Category Archives: General News

Gatton Star Intro – September 2017

Category : General News

Q & A Questions  

Name:   Cheryl Gaedtke 

Occupation:   Councillor 

Age: 50 something 

Marital Status: Married to (childhood sweetheart) John 


·         What have you enjoyed most about your time with the Somerset Regional Council?

I have enjoyed meeting new residents of this large region and learning of their passion and vision with respect to where they live.  I have also enjoyed getting to know my fellow Councillors and working together as a strong and respectful team.

·         Why did you decide to get involved with Council?

I have virtually grown up with Local Government, commencing my career as Junior Clerk Typist with Kilcoy Shire Council at the age of 16 years.  Local Government is truly the “grassroots level” of government, and I enjoy working with our residents and businesses at this fundamental level to achieve workable and enriching outcomes.


1.      Have you met anyone famous, who and when?

“The Godfather of running” Robert de Castella last year in Canberra.


  1. What is your greatest accomplishment in life?

Raising two children to be very worthy and responsible adults, and now experiencing the wonder and excitement of our grandchildren.


  1. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Never give anyone the permission to be the reason that you don’t feel good.


  1. What is the one thing you would like to change in the world?

Some people’s attitude towards others.


  1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were and why?

Around 35, as I feel fit and healthy and constantly look forward to new experiences in life.


  1. What is your favourite hobby or recreation, and why?

Horse riding – I grew up with horses and rode every day when a young child.  Horses are a long symbol of beauty and retain mysteries that baffle even those who work with them every day.

  1. What is your happiest childhood memory?

Learning to ride on the back of a favourite Jersey milking cow and Dad shouting us lunch at Myers in Brisbane CBD, the “big smoke”.  


  1. What is your favourite place to visit in the district?

Mt Kilcoy valley, followed closely by Cormorant Bay Café.


  1. What would you do if you won the Lotto?

Help family and friends financially enough to lighten the load, without causing loss of responsibilities.


  1. Who are the people you most admire – dead or living?

Mahatma Gandhi and Aung San Suu Kyi.




Kilcoy Sentinel Post 21 September 2017

Category : General News

Life in the country
Cr Cheryl Gaedtke thought about the content of this month’s media
release and what message she would like to deliver to her region’s
residents. It became very clear to Cr Gaedtke after attending the funeral
of a man bigger than life. Cr Gaedtke said she would like to take this
opportunity to offer her condolences to Mr Jack Hughes’s family. It was
here that Cr Gaedtke was reminded of the joys of living in a country
town and knowing so many of the people who live here. Whilst, she
acknowledged that nothing stays the same, she considered our lifestyle
further while reflecting on the calibre of this local identity, and a man
who was known as a real gentleman. Cr Gaedtke’s Mum, Melva Hubner
now 91, proudly talks about attending Mt Kilcoy State School with Mr
Hughes. Cr Gaedtke met people from the past, who shared stories of her
renowned Father, Ira Hubner, so many tales she has learned of since
his passing some 24 years ago. The stories just seem to go on forever,
and it is the envy of many, to acknowledge the days of gone by years,
with greater freedom of less rules and regulations. Reflecting on country
life of sunrises and sunsets, cattle, horses, family, mates, good times,
hard times and helping out a mate offered us all a reminder of days
gone by, and our exceptional country lifestyle. Cr Gaedtke’s message is
to remember the unique qualities and to overlook less unique qualities
of our fellow citizens, and she sees it to be an important ingredients of
social well-being.

Cr Bob Whalley, Cr Otis Ogg, Cr Dan Hall, Cr Graeme Lehmann, Cr Helen
Brieschke, Cr Sean Choat & Cr Cheryl Gaedtke getting out in the community

and getting to know you better.


Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 13 September 2017

Category : General News

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest
16 September Linville Spring Fair
16 September Kilcoy Beer & BBQ Festival
17 September “Say I Do in Somerset” Wedding Fair
23 September Bush Breakfast, Anglican Church grounds, Toogoolawah
24 September Esk Community Choir’s – Gilbert and Sullivan Spectacular, Somerset Civic Centre

How would you rate the effectiveness of current flying-fox roost management methods?
The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection have released a discussion paper to obtain specific feedback from councils and to provide local governments with the opportunity to suggest new approaches that could be developed and implemented.

Agenda Item #62 Councillors’ Report
16 August Kilcoy District Cultural Village Committee – Public Meeting
23 August Kilcoy Country Companions’ Senior Week Celebrations
23 August Kilcoy State High School Masquerade
25 August Somerset Senior Week Celebrations – Esk
28 August BVKL Committee Meeting – Kilcoy
28 August Somerset Condensery Gallery Advisory Committee Meeting – Toogoolawah
28 August Somerset Art Society Committee Meeting – Esk (Apologies given)
29 August Kilcoy Interagency Meeting
29 August Kilcoy Show Society AGM
31 August Kilcoy Showground Reserve Overall Management Committee Meeting
31 August Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. AGM
06 September Meeting with Somerset Dam Progress Assn. – Esk
07 September Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee Meeting – Esk
09 September Teddy Bears Picnic – Toogoolawah
09 September Mayors Gala Charity Ball – Esk
11 September Kilcoy Showground Reserve Overall Management Committee Special Meeting
12 September DA Meeting – Esk
12 September BA Meeting – Kilcoy
12 September Business Meeting – Kilcoy
13 September Kilcoy State High School P & C Meeting
13 September WISE Meeting – Kilcoy

Kilcoy District Cultural Village Committee Public Meeting
The KDCV Committee held a public meeting to obtain feedback about the suggestion of a change of name and direction for this long-established committee. Along with Crs. Hall and Choat, answers were provided to queries about council matters. The meeting felt it was time for this committee to be more reflective of community needs of the area, and to deal with these matters in preference to, or in conjunction with the Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc.

Kilcoy Country Companions’ Week Celebrations
The theme this year was “Rock & Roll” and there were some very special guests in attendance. Together with his band, Elvis returned to offer great music. Lots of fun, food and dancing kept all guests entertained throughout the day.

Kilcoy State High School Masquerade
I attended a fantastic night of food, entertainment and great fellowship of the school community provided by students and staff. Tables set out under the trees between C and A Block at the school, adorned white tablecloths and spectacular table decorations under the light of tree candles and soft fairy lights. Students performed skits, touching songs and cooked up a culinary delight for their invited guests. I am so proud of our students and staff, and congratulate all for providing a delightful and memorable evening.

Somerset Senior Week Celebrations – Esk
With around 230 Somerset Seniors and various stall holders in attendance at the Somerset Civic Centre, the venue was at capacity for the enjoyment of the day’s program. Lots of valuable information was offered by each stall holder and guests could purchase wine from Woongooroo Estate, with the presence of the smiling faces of this family run business of Phil and daughter Amanda Close. A lovely traditional lunch was served whilst enjoying the entertaining Pete the Plumber and the songs of yester year. The music infused trivia quiz resulted in three teams obtaining 100% correct answers, so it was decided the winning team would be determined by the volume of applause given by the audience after a dance off.

BVKL Committee Meeting – Kilcoy
Addressing the matter of property searches requests to advise intending property purchasers of any noxious weeds present on the property for sale. Concern was expressed over the lack of awareness by some purchasers when buying rural properties and the need to establish if any noxious weeds are present on the property prior to purchase.

Somerset Art Society Inc. Committee Meeting
With resounding success, all vacant executive committee positions have been filled. Congratulations to President – Linda Taylor; Secretary – Kim Thomson; Treasurer – Pam Templeton and Social Media Manager – Zoe Zekel.

Kilcoy Show Society AGM
Congratulations to the incoming executive committee: President – Chris Anderson; Senior Vice President – Alastair MacDonald; Junior Vice President – Brittany Campagnolo; Secretary – Sarah Eaton; Treasurer – David Dunn. It was noted that the Kilcoy Show Ball will be held on 10th March 2018 and the Kilcoy Show will be held on 6th and 7th April 2018.

Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. AGM
Congratulations to the incoming executive committee: President – David Dunn; Secretary – vacant; Treasurer – Michelle Young. The meeting agreed that it was time for the chamber to change its name and direction to take in the northern section of the Somerset region. It was also agreed that the chamber become more reflective of commerce and industry in lieu of commerce and community.

Kilcoy State High School
Kilcoy State High School was awarded Overall Champion in the School Egg Laying Competition at the Brisbane Exhibition. The school’s hens placed first in Best Hy-Line Commercial Layers, the student project placed second and the egg collection placed third.

Round 93 of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund
Congratulations to the following Somerset region community groups who were successful in the latest funding round: – Kilcoy SS P & C Assn – $29,700 to install a shed on concrete slab; Toogoolawah Clay Target Club – $14,500 to construct a shade shelter and purchase equipment; and Toogoolawah Show Society – $34,747 to upgrade seating.

Launch of Nissan 350 Z at the Kilcoy Courthouse Gallery
Held over two days, Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th August 2017, at the Kilcoy Courthouse Gallery, approximately 24 cars and drivers experienced country hospitality with perfect weather conditions to launch the new Nissan 350Z. The Kilcoy Art Society was approached by Nissan Australia to provide the area for this special celebration. The journalists, who were invited to drive the cars, were flown into Brisbane and then travelled from the airport through Mt Glorious and through Kilcoy back to the airport. On the second day, the team travelled from the airport through Mt Mee and into Kilcoy and back to the airport to launch this spectacular sports car. By all feedback offered to KASI, the Nissan company and drivers were very impressed by the location and drive routes.

Congratulations to Stanley River Environmental Education Centre – Winners of 2017 Sustainable Education Award, and 2017 Minister’s Grand Prize through the Healthy Land and Water Awards
The biennial Bunya to the Bay Project provides a multifaceted, three-week eco-challenge for Queensland high school students. Using canoes and bicycles, the students follow the Brisbane River from its upper reaches down to Moreton Bay, along the way engaging in activities such as water monitoring, vegetation assessment, riparian studies, photography and land management studies.
Spearheaded by the Stanley River Environmental Education Centre, the program is facilitated in partnership with Barambah and Moreton Bay Environmental Education Centre. Students gained a strong appreciation of Indigenous Perspectives and developed an increased capacity for environmental science fieldwork and advocacy work. At the end of the adventure, 15 students received a Certificate 2 in Conservation and Land Management.
Queensland Community Achievement Awards
Having received various emails and reminders about this award provision and following consultation with local identities, on 1st July 2017, I lodged a nomination under the category of “The Community Group of the Year Award” in the abovementioned awards, to recognise the efforts over the past 12 months of Somerset Health, Fitness and Weight Loss Centre relative to our towns, Kilcoy and Toogoolawah. Since then, the organisers of the awards have included the nomination in the (Ricoh Australia) Customer Service Award category. Both nominations have succeeded to the Semi Finalist level and we now patiently await the announcement of the finalists of both award categories. The winners will be announced by the end of the week.

Free Youth Friday Night – 11 weeks of free Youth Entertainment in Somerset Region
Congratulations to Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre in surviving eighty-one (recount) young residents at their venue on Friday 9th September. Apparently, this Friday night is bubble soccer, Xbox games and more with the generous support of many volunteers.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 23 August 2017

Category : General News

 Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

26-27 August     Apex Auction – Esk

26 August            Lowood Truck Show

29 August            Kilcoy Show Society AGM

31 August            Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. AGM

01 September   St Mary’s Kilcoy – Wine & Cheese Evening

02 September   Anglican Fete – St Mary’s Church Kilcoy

02 September   Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre Fun Run

05 September   Kilcoy RSL Women’s Auxiliary Fundraising Event – Fashion Parade

09 September   Teddy Bears’ Picnic – Toogoolawah

09 September   Mayoral Gala Charity Ball – Somerset Civic Centre

09 September   Glamorgan Vale QCWA Fashion Parade

11 September   Art Therapy Group – Toogoolawah


Agenda Item # 33 Councillors’ Reports

10 August            Kilcoy Historical Society monthly meeting

11 August            Council of Mayors – Economic Development Committee Meeting – Cancelled

13 August            Kilcoy Art Society Inc. – Opening of new Exhibition & 5th Birthday Celebrations

15 August            Toogoolawah State High School – Open Day & Careers Expo

18 August            Somerset Youth Leadership Forum – Somerset Civic Centre – Apologies given

19 August            Kilcoy State Primary School – 125th Anniversary Book Launch

21 August            Lowood Seniors’ Week Celebrations


Kilcoy Historical Society Monthly Meeting

The group is considering completing the Heritage Trail of local Kilcoy buildings by including the Council Offices, Kilcoy Cultural Centre & Memorial Hall and Kay Avery Place by placing the famous green life story on the exterior of each building.  The committee will write to Somerset Regional Council seeking permission.  The committee is also seeking feedback from Council regarding the status of the proposal master plan of Yowie Park, Kilcoy.


Kilcoy Art Society Inc. – Opening of new Exhibition & 5th Birthday Celebrations

A very happy group of art lovers gathered to celebrate the Official Opening of the Artist of the Month – Kris Wheeler and five years in the Courthouse Gallery.  Some guests travelled from as far as Kingaroy, and were delighted with the standard of art on display and the overall appearance of the Courthouse Gallery.


Toogoolawah State High School – Open Day & Careers Expo

Attending this informative evening with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Cr Brieschke, there was much to see and learn at the Open Day and Careers Expo.  Well done Toogoolawah State High School for providing an informative and friendly evening, encompassing so many different sections of the school’s curriculum.


Kilcoy State Primary School – 125th Anniversary Book Launch

A lovely afternoon spent in the school’s multi-purpose hall, meeting with past students, parents and teachers.    A time capsule was opened in the lead up to the celebrations and the contents were on display along with items that will be included in the next time capsule.   It is amazing to visualise the change in our town over the past 25 years.  Congratulations to Mrs Angela Burgess who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to produce the Kilcoy State School – 125 Years “A Photo Memoir”.


Lowood Seniors’ Week Celebration

The Lowood Showground Hall was overflowing with seniors enjoying various entertainment, raffle draws, trade stall products and a hearty lunch.  Once again, congratulations to the organising committee, I am sure we are all looking forward to attending this event again next year.


Congratulations to the Linville community – LifeFlight Foundation Fundraiser

With a population of around 156 residents, Linville has exceeded their own record of fundraising for this very worthy service.  This year the community helped give back to LifeFlight in their own unique way, raising nearly $34,000 by organising “Off the top of your head” fundraiser by shaving the heads and waxing the chests of brave supporters.   Linville residents were joined in by surrounding towns, digging deep over an evening of raffles, auctions and hair removal during the weekend of 15/16 July.   Now in its second year, this fundraiser has raised more than $54,000 for the LifeFlight Foundation.


Kilcoy Caravan Park, William Street, Kilcoy – Fire and resulting destruction of five caravans

At around 1:00pm on Saturday 19th August, a caravan caught alight and an explosion was reported.  Emergency Services were called and unfortunately a total of five caravans were destroyed.  On a brighter side, there were no casualties.  Three caravans were unoccupied, one occupant lost very minimal possessions and another occupant lost work tools only.  Thank goodness given the circumstances, no-one was injured and the fire was contained to the caravan park, and only five caravans.


Councillor Report – Wednesday 9 August 2017

Category : General News

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

09 August            Somerset Community Men’s Shed Inc. AGM – Lowood

09 August            Somerset Art Society Inc. AGM – Esk

13 August            Kilcoy Art Society Inc. Exhibition Opening & 5th Birthday Party

15 August            Toogoolawah State High School Open Day & Careers Expo

16 August            Kilcoy District Cultural Village Committee Public Meeting

19 August            Kilcoy State School’s 125th Anniversary Book Launch

19/20 August     Gathering of the Eagles – Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield

21 August            Lowood Seniors Week Celebrations

22 August            Citizenship Ceremony – Esk

23 August            Kilcoy Seniors Week Celebrations

24 August            Esk & Toogoolawah Meals on Wheels AGM & Lunch

25 August            Somerset Seniors Week Celebrations


A new online tool will make organ and tissue donation easier as Queenslanders are more willing than most to become organ and tissue donors, but they are lagging behind the rest of Australia in registering their decision, according to DonateLife Queensland.  Now you can sign up instantly on your mobile phone, tablet or computer in less than two minutes at  According to research conducted by DonateLife, 74 per cent of Queenslanders are willing to save lives by donating their organs and tissues, compared with the national average of 67 per cent.


Agenda Item # 33 Councillors’ Reports

31 July                  Somerset Seniors Week Committee Meeting

01 August            “Beyond School Expo 2017” Kilcoy State High School

02 August            Lowood Recreational Complex Extension Opening

02 August            Gatton University Community Advisory Meeting – cancelled

03 August            Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee Meeting

08 August            Somerset Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting

09 August            WISE Meeting – Hazeldean


Beyond School Expo 2017 – Kilcoy State High School

The evening was well supported with the Kilcoy Memorial Hall overflowing with students, parents, community members, carers and many stall holders.  The stall holders provided very valuable information and advice to very inquisitive minds.  Well done Kilcoy State High School.


Lowood Recreational Complex Extension Opening

Users of the Lowood Recreational Complex will benefit greatly from the extension of the existing playing fields.  It was a gratifying experience to watch the children arrive for their chosen choice of sports.  The vision of the previous Council and the availability of funding has made this much-needed sports facility grow to meet the expectations of the Lowood community.  A lovely afternoon shared with fellow Councillors, Jim Madden MP, funding officers, council officers and community members.



Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Committee Meeting

The monthly meeting was held at Heritage House Yarraman and committee member Elizabeth DeLacy presented to the membership the “Early History of Racing in the Brisbane River Valley”.  The recollection begins with the history of Nanango, Esk and Wivenhoe Race Clubs.  Ms DeLacy will complete the record by inclusion of other race clubs located between Fernvale and Nanango at a later date.  The committee also discussed a proposed heritage (tourism based) route from Brisbane through Caboolture, Kilcoy and onto Nanango with a corresponding heritage route identified from Ipswich, through Esk and again onto Nanango.  This proposed tourism based route will utilise part of Queensland’s Highway 17 tourism route identified many years ago by local authorities.  Highway 17 (Burnett Highway) was advertised as “The Alternative Route” and covered Ipswich in the South to Rockhampton in the North, and offered 700 kms of relaxing travelling for all tastes.  Highway 17 provided tourist and other travellers an alternative to travelling the main highway.  The committee also expressed a desire for South Burnett Regional Council to partner with Somerset Regional Council to organise a fishing competition utilising dams located in both local authority areas.


Small Schools Carnival & Linville/Harlin Sports Carnival

Congratulations to Harlin State School for achieving the Highest Aggregate Trophy award at the Small Schools Carnival held at Cooyar State School.  The Harlin State School was also successful at the Linville/Harlin Sports Carnival by winning the Ball Games Trophy and the carnival overall.


Somerset Regional Council Dry July Team 2017

The team of nine members raised approximately $1,600 to Dry July Foundation (Supporting Qld).  A total of 1979 supporters raised approximately $308,000 has been raised state wide through this initiative, which can make a difference to people affected by cancer.  I would like to thank all those wonderful and caring people who donated to my fund-raising page, and I am pleased to report that approximately $550 was generously donated.


Brisbane Valley Rail Trail – Successful Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Funding Submission

Congratulations to all those concerned who have championed this project.  From the assistance given by State and Federal Government Members, local community groups, local residents, and of course the very descriptive and factual funding submission made on 27 February 2017 by Council’s Director of Finance, Mr Geoffrey Smith.  Well done, and with this standard of teamwork and ongoing support, Brisbane Valley Rail Trail will now become reality, and the fruition of a great tourism and economic asset for Somerset.


Toogoolawah State High School – First place ribbon from the Interschool Team Young Judging event at the Ekka

Toogoolawah State High School students Taylor Williams and John and Olivia Delaforce beat 27 other school judging teams to be named first in the Interschool Young Judging competition by judge James Dockrill, Casino, NSW.  A great achievement and it’s only the school’s second year back competing at the Ekka after their agriculture program began to lose momentum.  While the school has about 270 students, only 12 are committed to their cattle club.  A great achievement!



Councillor Report – Wednesday 26 July 2017

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 26 July 2017


Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

27 July                  Glamorgan Vale QCWA Birthday

27 July                  Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. Meeting

27 July                  Kilcoy QCWA Annual General Meeting

28-30 July            Glen Haven Park Sunshine Tour 2017 – Kilcoy

29 July                  Kilcoy Art Society Inc. Christmas in July

29 July                  Back to Benarkin Bush Picnic

03 August            Lowood Recreational Complex Extension Official Opening


I wish to offer my sincere congratulations to Toogoolawah’s Show Society’s Rural Ambassador, Jack Fogg as winner of the Rural Ambassador title at the West Moreton and Brisbane Valley Regional Finals.  Also, congratulations to Toogoolawah’s Show Society’s Show Girl Jessica Salute as runner-up in the Miss Show Girl section of the West Moreton and Brisbane Valley Regional Finals.  Lastly congratulations to Kilcoy Show Society’s Sarah Eaton as runner-up in the Near North Coast Rural Ambassador Regional Title.


Agenda Item # 35 Councillors’ Reports

12 July                  Kilcoy State High School P & C Meeting

14 July                  ALGWA Forum – Brisbane

16 July                  Regional Flavours – Brisbane

18 July                  Meeting with Mayor Mark Jamieson (President LGAQ) – Esk

19 July                  Kilcoy State High School Council Meeting

21 July                  Blackbutt Post Office – public meeting regarding postcode 4306

22 July                  Rural Fire Challenge – Kilcoy Showground

22 July                  Meeting – R & V Wallis Mt Kilcoy

25 July                  Lowood QCWA 90th Birthday Celebrations


Australia Local Government Women’s Association – Inspiring Women’s Leadership in Local Government Forum – Brisbane

The forum was well structured with many interesting and inspiring speakers and sessions.  The first session consisted of a diverse panel of local government speakers who discussed the topic of empowerment.  Sessions two and three consisted of how to assess your powers and to be aware of unconscious bias.  The last session motivated every person in the room with a heartfelt story of a remarkable woman’s life.  The keynote speaker, Anne Marie White OAM is one of Australia’s most respected and admired sporting, media and entertainment personalities.  She is also the author of the popular books Women Who Win, profiling 10 internationally successful Australian women and Telling it Like It Is – 23 breast cancer journeys.


Regional Flavours  –  Brisbane’s Free Food & Wine Festival

The Sunshine State on a plate was experienced by more than eighty thousand people.  This event has become Queensland’s premier free food and wine festival.  Celebrity chefs and industry experts offered free advice and provided answers to questions from the large audiences.  There was free live entertainment for adults and children and around eighty stalls proudly presenting their gourmet specialties.  Many farmers affected by Cyclone Debbie were determined to remain a part of this prestigious event.  I noticed that councils collaborated with local producers to showcase their patch, and I believe that this style of presentation is a powerful introduction and welcome to interested tourists and/or customers.


Mayor Sunshine Coast Regional Council and President Local Government Association of Queensland, Cr Mark Jamieson – Meet & Greet

It was an honour to meet with Cr Jamieson and to learn of State and Regional initiatives.  Cr Jamieson is Mayor of Sunshine Coast Regional Council which is listed as being the fourth largest council area in Queensland and of course President of our peak body representing local government in Queensland.


Blackbutt Post Office – public meeting with respect to Postcode 4306

Between 70 – 80 people gathered outside the Blackbutt Post Office to offer their feedback to Australia Post representatives regarding their experience with the localities currently contained within the 4306 postcode.  Unfortunately, the event was poorly organised, with insufficient space, lots of passing traffic noise, which made it very difficult to hear all speakers.  Australia Post advertised this opportunity as seeking community feedback and offered three separate events to achieve the outcome.  The Blackbutt gathering was informed that:  1.  It is more expensive for Australia Post to operate the mail delivery processing service from Toowoomba than Ipswich  2.  There are other Queensland postcodes that contain more localities than 4306   3.  Third party use of Australia Post postcodes in not the responsibility of Australia Post.  Following numerous unfavourable comments from the public and further questions and statements made by David Littleproud MP, it was agreed that further public consultation will be organised.  Deb Frecklington MP and Shayne Neumann MP are both supportive of the need to review the 4306 postcode issues.


Lowood QCWA 90th Birthday Celebrations

With wonderful music, a delicious lunch, lots of raffles and lucky door prizes, the 90th birthday celebration of the Lowood QCWA was a joyous occasion for the many guests.  President Lois Spresser, Secretary Pam Elliot, Treasurer Val Shelton and along with their many helpers are congratulated for organising a warm and friendly event.  Val also gave a very informative story about the history of this very valuable community group.

Councillor Report – Ordinary Meeting 12 July 2017

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 12 July 2017


Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

21 July                  Christmas in July – Lowood

22 July                  Rural Fire Challenges – Kilcoy Showground

25 July                  Lowood QCWA 90th Birthday

27 July                  Glamorgan Vale QCWA Birthday

29 July                  KASI Christmas In July


The Brisbane Valley Rail Trail (BVRT) Users thanked Somerset Regional Council for fabricating and supplying the very much needed BVRT Detour signs.  By all reports the signs made an immediate difference, by providing rail trail users easy navigation of the detour route.  Feedback from cyclists using the detour route has been very positive.


Agenda Item # 29 Councillors’ Reports

Meetings/Functions attended

28 June                Meeting with Manager Kilcoy Sports Centre, CEO, DCCS, SRO – Esk

28 June                Kilcoy Toastmasters Annual Changeover of Executive

30 June                Lions Club of Lowood Inc. Changeover Dinner

05 July                  Fernvale Youth Inc. BBQ – Fernvale

06 July                  Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Committee Meeting – Kilcoy

09 July                  Somerset Rail Trail Run Bicycle Event – Fernvale


Kilcoy Toastmasters Annual Changeover of Executive

I was invited to a very interesting Changeover of the Executive of the Kilcoy Toastmasters Club.  Mr John Knox informed us about his days of radio and how his career grew over forty-nine years, John also had some historic radio items that he explained the use of.   Mr Claude Fullinfaw told us all about growing up in India.  Congratulations to the outgoing and the incoming Executive members.  I enjoyed the evening very much.

Lions Club of Lowood Changeover Dinner

Another fantastic and fun night at the Lions Club of Lowood Inc. District 43rd Annual Changeover.   The three-course dinner was very tasty, with home-made cooking at its best.  There were many raffles with very good prizes, I was lucky enough to win two very useful prizes.  Once again, the fine jar was circulating, and this year every Councillor was fined for some reason or rather.  It is always a pleasure to be part of a formal ceremony of a very strong and supportive club.  Congratulations to the outgoing and incoming Directors.  It was also heartwarming to be able to assist the fund-raising effort of “Jumpstart Justin’s Journey”.

Fernvale Youth Inc. BBQ – Stumer Park

Approximately seventy children enjoyed the warm Winter’s day at Stumer Park, whereby the Fernvale Youth Inc. organised a free sausage sizzle, free face painting by Wendy and Shayla from Let’s Face it Face Painting, and ball games facilitated by Fernvale Indoor Sports Centre.  The children also enjoyed the skate park and just hanging out together.  Congratulations to Fernvale Youth Inc. for organising this interesting school holiday event.  As Councillor I would like to encourage Fernvale Youth Inc. committee members meet with council staff to discuss a master plan for this important Fernvale facility.

Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Committee Meeting – Kilcoy

A major outcome and future goal was recognised by the committee and it was agreed that an approach be made to the South Burnett Regional Council to commence the conversation around tourism initiatives and positive collaboration between neighbouring regions.

Somerset Rail Trail Fun Run Bicycle Event – Fernvale

Congratulations to the winners of the Somerset Rail Trail Fun Run, Max Neumann, Brendan Press, Clay Dawson, Tamara Carvolth (Somerset resident), Clare Geraghty and Kate Riethmuller.  But more than just that, well done to everyone that pinned on a race number and took part in this fantastic fun event!  A total of thirty-five members of the Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre, Toogoolawah Gym and families ran or walked eight or three kilometers, and all decked out in fluro colours.  I have never been a long-distance runner, preferring sprints as a school student, but I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.  A big thankyou to those members of the Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre who willed me over the finishing line, to achieve a personal best.  Congratulations to Somerset Regional Council staff for organising a very well run and planned major regional event.

Census 2016

The Census has helped update Australia’s estimated resident population, which has grown to 24.4 million people by December 31, 2016.  The Census found that New South Wales remains the most populous state, with 7,480,228 people counted, ahead of Victoria in second (5,926,624 people) and Queensland in third (4,703,193 people).  The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) experienced the largest population growth of any state or territory over the past five years, adding more than 40,000 new residents – an increase of 11 per cent.   Australians are getting older. The 2016 Census found that there are 664,473 additional people aged 65 and over since 2011. Tasmania is our most experienced state, with nearly one in five people aged 65 and over.

The data also revealed the fastest growing areas in Queensland are outside the capital, a statistic that contrasts with the national trend which shows that two-thirds of Australians live in capital cities which are growing twice as fast as regional areas.  The majority of Queenslanders are aged 15 – 64, the average household weekly gross income is $1,402, up from $1,235 in 2011 and 28.5 % of dwellings are owned outright with 34.2% of Queenslanders renting – 3% over the national average.

Survey tracks public attitude to Councils

About 700 Queensland households will be quizzed in detail about their opinions of local government in coming weeks as part of the 2017 LGAQ Community Attitudes Survey. The survey, the 11th since the first 1997 Benchmark Study, is held every two years. It tracks the performance of councils, grouped in broad categories, relative to the value systems of the community.  The results of the survey should help councils identify initiatives that will enhance overall performance by closing the gap between the importance of a service or function and the rating of current performance.  It also identifies emerging issues and themes and I look forward to learning of the results.


Councillor Report – 28 June 2017

Category : General News

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

30 June                Lowood Lions Change Over Dinner

01 July                  Esk Races

02 July                  Fernvale Lions Change Over Dinner

09 July                  Somerset Rail Trail Fun Run & Bicycle Event



Agenda Item # 34 Councillors’ Reports

Meetings/Functions attended

15 June                Assistance offered to set up Civic Centre – SASI

16 June                SASI Gala Opening – Somerset Bendigo Bank Art Awards 2017

17 June                Valley of the Lakes Garden Club Inc. – “Esk Garden and Lifestyle Fair”

(Assistance offered to welcome patrons through gate 3)

17 June                Annual “Kilcoy Cup” Race Day

22 June                Biggest Morning Tea – Esk State School

23 June                Somerset Region Community Support Assn Inc. Meeting

23 June                Winter Primary School Somerset Cup

27 June                Kilcoy Interagency Meeting


Friday 16, Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 June – Somerset region’s Events

The morning’s early showers on Saturday dissipated and the sun welcomed a busy day in the region, with at least five major events being held.  Congratulations to every person who assisted in any way to bring together the events that took place over the weekend.  I attended the Somerset Bendigo Bank Art Awards 2017, the Esk Garden and Lifestyle Fair and the Kilcoy Cup Races.  The Somerset Bendigo Bank Art Awards 2017 was very professionally presented, and the standard of entries were unprecedented.  I happily volunteered my time to SASI and Valley of the Lakes Garden Club to assist with the many tasks.  The Esk Garden and Lifestyle Fair attracted approximately 3,000 visitors with 58% visiting from other areas in Queensland.  The Lowood Show was officially opened by a special dignitary, His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey, Governor of Queensland.   The annual Kilcoy Cup race day was well supported by a massive crowd, who enjoyed a great day of country racing, pacing and mini trotting.   Mrs Pauline Watson of Vernor, held the Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser on a picture-perfect day, and a total of $1,821-25 was raised for the Cancer Council.  Well done!  This extremely successful weekend of events has shown that our community groups can work together to achieve their wildest dreams, with people travelling from far to sample our great region.


Biggest Morning Tea – Esk State School

The Year One/Two Teacher, Ms Susan Kitching is in her fifth-year post cancer treatment and diagnosis.  Susan told us that prior to cancer she had hosted a few “Biggest Morning Tea” events not realising how important these events actually are.  Susan feels that it is essential to continue to raise money to find a cure for cancer, and she believes that she will see this result in her lifetime.    The Esk State School hosted its forth “Biggest Morning Tea” and last year an incredible $3,480 was raised.  Susan explained that we are a small community with a massive heart.  There were lots of decorated china and paper teapots on display in the school’s hall, with plates of tasty morning tea served by the students.  An amazing amount of $5,600-40 was raised this year – well done Esk State School!


Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

Discussion took place around the Supporting Kilcoy Community (Youth Support) Initiative.  This initiative grew from a well-supported meeting held in Caboolture on 18 May 2017.  An area that had been identified as having gaps was youth, as there were supports around helping youth identify their problems, but no one to follow up with casework type services.  The meeting was advised that there is now a couple of new services in this space and they are hoping to work collaboratively with members of the Interagency.  Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre manager, Ms Jayne McKenzie advised the May Interagency meeting of her interest in working with youth agencies.  In reply, the youth agencies were interested in engaging with Jayne to create support for young people with providing appropriate activities.  It was agreed that the attendees at the meeting would be added to the Interagency group and kept informed of developments.


Appealing visual appearance of cemetery, parks and showground at Kilcoy

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the parks and garden crew of Somerset Regional Council for the very appealing visual appearance of the cemetery, parks and showground at Kilcoy.  All areas nominated are in a very neat condition and this appearance is very noticeable by locals and travellers.   The proud image projected by this activity is very much appreciated.

Councillor Report – Wednesday 14 June 2017

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 June 2017


Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

10 June – 6 August           Kathy Ellem Exhibition – Somerset Regional Art Gallery – The Condensery Toogoolawah

16/17 June                         Lowood Show

16 June                                Somerset Art Society Inc. – Official Opening

17 June                                Esk Garden & Lifestyle Fair/Somerset Art Society Inc. Exhibition

17 June                                Kilcoy Race Club – Kilcoy Cup

18 June                                Australia’s Biggest Morning Cuppa – Venor

22 June                                Biggest Morning Tea – Esk State School

22 June                                KCCCI Meeting

23 June                                Winter Primary School Somerset Cup – Toogoolawah

25 June                                Lifecycle cycling classic – Lowood



Congratulations to Mr John Robinson for being awarded the Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia.

Mr John Ernest ROBINSON, Kilcoy QLD 4515 For service to veterans and their families.

Service includes:   The Returned and Services League of Australia: Vice-President, South Eastern District, Queensland Branch, since 2016.

Kilcoy Sub-Branch, Queensland Branch: President, 2008-2010 and 2014-2016. Treasurer, 2013-2014. Welfare Officer, 2007-2010 and since 2014. South Eastern District Delegate, since 2014 and 2008-2010. Representative, Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce, 2008-2010 and 2012-2016. Grants Officer, since 2007. Member, since 2006.

Community: Volunteer, Men’s Health Peer Educator, Department of Veterans’ Affairs, since 2007; Coordinator, Veterans’ Health Week, since 2012. Member, Vietnam Veterans Association, 1993-2000. Board Member, Steering Committee, Bendigo Bank, Kilcoy, current. Co-ordinator, ‘Men’s Pit Stop’, since 2007.

Awards and recognition includes: Recipient, Australia Day Somerset Citizen of the Year, Somerset Regional Council, 2016. Recipient, Veterans Volunteer Award, Electorate of Blair, 2015.



 Agenda Item # 45   Councillors’ Reports

Meetings/Functions attended

25 May                 Eagle Rise Mobile Hub

25 May                 Kilcoy Showground Reserve Overall Management Committee Meeting

25 May                 Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. Meeting

27 May                 Kilcoy Hospital Fete

27 May                 Esk Show

27 May                 Lowood Show Ball

29 May                 Somerset Regional Council Condensery Gallery Advisory Committee Meeting

29 May                 SRBA Economic Meeting – Eagle Forklifts

30 May                 Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

31 May                 Kilcoy State School – Launch of Reading at Home P-Yr2

1 June                   Farewell to Mandy & Bruce McGarry – Cleaners Kilcoy Office

2 June                   2017 Somerset Schools Sports Cup – Toogoolawah High School

3 June                   “Holt Bolt” Kilcoy

3 June                   Linville Hall Committee Inc. Meeting

10 June                Kath Ellem Workshop – Kilcoy High School

10 June                Toogoolawah Show

12 June                Neurum Creek Green Army Graduation – Kilcoy

13 June                Transportation – Western Ring Road Brisbane – Kilcoy


Eagle Rise Mobile Hub

There were around fifteen service providers present at the Lowood Hub, and the weather was absolutely perfect for clients to take the time to visit the many information sharing stalls.  Many thanks to the SES for providing the sausage sizzle, the smells drifted around the community for quite some time.


Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. Meeting

Discussion took place around transportation issues and long-term planning required to reduce even more problems in the future.  KCCCI members spoke about planning processes and the administration of such by local government.


Kilcoy Hospital Fete

The fog lifted to reveal a very beautiful day, with many people enjoying the official opening and visiting the many stalls that formed part of the event.  The Hospital Board of Directors and invited guests toured the hospital to view the recent refurbishments of this magnificent local asset.  We were shown the improvements made to the emergency room, the kitchen, special treatment rooms and general wards.   Staff were delighted to explain the improvements made to very simple medical needs and services.


Esk Show

Once again congratulations to the Esk Show Society Committee and the very many volunteers who made the Esk show happen, and happen it did, to a very high standard. The weather was perfect for holding the show and the many patrons enjoyed the activities, show pavilion displays and various stalls.  The show ring was also a hive of activity.


Lowood Show Ball

John and I were very impressed with the Lowood Show Ball, and enjoyed the dance band along with another two hundred odd patrons.  The meal was absolutely scrumptious, the company enjoyable and there were many beautiful gowns and dinner suits proudly worn.  Congratulations to the winners – Katie Wren, Tanessha Beattie, Claudia Campbell, Naomi Freese, Lahtasha Lewis, Kerri Jendra, Imelda Fanning and John Cox.


SRBA Economic Meeting – Eagle Forklifts

Congratulations to Cr Bob Whalley on presenting a very well run local business to those who could attend the get together. There was much discussion about economic benefits and demands in our region over dinner.  I appreciated learning others’ points of view and learning how some businesses started off small in our region and have grown over time, and are proud to be a local employer.  It is paramount that groups like SRBA continue to take an active role in the region and provide ongoing networking to offer feedback and associated important expectations.  With ongoing collaboration, potential development and economic opportunities can be identified by Somerset Regional Council, economic like-minded community groups, and local businesses.


Kilcoy State School – Launch of Reading at Home P-Yr2

I was invited as a guest to take part in the launch, where children from Prep to Year 2 enjoyed stories, learning activities, dressed in character –  i.e. Teachers and fellow students, a sausage sizzle and a chocolate celebratory cake.  The launch was well organised and we were all very appreciative of the event.


Farewell to Mandy McGarry – Cleaner Kilcoy Office

Present and past Kilcoy office staff, Cr Hall, Mrs Hall and myself enjoyed a dinner and a heartfelt farewell to Mandy and Bruce McGarry.  Mandy has over ten years’ service with Council, and I can attest that she is definitely more than just a cleaner.  Mandy (and Bruce) go far beyond the role, expectation and responsibilities of cleaners.  Enjoy your retirement from cleaning the Kilcoy office building Mandy and Bruce.


2017 Somerset Schools Sports Cup – Toogoolawah High School

Once again it was perfect weather to host the 2017 Somerset Schools Sports Cup.  Students appeared to enjoy the event and it was stated how students should be congratulated on the sportsmanship and fair play displayed during all competitions.  A minute’s silent was held in memory of Sgt. Brett Forte prior to the friendly game of touch footie held between the Police and the School Teachers. The overall winning school again this year was the Kilcoy High School.  Congratulations to all competing schools, Toogoolawah, Lowood and Kilcoy.  Well done, I look forward to attending next year’s event.


“Holt Bolt” Kilcoy

After attending the Holt Bolt and taking part in the second wave which commenced at 10:30am, following the first wave which commenced at 9:00am, I was wrapped in this fun filled family orientated event.  Children from the age of 5 years and adults took part in the activities and tackled each part of the course with huge smiles.   Congratulations to the Kilcoy Local Chaplaincy Committee and in particular, Mrs Kate Gold for organising such a wonderful local event.


Linville Hall Committee Inc. Meeting

I was totally amazed by the number of campers using the free camping area in Linville on Saturday 3 June.  It was reassuring to see this type of activity in one of our unique little towns.  The outcomes from the brainstorming meeting held earlier in the year and Council’s replies were discussed at the meeting.  The final outcomes from the committee meeting have been brought back to Council for further consideration.  Ongoing feedback and future decisions will be communicated with the 24 meeting attendants on an ongoing basis.


Kath Ellem Workshop – Kilcoy High School

I was invited to attend the Kath Ellem Workshop which was held at the Kilcoy High School and in the art room.  It is wonderful to see this collaboration between local community and State School for this workshop to be held in their space.  Twelve pupils were busily painting on canvas when I attended the art class.  I was honoured to welcome Kath Ellem to Kilcoy and it was agreed that art can change a dull and boring environment.  Some students offered fascinating ideas on how to brighten a tired CBD area.  I look forward to viewing the students’ finished artworks.


Toogoolawah Show

Congratulations to the Toogoolawah Show Society Committee and the numerous volunteers that work together to bring the annual show together.  The weather was kind and there was much to see and enjoy, from the woodchopping, through sideshow alley, fat cattle, stud cattle, horses, various entertainment and great food supplied on the grounds.  The Mayor and all Councillors were available to chat to locals enjoying the day out.


Neurum Creek Green Army Graduation – Kilcoy

I was pleased to be invited and able to attend the above ceremony.  The Green Army workers were congratulated on the commitment shown during the Neurum Creek Project.  A comment was made that with 12,000 plantings, 15 hectares of weed reduction and the associated timeline, the workers excelled all other project achievements made by other Green Army workers.


Natural Resource Management (NRM) at Local Government level

The Local Government Assoc. of Qld has asked for $10 million form the upcoming state budget to ensure local governments can deliver Natural Resource Management (NRM) programs.  Local governments spend $20 million a year on natural resource management initiatives – yet have only been allocated $1.5 million by the state between 2017 – 2020.




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Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

📢 Funding Alert for Men's Sheds! 🛠️Our Australian Men's Sheds play a huge role in bringing men together—whether it's working on projects, sharing skills, or just having a good yarn. 💬The next round of funding is now available to support our local Men's Sheds with financial assistance where needed. Don't miss this opportunity to help your Shed continue making a difference in the community!Find out more and apply now 👉 #CommunitySupport #Grants #RDAMovement #Ipswich #WestMoreton #FundingOpportunity Queensland Men's Shed AssociationLockyer Valley Regional Council Somerset Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Ipswich City Council ... See MoreSee Less
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📢 Funding Boost for Skilling Queenslanders for Work! 💼🎉An additional $5 million in funding is helping more job seekers gain skills, qualifications, and experience to secure employment or stay in the workforce.Through Skilling Queenslanders for Work, participants receive accredited training in priority industries like construction, primary industries, community services, and hospitality, along with tailored support to help them succeed.🔎 Find funded projects in our region here: #JobsForQueenslanders #SkillsForTheFuture #TrainingOpportunities #CareerGrow Skills for Queensland ... See MoreSee Less
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Looking for grant funding?🚀 Kickstart 2025 with Grant Opportunities! 🎉Looking for funding to bring your community, sporting club, or not-for-profit project to life this year? There are fantastic grants available to help you get started!Visit the RDA Ipswich & West Moreton website to explore funding opportunities and make 2025 a year of impact. 💡🏆🔗 Find out more: #CommunityFunding #RDAMoreton #Ipswich #SportingClubs #NotForProfits #MakeItHappen Ipswich City Council Lockyer Valley Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Somerset Regional Council ... See MoreSee Less
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