Category Archives: General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 27 September 2023 – Councillor Report

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 27 September 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

It is interesting to read that many Aussies are cutting back on their social media habits in a bid to improve their mental health.  Market research has revealed that 39 per cent are embarking on the social media detox and they also believed they were wasting too much time on the app.  It was also found that some said they quit social media because there were too many negative stories or posts that brought down their mood.  Meanwhile, 4 per cent said they wanted to see their friends in real life and less online.

Agenda Item #36 Councillors’ Report


13       Council Ordinary Meeting & Workshop – Esk

14       Hoof & Hook – Kilcoy Showgrounds

14       Kilcoy Street Revitalisation Workshop – Kilcoy

19       Meeting – Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce

19       Meeting – Kilcoy District Historical Society

20       LGAQ Elected Members Update 2023 – Esk

20       Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting

23       Toogoolawah Condensery – Roster (10:15am – 4:00pm)

26       Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

The Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce held its Annual General Meeting at the Kilcoy RSL,  all positions were declared vacant and each position successfully filled from the floor.  I look forward to the chamber achieving its priorities over the next twelve months.  Congratulations to the management committee consisting of Lee, Phillip, Bronwyn, Tim, Stephanie, Matthew and Cameron.

I shared a busy and interactive Saturday at the Toogoolawah Condensery.  Those who called in to the Condensery were astounded by the level of work provided by the exhibition titled “The Good” and responsible artist Anna Louise Richardson.   Enlightened guests recognised many of the pieces through their rural pursuits.

Councillor Report – Cr Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 13 September 2023

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 13 September 2023
Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest
SES Week (12 – 19 September) celebrates thousands of SES volunteers at SES events across Queensland. SES volunteers respond to a range of disasters and emergencies including floods, storms, searches, road crash rescues and more. SES volunteers spent more than 92,000 hours performing operations in the last financial year, on top of more than 330,000 hours of training and preparation. A huge thank you to every SES volunteer.
I wish to congratulate the ambassadors for rural shows who were selected to represent the West Moreton and Brisbane Valley Sub chamber and Rural Ambassador Regional Finals on 2nd September 2023. Congratulations to Toogoolawah Show Society Showgirl Michayla Cowley and Rural Ambassador Stephanie Laycock for progressing to the state finals next year. Good luck to you both!
Congratulations to the following Somerset Regional Groups acquiring funds from Round 116 GCBF – the big one, $100,000 funding round. Esk Bowls Club $35,395.80; Esk P A & I Society $97,840; Coominya Public Hall Inc. $20,500; Lions Camp Duckadang $16,599; Lowood & District Community Kindergarten Assn Inc. $50,536; Toogoolawah Bowls Club Inc. $80,009.
Agenda Item #34 Councillors’ Report
22 Briefing – CEO & Councillors – Teams
23 Council Ordinary Meeting & Confidential Workshop – Esk
23 Kilcoy Rodeo Committee General Meeting
28 Lowood RSL 90th Anniversary
29 Kilcoy Interagency Meeting
29 ALGWA (State Branch) Management Committee Meeting – Teams
29 Business Wellness & Thrive Key Note Presentation – Business at Dark – Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce
29 Kilcoy Show Society AGM
30 njumga djum yo:ran ba djuwan Art Exhibition – Mary Cairns Ross Maleny (“Through the smoke they come home”)
31 Kilcoy Recreation Grounds Advisory Committee Meeting
01 Australian Citizenship Ceremony – Somerset Civic Centre Esk
02 Esk Men’s Shed – 30 years of sheds
04 Linville Progress Assn General Meeting
05 Friends of Stonehouse Management Committee Meeting – Moore
06 Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce – Deb Frecklington MP special guest
07 Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails General Meeting – Moore
12 Hoof & Hook – Kilcoy Showgrounds
12 Kilcoy State High School P&C Assn General Meeting
12 Kilcoy Hospital AGM
The Kilcoy State High School, Gympie State High School, Kilkivan State School P-10, Noosa District State High School and Victory Christian College hosted the 2023 Gympie District Beef Liaison Group Wide Bay Interschool Hoof & Hook Competition at the Kilcoy Showgrounds from Tuesday 12th September up to and including Thursday 14th September. The event housed seventeen schools located in the Wide Bay, Burnett and Sunshine Coast areas, with 196 students learning from their peers, 78 head of cattle as part of the competition and 40 helpful staff members. The event program consisted of experienced junior handlers, farm Olympics, intermediate junior handlers, novice junior handlers, Ag teacher networking, and junior prime judging. The schools thanked their many sponsors and also thanked council for the improvements undertaken at the fat cattle showing and stabling area.
Photo – Hoof & Hook
Boris, Cheryl, Graeme and Liz.
May be an image of 6 people, people standing, plant and text

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 23 August 2023

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 23 August 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

The team’s Women’s World Cup semi-final against the Lionesses reached 11.15 million viewers nationally on Wednesday night 16th August 2023, drawing an average audience of 7.13 million on Seven and 7Plus.  The numbers mean it’s the most-watched TV program in Australian homes in more than 20 years and the country’s biggest-ever streaming event, with 957,000 online viewers included in the tally.  How proud we are, well done to our soccer team Matildas.

Congratulations to Toogoolawah Show Society’s Showgirl 2022 who was named runner up of the Queensland Country Life Showgirl competition at the Brisbane Exhibition this year.

The Palace Players present an afternoon of entertainment including “Tiaras at the Palace” on Saturday 26 August 2023, 2:00pm at the Moore Soldiers Memorial Hall.  Book through Bob and Linda Howe or trybooking.

Agenda Item #28 Councillors’ Report


09       Ordinary Council Meeting & Workshop Meeting – Esk

09       Rural Fire Brigade Quarterly Meeting – Hazeldean Rural Fire Brigade AGM

12       Indigenous Heritage Community Meeting – Kilcoy

12       Kilcoy Golf Club – Fund Raiser

15       Alkira – Blue Care 70th Birthday Celebrations – Toogoolawah

15       Kilcoy State High School P&C Assn Meeting

15       Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Executive Meeting

15       Somerset Dam & Districts Progress Assn Meeting

16       Mt Kilcoy State School P&C Assn Meeting

16       Jhangri’s Wedding – Kilcoy

17       Traffic and Safety Advisory Committee Meeting – Teams

17       Regional Arts Development Fund Committee Meeting – Teams

17       Kilcoy Art Society Monthly Meeting

18       Somerset Art Society Incorporated Annual General Meeting  – Esk

19       Mayoral Ball – Somerset Civic Centre – Esk

21       Kilcoy District Progress Alliance meeting

I was delighted to be invited to a wedding held between a Bangladeshi member of our community and his bride to be, who currently lives in Bangladesh.  We were treated with Bangladeshi custom, with traditional wedding attire worn by the husband and bride.  Home cooked meals were provided which consisted of Bangladeshi culinary at its best with pungent spices cooked with fish, mutton and chicken, and specially cooked rice.

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 9 August 2023 – Councillor Report

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 9 August 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

During the Australian Futsal Associations National School Futsal Championship, Jade Godby (Lowood High School) was selected from Queensland City’s under 16’s team to play for Australia’s under 17’s team for the youth USA tour from 6th to 22nd July 2023.  Throughout the tour, the team played teams from San Jose before competing in the US National Futsal Championship holding teams from all over the USA.  The Australian teams received training from experienced coaches regarding skills, gameplay, teamwork and futsal knowledge with all tour teams gaining valuable insight and experience.

At age 12, Burnett boy Nate Perrett is already one of Australia’s best motocross riders. Nate travelled to Darwin on 11 to 16 July to compete in the Australian Junior Motocross Championships, earning a close second place in the 10 to 12-year-old 65cc event.  Nat punched his ticket to Darwin after becoming the 9 to 12-years-old 85cc Queensland champion earlier this year.  Nate’s father Brent said that, from the moment his son turned two years old, motocross had been the only thing on his mind.  Nat’s family are from Kilcoy.

Agenda Item #26 Councillors’ Report


19       Ordinary Council Meeting – Kilcoy

19       Council Workshop – Kilcoy

20       Meeting with Kilcoy District Progress Alliance Inc President

22       Kilcoy Shire Councillor Robert McKinnon’s Funeral – Kilcoy

23       Somerset Rail Trail Classic – 44km Bike Leg – Esk to Fernvale

24-27 Bush Council Conference – Goondiwindi

29       Lions Camp Duckadang Open Day

29       Meeting with Linville Business Owners


02       Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce – Dinner after Dark

03-04 Australia Local Government Women’s Association – Queensland Branch Annual Conference

05       Kilcoy Rodeo

07       The Condensery Advisory Committee Meeting – Toogoolawah

08       Friends of Stonehouse Annual General Meeting – Moore

Both the Bush Council Conference and the ALGWA (Qld Branch) Conference highlighted the many challenges that Local Government is currently facing.  Issues were discussed and advice offered around the best method to work within the challenges, and achieve the best outcomes.  It is invaluable to network with your peers, and it is reassuring to be made aware others are facing the same challenges, and how they are dealing with such challenges.




19 July 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda Item # 14 Sustainability Framework for Local Governments Page 121

Category : General News

19 July 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda Item # 14 Sustainability Framework for Local Governments Page 121

Financial Management (Sustainability) Guideline – Guideline 2023, Version 1

Sustanability Framework for Queensland Local Governments (as instructed by Queensland State Government)

I was completely appalled by contents of this latest review carried out by State Government.  I read the following summary (of my thoughts) at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 19 July 2023.

I would encourage all sitting Councillors and anyone who is considering to stand for the next Local Government Elections on 16th March 2024 to acquaint themselves with this document.  The publication is comprehensive and well presented. 

I have been involved with local government for some 45 years and this is to me is a real game changer.  Local government has faced ongoing change I think from memory forever, and in fact, change and dealing with change has been one constant part of our sector.  This change will be challenging to say the least.

As the report says:-  

“Queensland has one of the most diverse local government sectors in Australia, covering a large geographic area.  Across the State, individual councils face a unique set of financial, service delivery and community need circumstances and are impacted by a wide range of social and economic drivers”.

All Councillors must comply with the local government principles when making decisions for their communities.  There are layers and layers of legislation, processes and policies, some unique to each local government area, and councillors must understand and abide by each of these, and it is so easy to wind up on the wrong side of it all, and ignorance is no excuse.  

 Good luck to you all, and I feel it is all due to unintended consequences.

Andrew Johnson, Chief Executive Officer
Geoffrey Smith, Director Finance
Geoffrey Smith, Director Finance
3 July 2023
Sustainability Framework for Local Governments
File Ref:
Government Relations – State and Federal Government Liaison – 2022 – 2025 – State and Federal Government Departments – Liaison
Action Officer:
The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) has written advising of the following new documents:
 Financial Management (Sustainability) Guideline 2023 version 1. This guideline has statutory backing in the Local Government Regulation 2012 and is based on clear, quantifiable, auditable measures of a council’s performance with objective pass or fail criteria. Information required for the financial sustainability measures are drawn from audited financial statements. Performance measures under the new guideline are published as part of Council’s adopted FY2024 budget.
 A local government sustainability framework about non-financial matters which does not have statutory backing and which has no clear or quantifiable performance measures or objective pass or fail criteria. The Department will monitor council performance through channels such as media reports and community submissions.
A letter from Council to the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) of 13 January 2023 is attached outlining uncertainties about the non-financial sustainability criteria.
Appendices A and B of the Sustainability Framework for Queensland Local Governments outline how the State intends enforcing the sustainability framework including the use of potential Statutory intervention powers outlined in sections 115, 117, 118, 121, 122 and 123 of the Local Government Act 2009 (see page 27 of 30).
 Letter from Mr Mike Kaiser, Director-General, DSDILGP of 30 June 2023
 Financial Management (Sustainability) Guideline 2023 version 1
 Sustainability Framework for Queensland Local Governments
 Risk framework for financial sustainability
 Local Government Sustainability Framework frequently asked questions
 Letter from Council to the LGAQ of 13 January 2023
THAT the report about the sustainability framework for Queensland local government outlined in a letter from Mr Mike Kaiser, Director-General, Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning of 30 June 2023 and attachments be received and the contents noted.

Councillor Gaedtke – Councillor Report – Ordinary Council Meeting – 19 July 2023

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 19 July 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

Lions District is inviting community to their Open Day to road test Lions Camp Duckadang on Saturday 29 July between the hours of 10am -3pm.  Everyone is welcome to road test the basketball, low ropes, ping pong, swimming pool, putt-putt, giant see saw, archery, 12m climbing wall and zip line.  There will also be guided tours every 30 minutes.

Huge congratulations to Ryder Cochrane on a well-earned third place in the eight and under boys division of the World Stars of Junior Golf Championship held in Las Vegas in June 2023.

Local identity, Ms Vanessa Aland, Regional Supervisor, North Coast Community Corrections was recognised in the King’s Birthday 2023 Honours list and is one of three           Queensland Corrective Services officers to receive the prestigious Australian Corrections Medal (ACM).  Vanessa joined Queensland Corrective Services in 2008 as a Community Corrections Supervisor.  She has consistently demonstrated the highest level of efficient and ethical service.  As District Manager of the Maroochydore Community Corrections, she has responsibility for the oversight, management and direct control of about 1000 offenders subject to supervision in the community, including contact with offenders on parole, probation and reparation orders.

Agenda Item #33 Councillors’ Report


07       Ordinary Council Meeting – Kilcoy

07       Workshop Meeting – Kilcoy

07       Kilcoy Street Revitalization and Streetscaping Workshop

08       Brisbane Valley Interagency Meeting – Teams

08       Kilcoy State High School – Meeting First Nations Bush Tucker Garden

10       Nanango 175th Birthday Celebrations

11       Kilcoy & District Tennis Club – Official Opening of Tennis Courts

12       Farewell to Sgt Marty Tanwan – Kilcoy

12       125th Independence Day Philippines Celebrations – Kilcoy State Primary School

12       Friends of Stonehouse – Meeting – Moore

12       Kilcoy District Progress Alliance Assn monthly Meeting

13       Somerset Dam & District Progress Association Meeting

14       Mt Kilcoy State School – School Review

19-26 Annual Leave


05       Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Inc – Dinner Meeting

06       Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails committee monthly Meeting – Moore

10       Friends of Stonehouse committee monthly Meeting – Moore

10       Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Inc – Executive Committee Meeting

10       Kilcoy District Progress Alliance Assn monthly Meeting

11       Harlin/Linville State Schools’ BVRT bicycle ride (Benarkin to Linville)

11       Kilcoy Show Society monthly Meeting

12       Lowood State High School – Murrumba Bigi

14       Harlin State School – Kops in Kilts

15       Country Week – Kilcoy District Football Club – Hopetoun Playing Fields

15       Kilcoy Lions Club – Annual Changeover Dinner

Over the past six weeks the region has been extremely busy, with lots of activity with Lion Clubs’ Change Over dinners, local state and high schools providing items of interest, ongoing community consultation with respect to the Kilcoy Street Revitalization and Streetscaping Workshop, the Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce organising a very informative after dark meeting and a very emotional farewell to Sergeant Martin Tanwan after 40 years of dedicated service to QPS  and communities, and in particular 25 years in Kilcoy.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 24 May 2023

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 24 May 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

Good luck to all of the local competitors taking part in their chosen sport at the local agricultural shows.  Without their participation, the shows would not be as spectacular.

Agenda Item #29 Councillors’ Report


10     Ordinary Council Meeting – Kilcoy

10     Workshop Meeting – Kilcoy

10     Kilcoy Rodeo Committee Meeting

11        Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Meeting – Linville

16-20 Australian Local Government Women’s Association (ALGWA) National Conference

– Mornington Peninsular, Victoria

21     Somerset Dam & District Progress Association Annual General Meeting

23     Kilcoy Streetscape Revitalization Project Stakeholder Breakfast

23     Council Briefing – Kilcoy

I wish to take this opportunity to thank Council for allowing and supporting my attendance at the 2023 ALGWA National Conference. I was once again reminded how lucky we are to work in the Queensland Local Government environment.  I do however hold some concerns for our local government family, and definitely what may lie ahead with our, at times challenging professional relationship with Queensland State Government.   I also wish to thank Helen Golinski for the miraculous organisation of this trip, between flights, car hire, negotiating the Melbourne freeways, travelling to Mornington Peninsular, to the booking of a hotel room, without the need to leave the venue.  Other Councillors had to make their way outside the venue, and with the cold and showery weather was uncomfortable for them.  You made it all very easy Helen, thank you.

A huge vote of thanks to those interested residents who made the effort to attend the Kilcoy Streetscape Revitalization Project Stakeholder Breakfast.  There was a great number of attendances and the morning proved to be very productive.  I look forward to the next step in this important planning journey.


Councillor Gaedtke – Councillor Report – Wednesday 10th May 2023

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 10 May 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

I would like to publicly recognise and congratulate those involved with the organization of the Kilcoy Multicultural Carnival.  Council staff must be acknowledged for the seamless event management, and many thanks also goes to Kilcoy Global Foods for their financial and in-kind support.  I have received only positive feedback, and in fact many have asked if this event will be held again next year.  This event has the opportunity to become a very powerful way to grow cultural well-being for Kilcoy and district.  It is important to understand that Kilcoy Global Foods has approximately 56 ethnic origins in their workplace, including indigenous and Australians.  I am extremely proud to be part of the team that initiated and supported this event.

I would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank the small band of workers who have volunteered many hours in an effort to present Kilcoy’s 100th Anniversary Show on Friday and Saturday.  I wish the show society all the very best and I also wish them a well-supported event.

The state government has unveiled a plan to slash wait times at transport customer service centres by introducing new dedicated express lanes for driver’s licence renewals and registration.  Eight Transport and Main Roads (TMR) centres across South East Queensland will trial the new approach.  express lanes will be dedicated to high-volume, quick transactions such as driver’s licence photos and registration renewals as well as collecting heavy vehicle work diaries and disability parking permits.  Nearly 87 per cent of services have been moved online but face-to-face operations remained a more trusted and preferred option for many customers.

Agenda Item #28 Councillors’ Report


26    Ordinary Council Meeting – Kilcoy

26    Workshop Meeting – Kilcoy


04     LGAQ NRM Forum Kilcoy

05     Kilcoy Multicultural Carnival

06     Heritage Culture Meeting – Kilcoy

06     Kilcoy Tennis Club Meeting

06     “Things I want to Say” Exhibition – Opening – Toogoolawah

08     Friends of Stonehouse Meeting – Moore

08     The Condensery Advisory Committee Meeting – Toogoolawah

08     Kilcoy District Progress Alliance Meeting

An interesting and informative Natural Resource Management Forum was organised by Local Government Association of Queensland, and held adequately in the Kilcoy Theatrette.  Sunshine Coast Regional Council, Healthy Land and Water, Department of Environment & Science, Biosecurity Queensland, Lockyer Valley Regional Council, and LGAQ provided presentations throughout the forum.

The Kilcoy Multicultural Carnival was a resounding success, and it is definitely to be considered as a major event to provide the spirit of building that very important cultural bridge for Kilcoy and district.  I have welcomed the opportunity to initiate and support this event and I wish to acknowledge and thank Kilcoy Global Foods for being so receptive and supportive.

The Kilcoy District Tennis Club wish to thank Council and Premier Sports & Leisure for the finished resurfaced tennis courts project.  The club reported on the very high standard of the work and attention to detail carried out by the company.  The club is also very appreciative of the extra detailing carried out to the net posts, net and fence repairs and advice regarding care and attention of the new works.  The club is proudly holding the official opening on Sunday 11th June.

“Things I want to Say” Condensery Exhibition once again provided a unique and thought-provoking opportunity for those who enjoyed the exhibition opening.  Many thanks to Curators Imogen Dixon-Smith and Rachel Arndt, and also appreciation to artists Jordan Azcune, Tyza Hart and Luce Nguyen-Hunt for sharing their love of their particular art medium with the audience.  Once again, the food and refreshments were provided to a standard to be envied.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 26 April 2023 – Councillor Report

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 26 April 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

Congratulations must be offered to Jarvis Weaver of Kilcoy, who was placed fifth in Australia for Juvenile drafting at the Australian Campdrafting Association National finals 2023 held in Cloncurry.

Congratulations to Kilcoy Global Foods for claiming its most important branded beef competition crown since the company’s Wagyu program was launched four years ago.  The company earned grand championship honours in the 2023 Australian Wagyu Association branded beef competition held in Sydney .

Wonderful news that a review has been conducted of the policing service of the Lowood police, and to meet the current policing requirements of the community, from April 22 2023, Lowood police will be providing a 24-hour response service, seven days a week.  Acknowledgment of the hard work provided by Mayor Lehmann and CEO Andrew Johnson in support of this urgent policing need.

Agenda Item #31 Councillors’ Report


12     Ordinary Council Meeting

12     Council Workshop

15     Yowie Football Club – Hopetoun Playing Fields

17     Councillor Budget Tour – Regional inspections

17     Kilcoy District Progress Alliance monthly meeting

20     Kilcoy Cemetery Improvements Discussion

21     ALGWA Management Committee – Eagle Street, Brisbane

23     Kilcoy District Progress Alliance Bunnings BBQ – Fund raiser

24     Toogoolawah High School Anzac Day Commemoration

25     Anzac Day Commemorations – Linville and Kilcoy

The Yowie Football Club played a brilliant home game which resulted in a tie with their opponents, Yandina Raiders Football Club.  It has been four years since Kilcoy has had a rugby league team however our team has returned with determination and might.  Well done to our multi-cultural “Yowies”.

I thank Council staff for the open and positive discussion held with Cr Isidro, myself and three local ladies who are members of the Kilcoy District Progress Alliance and who are passionate about their local cemetery.  The discussion resulted in identifying the need for providing a master plan for improvements with respect to the Kilcoy Cemetery.  This could be an opportunity to provide a concept plan that could be mirrored on a regional basis.

At the ALGWA Management Committee meeting, Mackay Regional Council advised that it is taking part in the Young Mayors (11 – 18 Years) piloted program. With training, mentoring and money to run local projects and campaigns, Youth Councils won’t just have a voice – but a platform to take action.  Kick starting this program across five local councils – backing young people who want to take an active role in their local community.  Elected by their peers, young council members will work together to define priority action areas. Together, the youth council will serve a 12-24 month term working with their council to implement projects and events and influence decisions that impact their community.  The programs have ensured that council policies and programs better reflect the concerns, needs, and desires of local young people.

Once again ANZAC Day was well supported at both Linville and Kilcoy.  It is pleasing to witness the high attendance and involvement of our school students.  This year RSL             Queensland and Shane Williams, President of the Kilcoy RSL Sub Branch organised Postcards for Honour.  The students learnt a lot and achieved a deeper appreciation of what ANZAC Day means by participating.  Students were then invited to hand the postcard to a veteran on ANZAC Day.  A wreath was laid by Papua New Guinea representing the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels.  Rod James Magallano of Kilcoy State High School read his winning essay “What ANZAC Day means to me”.

Facebook News

Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

💰 Get Your Community Moving with $30,000! 💰Physical activity isn’t just great for your health—it strengthens communities too! 💪❤️The Heart Foundation's Active Australia Innovation Challenge is offering grants of up to $30,000 for schools, universities, and community groups to launch innovative programs that get more people moving. 🚶‍♀️🏃‍♂️Got a great idea? Apply now and make a difference!🔗 Learn more: RDA Ipswich & West Moreton Grants page #HeartHealth #CommunityGrants #GetMoving Heart Foundation ... See MoreSee Less
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Are you concerned for our town and our beautiful countryside? Take some time and go to Council's e-planning page to gather facts about this development application. It's up to you, I know how I feel. If you require more answers, please contact Somerset Regional Council to discuss and hopefully gain more understanding about this DA. (DA 24212)Current timelines with Council: In this instance, Council has agreed to extend the period by an additional 20 business days, with the decision period now ending on 3 March 2025. Should you have any further queries in relation to the above, please contact Council’s Senior Planner, Madeline Jelf on (07) 5424 4000 or Pty Ltd C/- SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd 10 Kings Road NEW LAMBTON NSW 2305 Email: Attention: Theo Klok Dear Sir / Madam, Further Advice Given under section 35 of the Development Assessment Rules Property location: Real property description: Development description: Esk Kilcoy Road, Hazeldean Lot 13 SP294647, Lot 8 SP155141, Lot 5 RP90047 Development Permit for Material change of use - Substation and Major electricity infrastructure (Battery storage facility); and Development Permit for Reconfiguring a lot - Subdivision by lease and access easement I refer to the above-described application. Council is continuing its assessment of the application and advises that additional information is required to demonstrate compliance with the relevant assessment benchmarks: Planning matters :Inconsistencies 1. There are a number of inconsistencies within the development application’s expert reports, including:  The application references 512 battery enclosures however the Terrestrial Ecology Report dated April 2023, references 768 battery enclosures however still references a maximum battery storage capacity of 800MW/1.6GWh.  The application is located over Lot 13 SP294647, with access via Lot 8 SP155141 and Lot 5 RP90047. The Terrestrial Ecology Report references Lots 11 and 13 on SP294647 and Lot 2 RP25294, which are properties that are not part of this application.  The report references an area on the south side of the high voltage line. The Terrestrial Ecology Report includes a smaller Project Footprint on the north side of the high voltage line, which also appears to extend onto Lot 2 RP25294. A number of submissions make reference to future expansions of the facility, i.e. inclusion of a solar farm. Lot 2 and Lot 11 are far more visually prominent than Lot 13. The extent of the inconsistencies in the Terrestrial Ecology Report raises questions regarding the accuracy of the applicant’s assertions. (a) Provide an updated and accurate suite of expert reports, including scale of development. Fire 2. The response to Council’s information request included the following responseFire Decommissioning and Rehabilitation ContaminationVisual amenity Stormwater Environmental health issues Acoustics Seqwater matters Period to respond Under the Development Assessment Rules, there is no timeframe associated with responding to this further advice, with the assessment continuing within the current period. DA24212 Further Advice You may wish to consider stopping the current period in accordance with section 32 of the Development Assessment Rules if you require additional time to consider this notice and to undertake any actions you may wish to take in response to this notice. If you are unable to stop the current period, Council may be agreeable to extending the current period. ... See MoreSee Less
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Day 2 wrap up in Canberra: Advocating for Regional Growth 🚀RDA Deputy Chair Councillor Nicole Jonic - Ipswich City Council and CEO Rees Banks kicked off the day with a productive meeting with Hon Scott Buchholz MP, discussing key regional priorities, including:✅ Funding for Beaudesert PCYC to support local youth and community programs✅ Energy projects in the Scenic Rim, driving sustainability and regional resilience✅ Innovative housing solutions to meet the growing demand for diverse and affordable living options✅ Indigenous business opportunities, fostering economic growth and empowermentThese discussions are critical to shaping a stronger future for our region. Now, we’re back in Ipswich to continue the conversations locally and drive action on these priorities.#RegionalDevelopment #ScenicRim #Beaudesert #StrongerRegions #Collaboration Somerset Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Ipswich City Council ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Regional Development Australia Ipswich & West Moreton Inc's post ... See MoreSee Less
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