Category Archives: General News

Linville in need to blackspot funding for mobile phone service

Category : General News

Given the serious fire situation experienced by Linville residents over the past few days, it is now imperative that this area of our region should be recognised as an area that must be serviced by mobile phone coverage.

This is also an area that suffers badly from flood events, and the lack of mobile phone service can no longer be tolerated.  The area has also become very popular with many users on the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail and numerous campers.

On behalf of the Linville residents and the visiting population, I wish to move that Somerset Regional Council write to the Federal Minister for Communications Paul Fletcher raising these concerns and ask that this area be funded under the communication blackspot funding provisions, as soon as practical.

Please find attached a coverage map that shows (in green) our fixed wireless network that covers parts of Linville.  This is from the tower at Moore.  Due to topography, we are not able to cover the whole of Linville, however, our Sky Muster satellite is available for these areas (not shaded).  Not all retailers sell our SkyMuster satellite service so many times, we are hearing that Retailers are advising residents that there is no nbn available which in fact is not the case, they have chosen to not sell the satellite network.

In relation to the mobile connectivity, this is not part of the nbn rollout but given the topography of the area, I could assume that there are blackspots in this location.

Media around this issue:

RESIDENTS in a small Somerset township say they can’t even get cell-phone reception on the main street at times, and it’s creating a serious safety problem.

Linville is home to 400 people, and long term residents Gail Bawden said the service in town is patchy at best.

“It’s non-existent in some areas and this is the main street of town,” Ms Bawden said.

“The problem is we have a lot of elderly residents and it’s a safety issue for people not having any sort of coverage.

“We are in a high fire risk area… and communication is really important in this area.”

Gail knows the issues first hand, as she can’t make or receive phone calls in her own home.

“We have to go into the backyard to get a phone call or to get internet connection,” she said.

Telstra is the only provider that covers the area.

This compounds the already shaky connection, especially for users of the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, which runs through the town.

“We get a lot of visitors into town (from it) and they can’t contact family or anybody else if they have issues,” Ms Bawden said.

Rail trail users and Linville locals are fed up with issues, and presented a petition to Federal Member for Blair Shayne Neumann calling on him to advocate for improved telecommunications services.

As a result, Mr Neumann wrote to the federal Minister for Communications Paul Fletcher, raising the concerns in July.

But he has to date received no response, and slammed the lack of action.

“It is completely unacceptable the people of Linville and Brisbane Valley Rail Trail users have a lack of mobile coverage,” Mr Neumann said.

“These people need and deserve adequate service and it is disgraceful the Minister has not had enough respect for these people to respond to my July letter to him”

Mr Neumann also referenced the flooding experienced by the Somerset Region in 2011 and 2013 in his letter to Mr Fletcher.

“A significant portion of the Somerset region was isolated by flooding in 2011 and 2013,” he said.

“I witnessed this isolation first hand and residents expressed to me their grave concerns about how they will contact family and emergency services when a natural disaster hits in the future.”

Mr Neumann said despite receiving no response from the minister, he would continue to fight for residents on the issue.

There is an urgent need for Headspace to continue in Kilcoy

Category : General News

Headspace have been outreaching to Kilcoy for just over two years.  The outreach has been funded by the federal government through the Brisbane North PHN which covers the Kilcoy area.  Funding was for 12 months initially and last year it was extended for a further twelve months, due to strong support from the school community, service providers and others. 

This year the funding has been extended until the end of the calendar year.  This funding has been pieced together from residual funding from other programs and there is no other funding available.  The organization has been told to make the outreach self-sustaining, which means getting a registered psychologist or social worker to attend and bulk bill young people through medicare for mental health care plans.  The organisiation has been trying constantly for over 12 months to do this, but no allied health professionals want to travel to Kilcoy for this amount of funding.  Even if they did, they would still have to supplement this with top up funds.

The hospital has been supplying the space free of charge and would continue to do this for another year or so, but more has to be done to maintain this service.

The high school guidance officer, support teacher and chappy are all supportive of headspace’s presence and do not want to see it withdrawn as young people will not be able to access the Caboolture based service. Even if they do ie have parents willing and able to take them, this means missing a full day of school for each appointment which severely impacts on their capacity to achieve.

Kilcoy have no other outreach services which supports young people with mild/moderate mental health.  Withdrawing the service may allow this to escalate to crisis point. 

The mental health outreach clinician provides support in Kilcoy approximately 6 days a month.

The following numbers identifies how many young people have accessed support in Kilcoy;

June – 17

July – 21

August – 25


The above clients identified that they reside in the following suburbs;

  • Woolmar
  • Kilcoy
  • Royston
  • Toogoolawah
  • Mt Kilcoy
  • Neurum

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 25 September 2019

Category : General News

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

29/30 September            Charlotte’s Web – Somerset Civic Centre

02 October                         Teddy Bears Picnic – Fernvale

05 October                         Back to Jimna & Spring Dance

05 October                         Lowood Utes & Chutes Rodeo

12 October                         St George’s Anglican Church Guild Linville “A”ffair (Fete)

Busy at Work – BUSY is applying for funding to deliver a project under the State Government’s Skilling Queenslander’s for Work Initiative.  The project would be based at the Kilcoy Motorcross Track and would employ 15 disadvantaged job seekers plus a local supervisor plus a project mentor for 26 weeks.  Tasks include erecting some shade structures, building seating, erecting fencing, refurbishing the toilet block etc.  The participants will receive a weekly wage and undertake Certificate 1 in Construction, and will be supported into ongoing employment at the end of the project. They will also attract a Work Start Incentive ($10,000 for 25yo+ and $20,000 for 24yo and under) and commencement is anticipated for March 2020.  BUSY is requesting letters of support from local businesses for the program to be successful.

Agenda Item #44 Councillors’ Report   

(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

11 September    Meeting –  Aged and social/public residential housing

                                Cr Brieschke and I met our CDO to discuss this matter.

12 September    Brisbane Valley Interagency – Lowood

                                A very well attended meeting, with lots of information sharing.

12 September    Esk Hospital Auxiliary AGM

A well supported AGM, and an explanation of the funds raised and how it has benefited the Esk Hospital.  It was interesting to meet the DON, Deb O’Brien and to learn of her duties and the valuable connection with Gatton Hospital.

13 September    Somerset Region Community Support Assn Committee Meeting – Toogoolawah

                                Discussion took place around the distribution of community funds to the community.

13 September    Kilcoy District Rugby League Club – Annual Presentation Night

Lots of gratification and recognition of the hard work endured by the team in an effort to reach the football finals.  A certificate was presented to Council recognising its assistance.

14 September    Salubrious – Archer Falls Airfield

                                A well-attended event with surplus funds going directly to the Endeavour Foundation.

17 September    Kilcoy Race Club – AGM

A very well supported and administered AGM, a big welcome to all incoming Committee Members.

19 September    Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Monthly Meeting

It was interesting to share Mr Jack McSweeny’s (Glass House electorate Queensland Youth Parliament Representative) visions and future goals. 

21 September    Yadji Gadji Working Group Meeting

                                Meeting was held over due to inability of some members’ attendance.

24 September    Kilcoy RSL – Call in and have a chat and share morning tea

                                A nice selection of morning tea and shared conversation.

24 September    Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

A very worrying point was raised by one service provider, that involves the continuation of the desperately needed service, Headspace.

Councillor Gaedtke – Community Councillor Report – September 2019

Category : General News


Phone: 0428 408 227
Address: 674 Kilcoy-Murgon Road, Kilcoy Qld 4515

(Prepared 17 Sept & tabled at community meetings.)

⦁ Walk the Wall – Somerset Dam was a complete success. Many thanks to SEQWater and Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn. Inc. for organising this popular event.
⦁ Great achievements made by ProgrESK Assn. Inc. – Project 1 Sandy Creek/Brough Bridge clean up. Project 2 R U OK blue tree.
⦁ Kilcoy Race Club to work with other showground users to include a training track at the Kilcoy Showgrounds, in an effort to meet the first steps of the Kilcoy Equine Precinct goals.
⦁ Council to consider the engagement of World Trail to prepare a preliminary report on the suitability of a proposed site for the development of a mountain bike trail recreation area.
⦁ Council to develop a new Economic Development Plan, to be implemented mid 2020.
⦁ Fernvale Motel applied to intensify the existing short-term accommodation by an additional eight units.
⦁ Quotations sought for a Sport and Recreation Needs Analysis for Kilcoy and surrounding areas.
⦁ I was invited to attend a Jinibara People Aboriginal Corporation meeting. The outcome is to organise a meeting with Town Planning Department to discuss land use applicable to an area of their land located in our region.
⦁ The Sheep Station Creek Progress Assn has been formed and is working closely with Council to resite the Sheep Station Creek School on the original reserve.
⦁ Change of date – Relay For Life – Fernvale 26 October 2019. We desperately need teams!
⦁ International Test Series 3-0 win to the Australian Women’s Team. Outstanding three days of team races against New Zealand, with Team Australia bringing in debut Renee Retschlag (representing Kilcoy) to cut the Underhand in Race 3.
⦁ Congratulations to team Somerset, with the most exciting award delivered to Council of recent times. IPWEA Qld CEO said the awards recognised best practice, innovation and positive community impact. The Brisbane Valley Rail Trail named Public Works Project of the Year, and also took out the top award, Best Public Works Project ($2 – $5 million) for the 161 trail.
⦁ SRC will partner with University of Qld Business School to survey BVRT users. The research program will be overseen by a committee including members from DTMR, the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Users Assn and from Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Ambassadors. Data will be collated to better understand this facility.
⦁ Garage Sale Trail is gaining support and will be held region wide over the weekend 19/20 October.
⦁ D’Aguilar Highway (Mary Street) pavement rehabilitation. Council officers have met with TMR officers to discuss public consultation for this project. TMR will be leading the consultation process and will provide further information shortly. Final design and cost sharing arrangement is currently being determined and final decision to be provided forthwith.
⦁ As a direct result of the regional dog registration program, the number of dog registrations has risen over the past month.
⦁ Captain Tony Squire is busy forming an Army Cadet Unit in Kilcoy, with over forty cadets enrolled to date.
⦁ Council will support the call for Linville to be acknowledged as a mobile black spot area and consideration be given from Federal Government to fund the necessary infrastructure to minimise this problem.

Cr Gaedtke Councillor Report – Ordinary Council Meeting 11 September 2019

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 11 September 2019

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

12 September   Esk Hospital Auxiliary AGM

13 September   Kilcoy District Football Club 16th Annual Presentation Night

14 September   Salubrious – Mt Archer

14 September   Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Sausage Sizzle – Yowie Park

14 September   Jazz on the Hill – Sheep Station Creek

14 September   Qld State Parachuting Assn Championships 2019 – Hosted by Skydive Ramblers

21 September   Kilcoy Art Society Inc. Country High Tea

21 September   End of Season Function Brisbane Valley Rattlers – Fernvale

25 September   NBN Public Presentation – Kilcoy Information Centre

I encourage residents and businesses to attend the NBN Presentation to be held on Wednesday 25 September.  Come along and hear directly about the NBN, and furthermore ask questions about this service.

Congratulations to Team Somerset.  The Brisbane Valley Rail Trail named Public Works Project of the Year, and also took out the top award, Best Public Works Project ($2 to $5 million) for the 161 km trail.

The International Test Series 3-0 win to the Australian Women’s Woodchopping Team and an outstanding three days of team races against New Zealand, with Team Australia bringing in debut Renee Retschlag (representing Kilcoy) to cut the Underhand in Race 3.  Congratulations to the team of ladies.

Agenda Item #38 Councillors’ Report   

(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

28 August              Kilcoy & District Progress Alliance monthly meeting

The group discussed the refurbishment of the cricket training nets and the necessary funds required to do so.  The group will apply for a community assistance grant for the small balance of funds required.  The Yowie Markets are growing and stall holders are very supportive of recent changes.

29 August              Kilcoy Showground Reserve Overall Management Committee Meeting

The group discussed and supported in principle the Kilcoy Race Club’s request to erect a section of a training track.  Council advised that it is hoping that the showground building project will be completed by the end of November. 

30 August              St Mary’s Anglican Church Hall Annual Wine, Food & Fun

A night filled with great entertainment, trivia, wine, food and definitely loads of fun.  Well done to the organisers.

02 September       Women’s Health Expo – Kilcoy Hospital

Once again lots of information and display of current medical apparatus that assists community members to save lives. 

04 September       Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn. monthly meeting

The committee was still on a natural high after recovering from the very successful “Walk the Wall” weekend held 24/25 August.  This group continues to achieve wonderful outcomes.

05 September       Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail monthly meeting

There was a frank discussion around the agenda items, with the committee agreeing to write to SRC advising that it does not support the proposal to seal the cycleway (Brisbane Valley Rail Trail) between Fernvale and Pine Mountain.

07 September       Show & Shine – Kilcoy Showgrounds – Kilcoy State School

Although this was an inaugural event, and given the very windy and dusty weather the patronage was appreciated.  This event has a real capacity to grow.

07 September       Mayoral Gala Charity Ball – Esk

Another great evening of entertainment and serious fundraising – well done to all staff involved with the organization of this regional and proud event.

08 September       Friends of the Forest Inc. meeting – Moore

                                A lovely networking afternoon with lots of information and a lovely lunch provided by the venue.

09 September       CEO Interviews – Esk

10 September       Kilcoy Hospital Auxiliary AGM

Once again, this organisation struggles for membership, however this small group of women achieve excessive financial returns for their major annual fundraising events, benefiting identified needs of the Kilcoy Hospital.

Community Councillor Report – August 2019

Category : General News

Funding applications (50% contribution) to be made under the Qld Gov. Building Our Regions to resurface the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail at Coominya and Lowood to Fernvale, at a total estimated cost of $2.2m.

Funding application (50% contribution) to be made under the Qld Gov. Building Our Regions to provide a Lowood to Fernvale recycled water project, including pumping, storage and telemetry, at a total estimated cost of $518,000.

Six Somerset Excellence Bursaries awarded – for individual attendance at Toowoomba, Pittsworth, Redcliffe, Sydney and China sporting events.

Council agreed to commit to a financial commitment of $25,000 to further commence negotiations with Race Promotions to stage the Wivenhoe Triathlon in April or October 2020.

Council will call quotations to design works for the Fernvale Sports Centre as part of the PCYC management agreement to provide an area specifically for gymnastics.

Kilcoy Showgrounds RV dump point to be relocated closer to the entrance. A report will be provided on the proposed location following investigations.

Pool admission fees will be standardised across the region with monthly, season and multi-visit passes to include access to all four facilities. Refer to website for full list of fees. (i.e. single entry pass Adult $5, child $4, senior $4 and family $16. Children under 3 and spectators are free.)

Council approved a temporary entertainment event application to operate two fundraising events at Archer Falls Airfield. The events are being run as major fundraisers for Salubrious 1, a Great Endeavour Rally entrant. Dates – 14 September 2019 and 28 March 2020.

Relay for Life – Fernvale Lions are still looking for teams. Please consider, or this event may not continue.

Council is supportive of exploring the possibility of providing a mountain bike track in our region. Identified sites to be further explored and assessed by professional track designers.

Council was successful with eight funding applications for rooftop solar projects, costing $307,305.

Councillors and Directors met with Trade & Investment Qld and West Moreton Trade & Investment to further explore the ability to develop initiatives and to support greater trade and investment outcomes and collaboration across the West Moreton region.

SEQWater is considering next steps with leasing the Cormorant Bay Café due to no bids being received via the public tenders called over two rounds, the last round closing 12 July 2019. Council has communicated its position with SEQWater over this matter
2019 Somerset Garden Competition at this stage is still being held. Entries to be completed by 5pm Wednesday 2 October. Winners announced Thursday 17 October and gardens open for viewing Saturday and Sunday, 25/26 October.

Council is seeking your feedback with the proposal to seal cycleway between Somerset and Ipswich council areas. Proposal of a 2.5m wide, 17.4 km long concrete corridor would link Clive Street in Fernvale to Bayley Road in Pine Mountain. We are also seeking feedback with the services, facilities and programs offered by our library branches in Esk, Kilcoy, Lowood and Toogoolawah.

400 fish landed at Reel Wivenhoe Classis held over the weekend of 15/17 August. There was also a record number of 86 teams this year.

The nation’s biggest sale trail is coming to our region. Council has supported this initiative for the next two years. Local households, schools and community groups will join more than 400,000 people across the country on 19 & 20 October for the ninth annual Garage Sale Trail. Online registrations opened on 10 August. I support the idea entirely and look forward to encouraging our communities to reuse, recycle and reduce waste.

Remember to get your tickets for the third annual Mayoral Gala Charity Ball to be held on 7 September. This year’s ball has a Casino Royale theme.

Cr Gaedtke Councillor Report – 28 August 2019

Category : General News

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

31 August            Apex Biggest Ever Blokes Lunch – Grand Hotel

2 September     Women’s Health Expo – Kilcoy Hospital

7 September     Bush Breakfast – Toogoolawah

7 September     Mayoral Gala Charity Ball

7 September     Kilcoy State School P & C Assn Show & Shine

7 September     The Spirit of Somerset Community Auction

7 September     Bush Breakfast – St Andrews Anglican Guild Members Toogoolawah

8 September     Esk Community Choir Men’s Choir – Toogoolawah

A local group known as the ProgrESK Association Inc. has jumped on board with the Blue trees for mental health initiative.  The group worked with a local landowner to paint a dead tree blue to bring awareness to suicide prevention.  The blue trees are a symbol of strength and hope; even seemingly dead trees stand strong, with their branches reaching out to those around them, and can provide hope.  The local response to this project has been very well received and has provided us with guided reflection and instigated the question R U OK?

An article appearing In the August edition of the Local Government Focus explains how another Western Australian Council is supporting this cause which began in Western Australia in 2014 by a local farmer Jayden Whyte.

Agenda Item #29  Councillors’ Report   

(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

15 August            Trade & Investment Qld and West Moreton Trade & Investment Meeting – Esk

15 August            Jinibara People Aboriginal Corporation (JPAC) Meeting – Hazeldean

An interesting meeting that lead to questions that will require a further meeting with Council’s Town Planning staff. 

20 August            Sheep Station Creek Progress Assn meeting – Kilcoy

Nick Fredriksen advised that the Sheep Station Creek Progress Assn has now been formed and registered.  The group will work toward rebuilding the Sheep Station Creek school on the reserve where it was originally sited.

22 August            Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce – AGM

A lively meeting where future goals of the group were highlighted.  The future aim is to form one regional chamber.  A guest speaker from CCIQ gave an in-depth address on the structure and services of the parent organization.

23 August            Regional Seniors Event – Esk

Another great event and acknowledgement must go to staff for organising this enjoyable outing for our seniors.

24 August            Wall Walk – Somerset Dam

A brilliant example of a local community group, Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn. working with SEQWater to provide a very well supported and informative weekend public event.

24 August            Progresk & the Blue Tree project

Congratulations to this active community group having completed two successful projects.  The Sandy Creek ecological restoration and Brough Bridge project has provided the community and BVRT users with a clean and safe area.

27 August            Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

Lack of social/public housing was discussed as an important issue to our region and one to address with other levels of government.

Councillor Report 14 August 2019

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 August 2019

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

1/31 August        The Condensery – New Exhibition

17/18 August     Reel Wivenhoe Classic

18 August            Jammin in Esk

18 August            KASI Quarterly Exhibition Opening

22 August            Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce AGM

24 August            Kilcoy Races

24 August            Truck Show – Lowood

Energy Efficient Communities Program— Community organisations stream  –  Community groups can apply for funding up to $12,500 (with no co contribution) to improve energy use efficiency. Eligible activities include installation of solar, battery storage, equipment upgrades and energy use assessments.

Community organisations that are incorporated not-for-profits will be eligible, including Men’s Sheds, community owned kindergartens, welfare centres, community centres, women’s associations, community owned childcare centres, community football and netball clubs, Scout and Guide groups
Country Fire Authorities and Rural Fire Services will also be eligible.  A similar funding opportunity will open at a later date for businesses.

Agenda Item #43  Councillors’ Report   

(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

26 July                  Somerset Bendigo Bank Art Awards Gala Opening Night – Somerset Civic Centre

26 July                  A very spectacular event, well done Somerset Art Society Inc.

27 July                  Esk Cultural Festival

Congratulations to the organisers for a very well administered festival with very interesting entertainment

29 July                  Toogoolawah Shed of Knowledge – AgForce

30 July                  Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

A very robust meeting with a very positive outcome around public transportation and a funding initiative made available by Department of Transport and Main Roads

31 July                  Kilcoy Showground – Building Site Inspection

31 July                  Kilcoy & District Progress Alliance Assn monthly meeting

The group was advised of the successful funding application made to refurbish the Hopetoun Playing Fields training cricket nets

01 August            Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail committee meeting

02 August            Economic Development Committee – Council of Mayors – Brisbane

03 August            Dedication Ceremony – Commemoration of Armistice Centenary – Jimna Hall

06 August            Meeting with Kilcoy resident

07 August            Somerset Dam District Progress Assn monthly meeting

08 August            Kilcoy State School P & C Assn monthly meeting

09 August            Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare special meeting

11 August            Friends of BVRT get together – Coominya – Late apologies offered

13 August            Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting – Esk

13 August            Economic Development Committee Meeting – Esk

13 Augusts          Kilcoy PA & I Society Annual General Meeting

The Executive comprising of Chris Anderson (President), Alastair MacDonald (Secretary) and David Dunn (Treasurer) was elected, and the President advised that the society has secured a change of show date to the second weekend in May for the next several years.

My oh my, what a fantastic time for events in our region.  Well done to Somerset Art Society Inc and the Esk Festival, both events were well organised and well attended.  The Somerset Bendigo Bank Art Awards Gala Opening Night was absolutely spectacular, and very well attended.  The Esk Festival provided entertainment that was superb, food from other parts of the world and I look forward to attending next year’s event.

AgForce held a very well attended information sharing session at Toogoolawah.  The agricultural section of our region has many statutory requirements ahead of them, and all relevant information and assistance is most welcome.

The Interagency meeting held at Kilcoy was well attended and was a very robust meeting with a very positive outcome based around public transport needs.

Councillors and staff met with the architect and the contractor on-site to view the progress of the Kilcoy Showground major improvements.    Works hopefully will be completed prior to Christmas.  These major works and the purchase of six hectares to the north of the 1200 metre shute will improve the use and future demand of this facility.

The upgrade of the practice cricket net was a major item discussed at the Kilcoy & District Progress Alliance meeting.  The Alliance has been successful with achieving a grant and with other funds donated, there is approximately $27,000 to start the project.  The Alliance also plans to apply for any shortfall of funds through council’s Community Assistance Grants.

At its quarterly meeting of Council of Mayors – Economic Development Committee various points were discussed, and amongst the discussion a project update was provided around Trade and Investment Events, SEQ Regional Food & Agriculture Tourism Trail, and Regional Collaborative Opportunities.

The Jimna community proudly held its Dedication Ceremony to Commemorate the Armistice Centenary by the erection of a flag pole and the gift of three flags.

The Executive leadership team comprising of Chris Anderson (President), Alastair MacDonald (Secretary) and David Dunn (Treasurer) was elected, and the President advised that the society has secured a change of show date to the second weekend in May for the next several years.

Councillor Report 24 July 2019

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 24 July 2019

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

26/27 July           Somerset Art Society Inc. Art Awards – Esk

27 July                  Esk Cultural Festival

29 July                  Toogoolawah Shed of Knowledge Info Session

31 July                  Kilcoy District Progress Alliance monthly meeting – AgForce

03 August            Dedication Ceremony Flagpole & Plaque Commemoration of the Armistice Centenary – Jimna

A truly remarkable day was shared with over 400 visitors on Saturday 20th July in the town of Moore.  Open house of the historic Stonehouse attracted visitors from all over the state and there were lots of stories shared about this very endearing property.  Many of the heritage listed buildings have withstood the passage of time, and as many of us thought whilst admiring the style and attraction of these buildings, “If Only These Walls Could Talk!”  I am pleased to advise that the owners have been successful with a State Government grant application, and hope to hold a second open day once the Old Stonehouse Inn restoration is completed. This will provide the visitors with a ‘before’ and ‘after’ experience.  Acknowledgement and appreciation must be made to the Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee who organised this very special and heartfelt event. Out There Cycling owners Josie and David Sheehan, donated the proceeds of the day’s bus trips to the Friends of Stonehouse, a subgroup of BVHT, so the funds can be used to assist restoration efforts.

Agenda Item #38  Councillors’ Report   

(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

06 July                  Esk Men’s Shed – Turning of the sod

12 July                  Special Meeting – Esk

14 July                  Somerset Rail Trail Fun Run – Lowood/Fernvale

17 July                  Briefing – Esk

18 July                  Let’s Talk – Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce and Community Inc.

20 July                  Ice Breaker SRRFB Group – Kilcoy Showground

20 July                  Stone House Open Day – Moore

22 July                  Briefing – Esk

22 July                  Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group meeting

23 July                  Lowood QCWA Birthday International Luncheon

With the resignation of our CEO, Mr Jason Bradshaw, Councillors have been working together to professionally appoint our next CEO resulting in special meetings and briefings over the past two weeks.  A Local Government professional recruiting service provider has been appointed and an external Interim CEO has also been appointed and will commence work on Monday 29 July.

I must congratulate SRC staff and volunteers, and thank our major sponsor Lowood & Fernvale Community Bank Branch Bendigo Bank for such a wonderfully run Somerset Rail Trail Run or Ride.  The weather was absolutely perfect for the 970 runners, riders and walkers.  Congratulations to Brendan Press and Tamara Carvolth for winning their respective 8 km runs.  (26 minutes 42 seconds & 28 minutes 35 seconds)  I am proud to advise that I completed the 25km bike leg in 1.5 hours.

Councillor Report 10 July 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 10 July 2019

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

13 July                  Esk Races

13 July                  Regional Show Ball – Lowood Showground

13 July                  Cormorant Bay parkrun – 1st birthday celebration

14 July                  Somerset Rail Trail Fun Run

17 July                  Building My Future Expo – Lowood State High School

20 July                  Ice Breaker Stanley Rivers Rural Fire Brigade Group – Kilcoy Showground

20 July                  Linville State School P & C – Cent Auction Linville Hall

20 July                  Stonehouse Open Day – Moore

21 July                  Christmas in July – Clock Park Lowood

The Esk Garden and Lifestyle organising Committee advised that they held the 4th successful Esk Garden and Lifestyle Fair.  Nine buses along with 3500 attendees soaked up the atmosphere of the Esk railway station and surrounds with yarn bombing the trees as well as members dressed for the occasion. The E S K sign in front of the railway station was a favourite.  It was reported that seventy volunteers assisted on the day of the festival.

Agenda Item #30  Councillors’ Report      (I attended)

26 June                Kilcoy & District Progress Alliance monthly meeting

28 June                Two Galahs Gallery & Stepping Back in Time Grand Opening – Toogoolawah

                                Two fresh and exciting new businesses opened their doors, good luck to Anne and Cathie.

28 June                Lowood Lions Changeover – Lowood Showgrounds

30 June                Lions Club of Fernvale Changeover – Fernvale

02 July                  Meeting – Esk

03 July                  Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn monthly meeting

04 July                  Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail monthly meeting – Esk

08 July                  Community Meeting – Lowood-Brisbane Valley Rail Trail – West Moreton Landcare Group Inc.

08 July                  Somerset Men’s Shed – Lowood

09 July                  Valley of the Lakes Garden Club monthly meeting – Esk

09 July                  Toogoolawah Men’s Shed

Toogoolawah was buzzing on Friday afternoon (28 June) with the opening of two unique businesses.   Complementing each other, the shops are located side by side with lots of interesting and charming items for sale.  Take a serious look inside this quaint building, and I bet you will not leave without buying a lovely gift or even something for yourself.

Busy weekend of Lion Changeover ceremonies, with Lowood and Fernvale formally appointing their change in Board members.  Both clubs provided tasty and enjoyable meals, Fernvale organised a twist with a champagne breakfast.  There were interesting speakers and the formalities were well organised, congratulations to both clubs.  I am proud to support Fernvale Lions Club with the organization of Relay for Life, to be held on 28 September at Fernvale Sports Park.  I hope to see you and your group represented at this important event in order to raise funds to assist the Cancer Council Qld.  Remember every cent helps in the race to find a cure for cancer.

At the Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn monthly meeting, we discussed the legacy project that will be provided by SEQWater as a direct outcome of the Somerset Dam upgrade.  The group are busy with raising funds through provision of sausage sizzles, and catering for the caravan and camping grounds located in the village.  Council’s Director Corporate and Community Services attended the meeting to answer questions and offer advice with administration of the village’s tennis court.  Thank you, Matthew McGoldrick for your attendance and advice.

Cr Whalley, Director Corporate and Community Services Director Matthew and I met with West Moreton Landcare Group to discuss the group’s goals around the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail and Peter Bevan’s plantings.  It was an interesting on-site meeting which resulted in real possibilities and future planning of an identified area.

I was pleased to call in to our two Men’s Sheds.  Here I was reminded of the important services that these sheds offer our communities.  It was also a good time to discuss future needs of both facilities. 

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Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

📢 Funding Alert for Men's Sheds! 🛠️Our Australian Men's Sheds play a huge role in bringing men together—whether it's working on projects, sharing skills, or just having a good yarn. 💬The next round of funding is now available to support our local Men's Sheds with financial assistance where needed. Don't miss this opportunity to help your Shed continue making a difference in the community!Find out more and apply now 👉 #CommunitySupport #Grants #RDAMovement #Ipswich #WestMoreton #FundingOpportunity Queensland Men's Shed AssociationLockyer Valley Regional Council Somerset Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Ipswich City Council ... See MoreSee Less
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📢 Funding Boost for Skilling Queenslanders for Work! 💼🎉An additional $5 million in funding is helping more job seekers gain skills, qualifications, and experience to secure employment or stay in the workforce.Through Skilling Queenslanders for Work, participants receive accredited training in priority industries like construction, primary industries, community services, and hospitality, along with tailored support to help them succeed.🔎 Find funded projects in our region here: #JobsForQueenslanders #SkillsForTheFuture #TrainingOpportunities #CareerGrow Skills for Queensland ... See MoreSee Less
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Looking for grant funding?🚀 Kickstart 2025 with Grant Opportunities! 🎉Looking for funding to bring your community, sporting club, or not-for-profit project to life this year? There are fantastic grants available to help you get started!Visit the RDA Ipswich & West Moreton website to explore funding opportunities and make 2025 a year of impact. 💡🏆🔗 Find out more: #CommunityFunding #RDAMoreton #Ipswich #SportingClubs #NotForProfits #MakeItHappen Ipswich City Council Lockyer Valley Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Somerset Regional Council ... See MoreSee Less
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