

23 February        Linville Special Community Meeting

27 February        Kilcoy State High School Investiture – 72 Senior Students took the Senior Pledge

27 February        Condensery Gallery Advisory Committee Meeting – Toogoolawah

27 February        Meeting with Kilcoy residents re: Christmas Carnival 2017 Kilcoy

28 February        Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

28 February        Kilcoy Village Committee Meeting

02 March             Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee Meeting – Blackbutt

06 March             Somerset Senior Citizen Meeting – Esk

06 March             Meeting with Fernvale residents re: community pride

Kilcoy Art Society Inc. Annual General Meeting

Congratulations to the outgoing executive members of KASI, and especially to those members not re-nominating for their positions, Julie Henley (President) and Leonie Shirley (Vice President).  What a fantastic job these ladies have done, and they leave extremely large boots to fill.  Welcome aboard to the new committee members Ian Badman (President) and Di Taylor (Vice President).  It is wonderful to see the re-nomination of the Treasurer’s position, Jenny Roberts and the Secretary’s position, Brian Wallace.  I can see there will be exciting times ahead in the art world of the Kilcoy community.

 Linville Special Community Meeting

There was a good attendance at the meeting and many points were raised during the brainstorming session.  It was evident from the discussion that the residents of Linville admire and value the Linville Hall, and wish to see the committee continue in its current form, but with increased membership and support.  The railway carriages, station house, camping area and the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail is also an extremely important landmark and potential tourism hotspot for the area.  Points raised at the meeting will be further investigated and either included in a further action plan or dismissed as per the outcome stated.

Meeting with Kilcoy residents – Kilcoy Christmas Carnival 2017

Discussions were held around previous Christmas Carnivals held in Kilcoy and the expectation regarding future Christmas celebration events.  An item was raised which relates specifically to Somerset Regional Council, where it was asked if it would be possible for council to plan and fund Christmas Trees for the major towns in the region.  An example was given by the residents of the Christmas trees provided in a neighbouring region.  South Burnett Regional Council provides a large Christmas Tree to its major towns.  The presence of one such item provides a very real and strong Christmas spirit to the entire community.  I wish to foreshadow a motion that Somerset Regional Council provide a report relative to the purchase and placement of Christmas trees (similar to South Burnett Regional Council’s Christmas Trees) and where practical, in the major towns located in Somerset Region.

Kilcoy Village Committee Meeting

Following a request made at the Kilcoy Interagency Meeting, it was agreed by KVC, that it would host a NAIDOC event during the week of 2 – 9 July 2017.  An appropriate funding application will be lodged to assist with event production expenditure.

Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee Meeting

The committee will write to Somerset Regional Council requesting permission to erect a plaque on the Colinton Memorial.  Committee member Reg McCullum advised the meeting that Ron Grant has expressed an interest to walk the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail from Walkuraka to Yarraman on Monday 6th March 2017.  The plan is to walk end to end, aiming to make Yarraman in four to five days.  Mr Grant is also interested in guiding a tour party negotiating the trail at leisure over several days and overnighting in accommodation along the trail.  Reference was made to the Sporting Hall of Fame planned for Nanango.  It was also pointed out that South Burnett Regional Council has lodged a submission to Victoria Racing Club to host a Melbourne Cup ceremony.

Local Government News of Interest

  • The LGAQ Council Cost Index 2017 has been calculated at +1.74%. The LGAQ Council Cost Index is a composite index collated to represent the average cost increases experienced by councils over the previous 12 months (Dec to Dec quarters). The LGAQ CCI 2016 was +1.9%.
  • The LGAQ Council Cost index (CCI) provides a measure of the average cost increases experienced by councils across the state. A comparable average revenue increase would be necessary to maintain current levels of service before provision for growth, irregular maintenance and capital replacement. An additional increase in own-source revenue will be necessary if all other revenues (viz. grants) do not also increase at least in line with costs.
  • The LGAQ has launched the latest stage of its Better Councils Better Communities image campaign, with a 30 second television commercial running across Queensland for the next eight weeks. The TV ad will air on both metropolitan and regional channels and will be backed up by a comprehensive digital media campaign.
  • LGAQ is calling on the federal and state governments to step up their efforts on managing flying foxes in the wake of a parliamentary inquiry into the issue. LGAQ is seeking a far more centralised decision, essentially resulting in federal and state government to take over the management of flying foxes.

State Government News of Interest

  • Queensland biggest wind farm between Kingaroy and Dalby has been approved. AGL Energy Limited will build the project at Coopers Gap and which is expected to be operational by 2020.  The project will contribute up to $4 million each year to the local economy.
  • Thirteen State Schools are taking part in the Peninsula Respect Project, where schools will work together to strengthen the “State School” brand and promote a sense of shared identity. The initiative taken by the schools will provide a project to promote a culture of respect in all aspects of their community.  The project aligns with the Government’s Respect our staff, respect our school campaign.  Some school staff have expressed concerns about the difficulty in maintaining positive relationships because of various issues in the community, such as mental health, drug and alcohol abuse and unrealistic expectations of schools and government agencies.
  • Much needed extra car parks adjacent to the Caboolture Hospital have been given the green light to provide an extra 300 free car parks. The new car park will be located at the rear of the hospital and is expected to be completed later this year.
  • Queensland leads the way with the nation’s most progressive medicinal cannabis laws, marking the start of new legislation that will see some patients in the State legally able to access medicinal cannabis. Palliative care, oncology and neurology specialists will now be able to prescribe medicinal cannabis to their patients as part of their medical treatment.
  • Local Drought Committees usually meet once a year, at the end of the wet-season in April. Threshold for a drought declaration is generally a once in 10 to 15-year rainfall deficiency.  There are various subsidies, rebates, waivers and other programs made available when an area is drought declared.  The total area of Queensland currently drought-declared is 84.29%.






Councillor Report – Council Meeting 22 February 2017

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 22 February 2017

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

23 February        Linville Community Meeting

23 February        Kilcoy Art Society Inc. Annual General Meeting

23 February        Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. Meeting

26 February        Fireweed Workshop Marburg

27 February        Kilcoy State High School Investiture Ceremony

27 February        Mt Beppo Public Hall Committee Annual General Meeting

28 February        Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

01 March             Kilcoy Pony Club Annual General Meeting

03 March             Summer Primary School Somerset Cup


Agenda Item # 35 Councillor Report

Meetings/Functions attended

8 February          Somerset Art Society Inc. General Meeting – Esk

8 February          Inspection of drainage & miscellaneous issues – Esk residence

10 February        Kilcoy Art Society Artist of the Month – Ms Di Taylor

13 February        Esk State School Induction of Student Leaders’ Ceremony

14 February        Somerset Regional Council Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting

15 February        Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting

15 February        Local Disaster Management Group Committee Meeting

15 February        Kilcoy State High School Council Committee Meeting

20 February        Toogoolawah State High School Student Leaders Investiture Ceremony

20 February        Regional Arts Development Fund Committee Meeting

21 February        Somerset Region Community Enterprises Ltd. Toogoolawah Project Bendigo Bank


Somerset Art Society Inc. General Meeting

The meeting was well attended by more than twenty members, and the main agenda discussion was based around the organisation of the Somerset Art Awards – 2017.  Bendigo Bank has become a major sponsor of the event and will be offered naming rights. The meeting was introduced to Ms LeAnne Vincent, who is the awards’ event manager.   A serious part of the meeting reflected on the forthcoming election of the executive, after it was announced that all positions will be declared vacant at the next AGM planned for August 2017.  The organisation will need three interested persons to stand for election.

Kilcoy & District Community Bank Steering Committee

It is with some considerable disappointment that the committee, at this time, in conjunction with Bendigo Bank, has decided to cease its efforts to establish a Community Bank® branch in Kilcoy. This decision was not reached without extensive soul searching and was based on the belief that it is highly unlikely that it would be able to turn the project into a profitable one in a short enough time frame to satisfy all our stake holders. The committee has always been acutely aware that in raising capital to finance a Community Bank® it would be asking for people’s hard earned savings, and that any plan to proceed had to have a very high probability of being successful very quickly.

Banking is a very competitive business sector and is evolving very quickly. Currently we have a record low interest rate environment, placing additional pressure on pricing and reducing profit margins. In this environment, it was essential that the majority of the Kilcoy community wholeheartedly supported the project in order that the bank branch would be profitable in a short period of time. Sadly, this was not the case and as such the committee reluctantly decided not to continue.

Although the above issues present significant difficulties at this point in time, they do not diminish the committee’s belief in the community benefits to be derived from a Community Bank® branch. A change in circumstances, the growth of our district and a different financial climate could well mean that a future campaign may be successful and our community will enjoy the rewards.

Local Government News of Interest

Mayors and a number of local government leaders from across Queensland gathered in the iconic outback town of Winton on 14th February 2017 to discuss the direction of Queensland’s regional economies and the role local councils can play in developing the State’s prosperity.  ‘It is meetings such as this that help to emphasise to our Policy Executive and the LGAQ the need for flexibility in how governments implement new legislation and programs so that the opportunities can be better captured by more councils’.  Mayor Jamieson also said that local councils are often key drivers of economic growth in the regions and it was important that the local government sector was included in any strategy aimed at boosting growth and creating sustainable jobs in Queensland.

State Government News of Interest

MP Mark Furner is now the Minister of Local Government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships.  Local Government President Mayor Mark Jamieson is looking forward to working with Mr Furner to ensure the strong partnership between the two levels of government continues.  Mayor Jamieson also looks forward to continuing the relationship with Deputy Premier Ms Jackie Trad in her role for planning and infrastructure as well as taking responsibility for the transport portfolio.

State Government has a multi-pronged strategy to tackle the evil of the drug ice (crystal methamphetamine) and plan to go to the heart of this growing problem by developing solutions directly with the communities battling the effects of the insidious drug.  The draft plan would aim to break the cycle of drug use by attacking every aspect of the path to addiction and ruin.  Summits will be part of the consultation on the draft plan.

Linville Community Meeting – Thursday 23 February 5:30pm Linville Hall

Category : General News

Linville community meeting

Councillor Cheryl Gaedtke is chairing a special community meeting at the Linville Public Hall on Thursday 23 February commencing at 5:30pm. Cr Gaedtke explained that the community meeting has been organised to develop ideas on how to move Linville and its community forward. Cr Gaedtke said “There is nothing like brainstorming of local community members to set some achievable and exciting goals”. 0428 408 227
Cheryl Gaedtke Councillor – Somerset Region QLD Special community meeting at the Linville Public Hall Thursday 23 February commencing 5:30pm.

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Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

📢 Funding Alert for Men's Sheds! 🛠️Our Australian Men's Sheds play a huge role in bringing men together—whether it's working on projects, sharing skills, or just having a good yarn. 💬The next round of funding is now available to support our local Men's Sheds with financial assistance where needed. Don't miss this opportunity to help your Shed continue making a difference in the community!Find out more and apply now 👉 #CommunitySupport #Grants #RDAMovement #Ipswich #WestMoreton #FundingOpportunity Queensland Men's Shed AssociationLockyer Valley Regional Council Somerset Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Ipswich City Council ... See MoreSee Less
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📢 Funding Boost for Skilling Queenslanders for Work! 💼🎉An additional $5 million in funding is helping more job seekers gain skills, qualifications, and experience to secure employment or stay in the workforce.Through Skilling Queenslanders for Work, participants receive accredited training in priority industries like construction, primary industries, community services, and hospitality, along with tailored support to help them succeed.🔎 Find funded projects in our region here: #JobsForQueenslanders #SkillsForTheFuture #TrainingOpportunities #CareerGrow Skills for Queensland ... See MoreSee Less
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Looking for grant funding?🚀 Kickstart 2025 with Grant Opportunities! 🎉Looking for funding to bring your community, sporting club, or not-for-profit project to life this year? There are fantastic grants available to help you get started!Visit the RDA Ipswich & West Moreton website to explore funding opportunities and make 2025 a year of impact. 💡🏆🔗 Find out more: #CommunityFunding #RDAMoreton #Ipswich #SportingClubs #NotForProfits #MakeItHappen Ipswich City Council Lockyer Valley Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Somerset Regional Council ... See MoreSee Less
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