Category Archives: General News

Councillor Report 13 February 2019

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 13 February 2019

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

15 February        Kilcoy Cares Book Launch “Inclusion”

25 February        Toogoolawah State High School Student Leaders Investiture

Absolutely brilliant news that Linville will receive a $2 million water treatment plant.  The construction of the plant is due to commence in July 2019 and be completed within a six-month period, subject to weather conditions.  The funds have been budgeted by SEQWater and the plant will be larger, to house an improved water quality monitoring station and will draw water locally.  Residents can keep up to date with the progress via the website    

On a much sadder note, the devastation that has occurred in the northern and inland Local Government areas has been unprecedented.  The catastrophic deluge event becomes absolutely unthinkable and unbelievable especially when listening to the Mayors of the affected areas speak on behalf of their communities.  The impact of the unprecedented 1 in 500-year flood will carry economic, emotional, social, environmental, biosecurity, health and numerous challenges and consequences.  In Australia, floods are the most expensive type of natural disaster.  

Agenda Item # 35 Councillors’ Report      (I attended)

24 January          Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community Inc. monthly meeting

26 January          Australia Day Celebration & Awards Presentation

27 January          Kilcoy Race Club – Australia Day Races

29 January          Farming Ladies Day Out – Cormorant Bay

30 January          Financial Assistance Grant Overview Meeting – Qld Local Gov. Grants Commission

30 January          Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Meeting – Kilcoy

31 January          Meeting with DTMR, Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce – Kilcoy Creek Bridge replacement

02 February        Yowie parkrun Launch – Kilcoy

04 February        2019 Investiture – Kilcoy State High School

06 February        Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn monthly meeting

07 February        Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail monthly meeting – Esk

08 February        Experience Somerset – Toogoolawah Condensery

08 February        Opening Night – Get Your Aprons On – Kilcoy Art Society Inc.

10 February        High Tea Fundraiser – Glamorgan Vale – Esk Show Society

11 February        Lowood State High School – Parade & Leader Induction Ceremony

12 Tuesday         Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting – Esk

The past three weeks have presented Somerset with very special occasions and celebrations.  Events have been well attended with some being talked about for some time afterwards and in a very positive manner.  Congratulations to all nominees of the various Australia Day Awards, to be nominated is a blessing and an honour, to being selected as the award bearer is a lifetime qualifying milestone.  I particularly would like to acknowledge and thank Ms Kym Harrison for sharing her wearisome challenges in developing the Mt Kilcoy dairy and other rural aspects of her life.  I would also like to acknowledge the hard work and commitment made by the Yowie parkrun committee.  The committee organised a truly magnificent launch with 228 keen runners, joggers and walkers – Congratulations.

Lady Farmers Day Out

Category : General News

Thank you Lyn for the introduction and thank you for the opportunity to speak here today. I feel slightly unqualified as I am a rookie at public speaking.

I come from a 2nd generation dairy farm near Gympie. I was the 10th of 11 children. Living off the land, making your own meals, clothing and just being resourceful was normal then so I had a lot of life skills by the time I left home.

In 88, because of a pet hate, I invented a product called ‘Ripper Gaiters’. These are a waterproof sock protector, I designed a new way to put them on and remove them. The number of times I had put my boots on and forgotten to slide the gaiter on first was just ridiculous. So I made a pair fastened by a Velcro strip with press studs – no longer did I need to remove my boots to get the gaiter on or off.

These became popular starting my 1st small business I was able to leave my Job at the Kilcoy Chemist. I could work anytime, allowing me to stay home and raise my three children. The product line extended into seat covers, swags, bags, clothing and repairs. There was as much variety in the products as the variety of customers I had supporting my business; servicing many locals from individual households to the Race club, Council, meat works, Taxidermist, Beef producers. My 1st paid ad was in a Sport and Shooter magazine. I was,  inundated and overwhelmed with mail orders coming along with cheques or cash – to my surprise orders as far as  America, Africa, and New Zealand.  

Soon another pet hate started my 2nd small business. I am sure all of us here hate to be chased by bulls. Right, the bull had to go! I had to take his place. In 96, I learnt to AI and Pregnancy test practicing on my own small beef herd at Toogoolawah and local dairy farms doing 900 head in 9 months. Then I plunged into the deep end servicing extensive beef herds all over Queensland doing up to 450 head a day.

I left the cliffs of Toogoolawah when the beauty of Mt Kilcoy stole my heart. A property with rolling hills and lots of water I knew was where I would eventually like to retire. Did I want to be a dairyfarmer? Well why not, how hard could it be? This was 2007, just post deregulation of the dairy industry. An event that was causing many people to leave and we were just getting started.

Welcome to our 1st day of milking and I need an electrician to replace the rat’s nest of wiring just to turn the milking machine on, hoping tomorrow will be easier. Day 2, wasn’t any easier, I was excited to see the milk truck pick up for the first time and excitement turned to misery when the receipt read 447L. 126 cows had produced 447L or 2L/cow/day. This was a turning point for me. I either close the dairy business or something had to change and quick.  We got in and improved the herd’s genetics, the farms pastures and the cow’s diet. With all of the improvements over a 10yr period the herd started producing 25L/day.

Just when you think it is getting easier, 2011 Floods hit. The house yard became an island and we shared it with the milking herd for a week. Something else we shared for a week was a generator. Driving through the paddock each day over to Retchlag’s Dairy to get the generator to relieve the cows before driving it back again so they could relieve theirs. A generator was now the number one item on the shopping list. When the QLD Gov. announced they were going to be assisting farmers affected by the floods I put up my hand and asked for a generator. Sorry Kym I can’t get you a generator. I can get you a business degree. As disappointed as I was I took the opportunity and completed a Diploma of Rural Business Management and a Diploma of Agriculture.

 The floods were soon followed by Australia Day 2011, a date no dairy farmer could forget. This is the day Coles started the $1/L milk wars. This situation is very unlike a natural disaster where there is a short-lived, big impact that you can fix the problem and get back to business as usual. In 2011, this was like a tickle in the throat just a bit of a nuisance. You try a few different cough medicines, you try to squeeze a bit more out of the cows, and you try to cut cost. In 2014, my daughter Tammy and I purchased some land at Sandy Ck, an investment property for her, but for me it was to reduce our reliance on purchased feed and to diversify the business by starting a beef herd incase this tickle in the throat, now a bit of a cough, would never go away but we had plan B.      

With each year passing inflation continues so all expenses are rising; our immune system is down and susceptible to other attacks. 2016, the drought hits, without the weakened immune system this would have been just like the floods where you fix the problem and get back to business as usual. We installed 26 water troughs that December and we weren’t yet drought declared so we couldn’t get any financial assistance. Three months later we were drought declared but it was too late. At this point I had tried every cough remedy there was; the drought along with $1/L price war had the business strangled. The milk processor at the time said their business was forced to announce a 2c/L drop in price. 2c we couldn’t afford. This was breaking point, in a family discussion we all agreed we would be happier, if we closed the dairy, ran a beef herd and supported ourselves by working in town. In finally making that call a big weight was lifted off all of our shoulders and surprisingly we were looking forward to what might be next. 

The herd clearance sale was booked in and advertised for a Thursday in February 2017. The last day we would be milking cows. One week out we received a phone call, a rumor another processor might have an offer for us. I told my children, but we all said no way, we have made our decision we are not going back to milking now. My youngest said they would have to pay at least 10c/L more for us to even consider staying. A few phone calls later and we had an offer of 11c more. A 20% price rise something we never thought was possible. So much to the auctioneers dismay the sale was cancelled. 

This boost meant we were able to start investing back into improving the dairy again and it ignited our passion for the cows and for the industry. Last year we put in two center-pivot irrigators the first for the Kilcoy district. Now Ashley is able to water the pastures by pressing a button on his phone. Freeing up his time or having him available to do other jobs and freeing up my time. It is amazing the significant improvement two irrigators have made to our lives. It also mitigates a huge risk by significantly reducing the amount the business relied on my son. The business is now safe, if or more like when he injures himself.

There is a lot to be learnt in dairy farming and I like having the opportunity to pass some of this knowledge and the whole farming experience onto the next generation. Both Torie & Ashley completed a cert 3 in Agriculture winning trainee ship awards along with our business winning host awards and then followed by a few of their friends and a few quickly turns into a dozen. I started hosting a few Vet students and again a few quickly turn into a dozen. I have taken high school students for their work experience and participated in the cows create careers program where I lend a couple calves to the school and teach the students how to raise them. I was also proud to have myself, the farm and cows selected to feature in the Cream of Australia tv ad. The campaign run by QLD dairyfarmers’ Organisation is all about celebrating their farmers and thanking customers that continue to support QLD dairy. Teaching the next generation and raising awareness for our industry is something I’m passionate about and enjoy.

So that’s my experience being a woman in agriculture and in writing this speech I found a strong theme of hardship followed by triumph, a tale of recovery and resilience and it is impossible to avoid. If you were to write a story about any one of the ladies in this room you would find the same thing because that is what rural women are. You are all resourceful, you are all bloody tough and we have to be.

Thank you.  

Press Release – Thursday 20 December 2018

Category : General News

Press Release – Thursday 20 December 2018

Cr Gaedtke hopes for solutions to effluent spillage on roads

The Livestock and Rural Transporters Association of Queensland (LRTAQ) and the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA) recognise that management of livestock effluent on public roadways is important for protecting road safety, animal welfare, amenity, biosecurity, environment and business interests.   LRTAQ and ALRTA advise that while a small amount of effluent loss is inevitable because of the nature of the live cargo and the need for trailers to be ventilated to comply with animal welfare laws, larger effluent loss incidents are primarily caused by poor preparation by persons in control of animals prior to transport and a complete lack of options for managed disposal of captured effluent in the road corridor during transit.

After making a submission in July 2018 supporting the proposed amendments to the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) to clarify the application of Chain of Responsibility to persons who are responsible for feed and water provision to livestock prior to road transport, Cr Gaedtke has been advised that the proposed amendments made through the submissions to a Queensland Parliamentary committee were not adopted.

The aim of Chain of Responsibility (CoR) for a heavy vehicle is to make sure everyone in the supply chain actively ensures the safety of their transport activity.  The CoR law also extends to preventing or reducing potential harm or loss (risk) to people.

Cr Gaedtke has been advised that A Master Code of practice has been written to establish standards and procedures for parties in the CoR to identify, analyse, evaluate and mitigate the risk associated with meeting obligations under the HVNL.  A Code of Practice for the movement of livestock is being developed to supplement the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association.  Once this document is completed it will be released for industry feedback prior to consideration for registration.

Cr Gaedtke Councillor Report 20 December 2018 Council Meeting

Category : General News


Agenda Item # 25 Councillors’ Report      (I attended)

12 December     Mt Kilcoy State School Awards Night

14 December     Picturing Innovation Exhibition Official Opening – The Condensery

15 December     Community Carols – Kilcoy Combined Churches

18 December     Official Opening Kilcoy Police Station

20 December     Somerset Regional Council – Christmas Gathering

20 December     Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Inc. – Christmas Gathering

I was honored to present The George Adsett Overall House Cup to the winning house at the Mt Kilcoy State School Awards Night.  The beautiful cup is in recognition of my Great Grandfather’s commitment to achieving a state school on Blunt’s hill, over 100 years ago.

I was astounded at the standard of photography exhibited by renowned Photographer Rob Maccoll who facilitated the Picturing Innovation project.  The official opening was held at The Condensery and the photography exhibition of the nine innovative persons nominated by the community for their trailblazing in our region was extremely professionally presented.  This Photographer has a real ability of catching the pure essence of his subject.  The project was funded through the Regional Arts Development Funding and initiated by the RADF Committee and is extremely proud to be part of this inaugural initiative.

I was personally relieved that the forecast rain did not eventuate on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 December.  The Lowood Lions Christmas in the Park, Esk Christmas Races, Toogoolawah Christmas Tree and Fernvale Christmas Carols continued as planned.  I am fully aware of the hard work and commitment made by the community to bring these events together.

The $2 million Police Station at Kilcoy was officially opened.  The building is a real boost to Kilcoy and to the policing needs of the area.

Lastly, as another year comes to a close, I wish to thank fellow Councillors and Council’s staff for their dedication and commitment during the past 12 months.  I also take this opportunity to wish our retiring Directors all the very best and to acknowledge the work and leadership demonstrated by Council’s CEO, Mr Bob Bain, who is also retiring.  I look forward to being part of a team that will achieve strategic goals and plans during 2019.  Merry and Blessed Christmas to all.

Councillor Report – Ordinary Meeting 12 December 2018

Category : General News

Councillor Gaedtke

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

12 December     Mt Kilcoy State School Awards Night

14 December     Lowood Lions Christmas in the Park

14 December     Picturing Innovation Exhibition Official Opening – The Condensery

15 December     Christmas Carols – Fernvale and Kilcoy

15 December     Toogoolawah Christmas Tree Carnival

15 December     Esk Christmas Races

18 December     Official Opening Kilcoy Police Station

Agenda Item # 43 Councillors’ Report      (I attended)

28 November    Kilcoy & District Progress Alliance Inc. monthly meeting

29 November    Kilcoy Showground Reserve Overall Management Committee Meeting

05 December     Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn monthly meeting

05 December     Somerset Tourism Volunteers’ Day

06 December     Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Inc. monthly meeting – Nanango

08 December     Back to Jimna

08 December     Kilcoy Lions Christmas Carnival

10 December     War on Waste – Kilcoy State High School

11 December     Kilcoy State School Awards Ceremony & End of Year Celebration

I have received many favourable comments regarding Back to Jimna and the Kilcoy Lions Christmas Carnival.  I would like to acknowledge those responsible for organising the events.  Hopefully both events will become regular entries on our calendar of events.

Congratulations to the students involved with “War on Waste” (Kilcoy State High School) and Kilcoy State School Awards Ceremony and End of Year Celebration.  When asked about each project on War on Waste, students were eager to share their knowledge of the subject and how they researched their particular project.  It is reassuring that this important universal issue is gaining greater understanding at school level.

I was impressed by the delivery of the Kilcoy State SchoolAwards Ceremony (Year 3 – 6) and End of Year Celebration (Prep to Year 2).  Students of all ages displayed confidence by hosting their end of school year events.

Cr Gaedtke Councillor Report – 28 November 2018

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 28 November 2018


Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

30 November    Somerset Region Community Support Assn AGM – Esk

01 December     Fernvale Junction Feast & Trade Village

01 December     Kilcoy Christmas Race Day

01 December     Somerset Dam Wedding Forum

05 December     Somerset Toursim Volunteers Day

06 December     Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Christmas Meeting

08 December     Kilcoy Christmas Carnival

08 December     Lowood Show Inc. Christmas Carnival

09 December     Jammin in Esk

11 December     Kilcoy State School Awards Ceremony


Around 1.3 million containers are being returned in Queensland every day, and is attracting the advantage of the 10 cents refund.  It was reported that at Townsville, a man came in with 40,000 cans on behalf of the local scouts on the first day of the Containers for Change initiative.  Overall, Townsville has reported that more than $410,000 has been returned to Townsville locals, charities, schools, community groups and sporting clubs.


Agenda Item # 39 Councillors’ Report      (I attended)

14 November    Kilcoy High School Council Meeting

14 November    Kilcoy High School P & C Assoc Meeting

16 November    Senior Valedictory Ceremony – Kilcoy High School

19 November    CEO Position Interviews – Esk

19 November    RADF Committee Meeting – Esk

19 November    BVRT Harlin Beautification Project

22 November    LGAQ Diploma Units  – Local Government House – Brisbane

22 November    Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Monthly Meeting

26 November    Somerset Condensery Gallery Advisory Committee Meeting – Esk

26 November    Focus on Farmers – Esk

27 November    Kilcoy Interagency Meeting


The Queensland Core Skills test results have been released and Kilcoy State High School is proud to announce that four of their Year 12 students received an A on their QCE.  An A result represents students who have achieved in the top 5% of the state.  The school has also a 100% QCE attainment for their students.  The excellent results reflect the talent and hard work our their students, the support of their teachers, and the guidance and encouragement of parents.

I would like to express my appreciation of the organisation of the Focus on Farmers event held at the Somerset Civic Centre.  The event was well attended and very informative.  Congratulations to all those who were involved.  Feedback obtained from the event recorded the gratitude felt by many who attended the evening.

It was reported in the Sunday Mail through a research project undertaken by Queensland’s Bond University, that Somerset Regional Council is in the top ten most unaffordable housing LG area.  Cost of housing weighed against income, size of housing and housing stress.  Kilcoy Interagency decided to form a sub-committee to address this issue.

A severe weather event which occurred on Saturday 17 November caused major damage to buildings, fences, fallen and standing trees, vehicles and some residents also reported livestock loss.  The severe weather event caused damage at Gregors Creek, Highwood Lane, Sheep Station Creek and Mt Kilcoy localities.  Due to the after effects of the storm on our property, I offered my apologies for not attending the Kilcoy Junior MX SEQ Series, Zion Lutheran Church Minden 140th Anniversary, Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting, Minden State School Christmas Carnival and Kilcoy District Historical Society 20th Birthday Bash.

Editorial – Cr Gaedtke – Wednesday/Thursday 14/15 November 2018

Category : General News

Editorial – Cr Gaedtke  

Community Spirit alive and well – Cr Gaedtke overwhelmed by community activities

Over the past month Cr Gaedtke has attended various events and functions that have been managed and organised by local community groups.  Cr Gaedtke said “I am totally overwhelmed by the professionalism, time, effort and costs borne by so many local community groups while organising their events”.

Cr Gaedtke especially expressed her congratulations to the local groups who were successful in receiving funds through the Federal Armistice Centenary Grants Program, or through the Queensland Anzac Centenary Grants Program.  “These groups sought funding to undertake special events and/or projects to commemorate 100 years since the end of World War 1, and most projects will be everlasting, and will be acknowledged by our communities every year, come 11 November” she said.

Cr Gaedtke attended the Toogoolawah & District Historical Group’s official opening of the curated exhibit and commemorative event, celebrating the legacy of local service men and women.  The exhibition contained very interesting original artifacts and information.  Around fifty energetic bicycle riders also enjoyed the exhibition, after riding from Esk and before continuing their journey on to Moore.  Cr Gaedtke and her husband John joined the group at Toogoolawah and completed the ride to Moore before enjoying a beautiful meal provided by Deborah of Old Church Gallery.  The odd beer or two was also enjoyed immensely after the night ride of around 28 kilometers.

The Fernvale Community Association’s unveiling and dedication of the World War 1 Memorial was carried out by local school students.  The group also produced a booklet named Fernvale Remembers.  The booklet is the result of research carried out by members of the local History Group and based on the initial research undertaken by Mr Jeff Hewitt.

The Dedication of Memorial Drive was completed by the Lowood RSL Sub Branch and once again a moving commemoration was held.  With many children taking part in the commemoration, a very important message was acknowledged – Their dreams became your tomorrows.  All they would ask is that you should never forget what they gave.












Cr Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 November – Councillor Report

Category : General News


Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 November 2018


Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

17 November    John Fogerty Revival – Somerset Civic Centre

18 November    Jammin in Esk

23 November    Minden Christmas Carnival

24 November    Glamorgan Vale Christmas Carnival

24 November    Kilcoy Historical Society “20th Birthday Bash”


Congratulations to Lowood & District Swimming Club, Lowood Show Society, Fernvale Rural Fire Brigade and Kirsty’s Bird Sanctuary & Wildlife Rehabilitation which were successful in receiving $17,990, $35,000, $30,908.90 & $15,000 respectively through the Gambling Community Benefit Fund.


Congratulations also to Coominya State School student Isabella Harley, who was successful in her audition as a Hong Kong Disneyland Parade Performer.  Isabella will travel to Hong Kong in December to feature in the Disneyland Christmas Parade.


Agenda Item # 44 Councillors’ Report      (I attended)

25 October         Ken & Annie’s Music Campout – Toogoolawah

25 October         Esk QCWA 95th Birthday Celebrations

27 October         Bush Breakfast Under the Trees – Toogoolawah

27 October         Toogoolawah Tennis 110th Anniversary Celebrations

27 October         Toogoolawah Clay Target Club Competition

29-31 October   122nd LGAQ Annual Conference – Brisbane

31 October         Kilcoy & District Progress Alliance Inc. monthly meeting

01 November    Brisbane Valley Heritage Tails monthly meeting – Toogoolawah

07 November    Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn monthly meeting

07 November    Rural Minds Forum – Esk

07 November    Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare meeting – Kilcoy

08 November    On Site Inspection – Harlin

08 November    Kilcoy State School P & C Assn monthly meeting

09 November    Kilcoy High School 56th Annual Awards Ceremony

10 November    An End to Conflict – Exhibition by Toogoolawah & District History Group Inc. – The Condensery

10 November    Brisbane Valley Rail Trail – Sunset & Night Ride Esk to Moore – Function at The Condensery

11 November    Fernvale Memorial Park – Unveiling & Dedication Ceremony

11 November    Lowood Sub Branch RSL – Remembrance Day

12 November    Councillor Integrity Training – Esk

13 November    Brisbane Valley of the Lakes Annual General Meeting – Esk

13 November    Citizenship Ceremony – Esk

13 November    Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting – Esk

13 November    Somerset Region Community Enterprise Ltd 9th AGM – Lowood


I have been overwhelmed by the number of events and commemorations that are being organised by mostly volunteers in our region, and what a wonderful job these community members do.  Well done, we certainly have strong communities in our beautiful region.


I thank Council for approving my request to attend the 122nd Local Government Association of Queensland’s Annual Conference.  I found the conference to be informative and very professionally presented.  I also enjoy the opportunity to network with many other Councillors on a state-wide basis.

Cr Gaedtke offers her support to Somerset Relay for Life – 2019 News Item

Category : General News

Cr Gaedtke offers her support to Somerset Relay for Life –  2019 –  A Cancer Council Qld Fund Raising Initiative


Cr Gaedtke has been a strong advocator for Relay for Life events over the last four years, and especially since Kilcoy hosted two successful events in 2015 and 2016.  The Somerset Relay for Life 2015 resulted in a total of fifteen teams taking part and raised an amount of around $35,500.  The Somerset Relay for Life 2016 resulted in a total of eleven teams taking part and raised an amount of around $23,500, with a combined resulted in approximately $59,000 being raised from the small community of Kilcoy over two years.


Cr Gaedtke explained that “Relay for Life is a chance for communities to recognise and celebrate those who have overcome cancer or are undergoing treatment, as well as the people who care for them.  Relay also provides an opportunity to celebrate the memory of loved ones lost to cancer”.


Both Kilcoy events developed into a great community social event.  The events included activities such as fun games, selling of goods, a live band, and an atmosphere of joyfulness.  The event also has a serious side with the first lap of Relay honouring cancer Survivors and Carers.  Darkness is symbolic of the fear that a patient feels when diagnosed.  After sunset, we light candlebags to remember those we have lost, celebrate cancer Survivors and to show those affected by cancer that they are not alone. Cr Gaedtke said “that from a personal experience; this part of the event is very emotional and also comforting to many, as we all share special memories of lost loved ones”.


The success of the event relies on the strength of the Relay Organising Committee and the number of competing teams.  There is now an option to organise a shorter relay duration of nine hours, instead of the traditional eighteen-hour event.  Kilcoy hosted both events around the eighteen-hour timelines.  The longer events generally require the competitors to camp overnight at the event venue.

This event is not a Council run event, Cr Gaedtke is merely supporting the event in her capacity as both a community member of our beautiful region and a Councillor. Cr Gaedtke is advocating for a Relay for Life in the Southern part of our region and she also sees the potential to include a twist to this particular event by including the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail.  Cr Gaedtke asks “Are you willing to take part in this important fund-raising initiative of Cancer Council Qld”?


Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 24 October 2018

Category : General News


Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

23 – 28 October Ken & Annie’s Music Campout – Toogoolawah

25 October         QWCA 95th Birthday Esk

27 October         Bush Breakfast under the Trees – Toogoolawah

27 October         Toogoolawah Clay Target Club Dinner

27 October         Toogoolawah Tennis Courts 110 years anniversary

27 October         Toogoolawah Clay Target Club Dinner

29-31 October   122nd LGAQ Annual Conference – Brisbane

01 November    Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee Meeting

08 November    Kilcoy State School P & C Assn Meeting

09 November    Kilcoy High School 56th Annual Awards Ceremony

09 November    Exhibition Opening – Kilcoy Courthouse Art Gallery

10 November    BVRT Afternoon & Night Ride – Esk to Moore

11 November    Fernvale Memorial Park Unveiling Ceremony

11 November    Remembrance Day

13 November    Citizenship Ceremony – Esk

14 November    Kilcoy High School P & C Assn Meeting


There was a steady stream of vehicles that travelled Kilcoy-Murgon Road to Diaper over the weekend.   The Element Festival was held at Landcruiser Mountain Park on 19th, 20th & 21st October 2018.  When searching about the festival, I was surprised and pleased to read that the organiser was supporting the local region by advising come for the weekend, stay for the week.  The rhetoric recorded “We strongly urge all festival attendees to support the local region which hosts the festival by visiting shops and tourist attraction in the surrounding towns.  “If possible, do your food, fuel or camping shopping locally before you head into the festival.  Elements Festival is to be a positive event for the local area and by supporting local businesses you can help us achieve this”.


It is pleasing to see the number of people attending the Equinox event at the Toogoolawah Rambler Skydiving site.  The event seems to be attracting many lovers of skydiving.   The event runs from 20 – 28 October 2018.


Agenda Item #28 Councillors’ Report      (I attended)

10 October         Farmers Workshop – Kilcoy

10 October         Kilcoy High School P & C Assn Monthly Meeting

10 October         Toogoolawah Show Society AGM

11 October         Brisbane Valley Interagency Meeting – Fernvale

11 October         Solar Farm Meeting with Deb Frecklington MP – Kilcoy

13 October         Coominya Public Hall BBQ

17 October         BVRT – Community Consultation on the Strategic Plan

18 October         Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Meeting

20 October         Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre – Breast Cancer Fund Raising Event

20 October         Chappy Fundraising Dinner – Kilcoy


There were many service providers represented at the Brisbane Valley Interagency Meeting held at Fernvale with differing topics being discussed.  A meeting full of interesting conversation.


It is rewarding to witness community groups who make a difference to their local community, and the Coominya Public Hall Committee should be congratulated on the improvements that have been carried out to this important community asset.


Saturday 20th October was a day for fundraising at Kilcoy.  The Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre hosted various activities and a free breakfast to raise funds for Breast Cancer, and Willie Wagtails Nest hosted the delightful Chappy Fundraising Dinner.


Facebook News

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Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

📢 Funding Alert for Men's Sheds! 🛠️Our Australian Men's Sheds play a huge role in bringing men together—whether it's working on projects, sharing skills, or just having a good yarn. 💬The next round of funding is now available to support our local Men's Sheds with financial assistance where needed. Don't miss this opportunity to help your Shed continue making a difference in the community!Find out more and apply now 👉 #CommunitySupport #Grants #RDAMovement #Ipswich #WestMoreton #FundingOpportunity Queensland Men's Shed AssociationLockyer Valley Regional Council Somerset Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Ipswich City Council ... See MoreSee Less
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📢 Funding Boost for Skilling Queenslanders for Work! 💼🎉An additional $5 million in funding is helping more job seekers gain skills, qualifications, and experience to secure employment or stay in the workforce.Through Skilling Queenslanders for Work, participants receive accredited training in priority industries like construction, primary industries, community services, and hospitality, along with tailored support to help them succeed.🔎 Find funded projects in our region here: #JobsForQueenslanders #SkillsForTheFuture #TrainingOpportunities #CareerGrow Skills for Queensland ... See MoreSee Less
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Looking for grant funding?🚀 Kickstart 2025 with Grant Opportunities! 🎉Looking for funding to bring your community, sporting club, or not-for-profit project to life this year? There are fantastic grants available to help you get started!Visit the RDA Ipswich & West Moreton website to explore funding opportunities and make 2025 a year of impact. 💡🏆🔗 Find out more: #CommunityFunding #RDAMoreton #Ipswich #SportingClubs #NotForProfits #MakeItHappen Ipswich City Council Lockyer Valley Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Somerset Regional Council ... See MoreSee Less
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