Category Archives: General News

Five Minute Speech – Meet the Candidate Nights – Glamorgan Vale & Lowood

Category : General News

Five-minute speech – Cheryl Gaedtke- Meet the Candidates Nights – Glamorgan Vale & Lowood District Residents Networking Inc.  (16 & 17 March 2020)

1. Who am I?
I am fourth generation to Kilcoy. My ancestors on my Mum’s side, arrived from England and took up a selection in 1904 at Mt Kilcoy. My Great Grandfather was the President of the Mt Kilcoy School Committee which very quickly petitioned and accomplished the Mt Kilcoy State Primary School. A beautiful little school on a hill and which takes in the magical views of the Mt Kilcoy valley. My Great Grandfather also represented Kilcoy Shire Council as Councillor. My Grandmother, my Mum, my siblings, my son, my daughter and I were all schooled at Mt Kilcoy. My two granddaughters currently attend Kilcoy State Primary School, so I am proud to share that four generations of my family were schooled at Mt Kilcoy. Life was brilliant back then with Mum and Dad dairying and then later going into their own businesses.

After completing my schooling at Kilcoy State High School, I went to the big smoke to attend Seven Hills Technical College, boarding during the week with one of the female teachers. I was glad to return to the bush every weekend. I did extremely well here, college was where I seemed to be more in charge of what I was doing and my results reflected this premise. I felt more empowered and I met students so different to those at home. The Seven Hills College of Art was part of the complex, and we shared facilities, and for this country kid, I thoroughly enjoyed these students challenging what I considered as normal.

I commenced work at the age of 16 at Kilcoy Shire Council as Clerk-Typist, I left to get married and to have a family and then returned to work full time at the age of 24 and where I worked my way up to Manager Finance & Administration prior to council amalgamation in 2008. I worked for Somerset Regional Council in the capacity of Executive Administrator – Community Services, totally enjoying meeting the southern communities of our much larger region. Upon leaving council at the end of 2013, I enrolled in university and commenced my studies in 2014. I studied communication at University of Sunshine Coast and fitted in as a mature aged student. During this time, I was elected President of the Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community and was awarded the 2015 Citizen of the Year. In 2016, and after realising how much I was missing Local Government, I threw my hat in the ring and stood for Councillor. I was elected to my disbelief.

2. Why am I running for the position of Councillor again?
I am totally chuffed to have had the opportunity to represent our wonderful community for the past four years. During this time, I withdrew from university studies, and commenced studying for the Diploma of Local Government – Elected Members, which I successfully achieved in August 2019. I am very much aware of our opportunities and with precise vision, strategic planning and ongoing commitment, our region can benefit with managed growth and development. During my career, some newly elected Councillors confided to me that it took quite a while for them to fully understand local government. So, I proudly and openly bring experience, knowledge, sound decision making skills, passion and ongoing commitment to get things done. I absolutely enjoy working as part of a progressive team, in an effort to make our region a place to be envied.

3. What would I like to see occur in our beautiful region?
I value our agricultural inheritance, our local businesses, our local schools, our local hospitals, our local SES, our local Firies and every local community group. I would like to see successful businesses established in our region, businesses that support the needs of our region. Tourism is an important economic driver, and council is very active in this area. Collaboration with peak industry bodies and outside influences and connections will provide innovative opportunities. I want to see our natural assets respected and to continue to be managed in a sustainable way. And the big-ticket item, is to seek collaboration with other levels of government to promote ourselves as an area just outside of Brisbane for the home of regional services and/or facilities.

4. Future of Local Government
I have witnessed the role of Local Government change from just roads, rates and rubbish. Although these items are still very important and essential, priorities have grown immensely. We are the grass route level of government closest to our communities and because of this, we have a sound understanding of what is needed, what will work, and what won’t work. I believe we are the glue of our communities. Unfortunately, we are still an arm very much attached to the State Government, as Local Government is still not recognised in the Australian Constitution. Local Government will need to ensure that it does not become the dumping ground for services currently provided by State Government, and definitely not without associated funding. I have seen Local Government step up to the plate to meet various community needs, definitely changing the mentality from just roads, rates, and rubbish.

I thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight.


Diploma of Local Government – Elected Members – Somerset and Lockyer Valley Councillors smash it!

Category : General News

Diploma of Local Government – Elected Members – Somerset and Lockyer Valley Councillors smash it! – Week 3 of the Campaign Trail

The Local Government Association of Queensland offers Councillors the opportunity to learn about their roles and responsibilities. Somerset Regional Council’s Cheryl Gaedtke and Lockyer Valley Regional Council’s Michael Hagan wanted to achieve a deeper understanding of their elected positions, with the option to gain a national recognised qualification.

Crs Gaedtke and Hagan feel a sense of achievement and empowerment after successfully completing the diploma. Both Councillors agree that there was a great deal of research required, and lots of hours and in Cr Hagan’s case a lot of late nights to get through the course.

Cr Gaedtke commenced her career in Local Government at the age of 16, and says she has witnessed many changes during this time. “I was employed by Kilcoy Shire Council as Junior Clerk-Typist and worked my way up to Manager of Finance and Administration prior to council amalgamation in 2008” said Cr Gaedtke.
















Photo – Cr Cheryl Gaedtke; Cr Michael Hagan showing off their diplomas.

Cr Gaedtke enjoyed all fourteen units which offered training in areas such as manage conflict; establish cooperative arrangements with other organisations; coordinate and facilitate a change process; provide leadership within the council and community; and develop an asset management strategy for the council. Cr Gaedtke also enjoyed the town planning unit – manage council’s development assessment system and analysing strategic planning from an elected member’s perspective. “Strategic planning is so important from an elected member’s perspective; we are the vision makers of our communities for the next 20 years or so” said Cr Gaedtke.

Cr Gaedtke valued her earlier studies at the University of Sunshine Coast, when her text books assisted the research required for the change management unit. Registration for the diploma occurred on 12 December 2017, the diploma commenced on 15 February 2018 and finished on 13 June 2019, Cr Gaedtke said it has been a very rewarding period. “Councillors from many areas of Queensland got to meet and network, this alone is a “win win” situation” said Cr Gaedtke.

Cr Hagan appreciated the opportunity to form a better understanding of the roles of council departments as he worked closely with his council’s departments through the course. Crs Gaedtke and Hagan strongly encourage other elected officials to undertake the training.


The Changing Face of Local Government in Queensland – Challenges for Councillors

Category : General News

The Changing Face of Local Government in Queensland – Challenges for Councillors – Week 2 of the Campaign Trail

I remember all too well when Councils’ key responsibilities were heavily entwined with roads, rates, and rubbish. Thankfully, we have moved on from this being considered the main core business of Local Government. Local Government today embraces many different responsibilities and the need to collaborate strongly with other levels of government and statutory bodies.

To gain a better understanding of what our Council does, I would suggest to have a look at the monthly financial reports as provided in the agenda of the Ordinary Meeting of Council, and which are available at any time on Council’s website. You will see budget line items contained in the report that are considered by Councillors at the time of annual budget preparations. The budget is broken up over key areas of council’s operations and here you will learn of the line items contained in each program such as:- Council Properties; Community Culture and Recreation; Libraries; Disaster Management; Road, Street and Bridge Maintenance; Town and Village Facilities; Waste Management; Environment and Regularly Services; Economic Development; Land Use Planning; Building Services; and Marketing and Promotion to name a few. In addition to the recurrent revenue and expenditure there is also a capital works program.

Local Government Association of Queensland conducted recent research that found Queenslanders’ satisfaction with their local councils has increased this year compared with satisfaction levels reported in 2018. The research provided feedback that Queenslanders want councils to get on with their job and are not interested in playing the political games that occupy those in other levels of government. Sixty percent of those surveyed were satisfied with their local council, a marked improvement of the 55 percent in 2018.

Securing and guaranteeing the most basic commodity – water – is becoming a key issue in the challenges that many Queensland Councils are facing. Our Council has joined forces with Lockyer Valley Regional Council to ensure water security for both regions. Waste management and how to sustainably deal with this issue is an ongoing problem. Some ground breaking initiatives have been taken up by Australian Councils, by seeking energy from waste and diverting waste from landfill. Amongst other actions, it is good news that our Council is participating in a regional waste alliance (SEQ West Waste Alliance) with Ipswich, Logan, Lockyer Valley, and Redland Bay councils. I want to see a clean and healthy environment for my granddaughters, so this subject is very dear to me.

There is also an important need for our council to continue to work with sports and recreation; event planning; social and wellbeing initiatives; parks and gardens; town centre beautification; weed and pest control; animal control and ongoing maintenance of cemeteries to name only a few. Roads, and the conditions of roads is undoubtably the most contentious local government issue in our region. This matter is governed by rigorous policies that provide complete information and associated action around the treatment of all council roads in our region.

I believe we have been a very proactive set of Councillors during the past four years. I know people expect the truth in leadership, and I openly discuss issues with my constituents. Often, I am thanked for taking the time to explain the reasons behind decisions and policies, and where the responsibility lies with other levels of government or statutory bodies. For all of us who choose to nominate to represent our communities, it is no easy task. For most, the driver is the opportunity to give back, contribute to making a difference to communities we totally understand, we become the glue to hold communities together. We make long term decisions that will create and navigate the opportunities that will deliver more prosperous and livable communities.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 11 March 2020

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 11 March 2020

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest
12 March    Noosa Film Academy – Community Screening – Kilcoy State High School
12 March    Kilcoy District Historical Society – AGM
12 March    Sheep Station Creek Progress Assn – Monthly Meeting
16 March    Meet the Candidates night – Glamorgan Vale Public Hall
17 March    Lowood District Residents Network Inc. – Monthly Meeting
18 March   Meet the Candidates night – Somerset Civic Centre – Esk
18 March   Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group – Monthly Meeting
28 March   Local Government Elections
03 April     Artists Alliance Australia Inc. – Official Opening – The Condensery
03 April     Noosa Film Academy – Community Screening – Toogoolawah Alexandra                       Hall
08 April     Mad Hatter Tea Party – Lowood
10 – 13 April Easter

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has the potential to cause real health and financial hardship within our region. Some businesses are already feeling the effects of this communicable disease, other businesses are taking steps required to adjust and meet the demands of this newly founded health issues.

Agenda Item # 41 Councillors’ Report
(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

26 February Kilcoy District Progress Association Inc. AGM & Monthly Meeting
The meeting was poorly attended; however, a quorum was obtained and congratulations must go to the outgoing committee, and who once again undertook the same roles for the next twelve months. Difficulties were expressed around the Kilcoy roadworks and the associated reduced attendance at the Yowie Markets. It was agreed that the Yowie Markets for the foreseeable future be held one Saturday per month, in preference to two Saturdays a month.

27 February Kilcoy Showground Reserve Overall Management Committee Meeting
A well-attended meeting by key stakeholders.

28 February Kilcoy Showground & Racecourse Official Opening
A lovely afternoon celebrating the fresh and new facilities at the Kilcoy Showground as part of the Kilcoy Races.

29 February Commemoration Ceremony – Lost and Injured Wildlife – Jimna
A very warm and heartfelt ceremony. A plaque was attached to the Jimna Public Hall, forever in the locals’ memories.

29 February Nudes to fall from skies – Skydive Ramblers – Toogoolawah
Cr Brieschke and I attended the home of Skydive Ramblers to watch the skydiver formation beat the previous number of 22. Unfortunately, the record was not broken, however it was matched by Skydive Ramblers. The event was held to raise funds to find a cure of Multiple Sclerosis.

04 March Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn Monthly Meeting
The membership discussed the need and associated benefits for the village tennis courts to be refurbished.

05 March Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Monthly Meeting – Moore
A lively meeting held at the beautiful Moore Soldiers Memorial Hall.

07 March Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn AGM
A well organised AGM, congratulations to this very impressive local association. I am proud to be part of this group.

As the last Ordinary Meeting in this term of this Council, I take this opportunity to wish all Councillors all the very best with future plans. For those who are not standing for re-election, Councillors Hall and Ogg, may you enjoy your retirement and that you succeed and are filled with happiness with the next chapter of your lives. You have done your region proud over the length of your involvement with the Somerset Regional Council. Best wishes to Council staff and many thanks for their assistance over the past four years. And as I keep telling our residents, our region is heading for exciting times.

Cheryl Gaedtke to stand as Councillor for Somerset Regional Council once again

Category : General News

I was elected to Somerset Regional Council as Councillor in 2016 and I have enjoyed the past four years immensely. I have enjoyed meeting new residents, assisting and supporting community groups, attending various functions, attending one on one meetings with local residents to share their problems or ideas, taking phone calls, addressing business needs and just being accessible when needed in my role as Councillor. As our council area is undivided, all Councillors are responsible for the entire region, which I really appreciate. I am not limited to just one particular area; I can represent any constituent on any matter throughout the region. The region is represented by six Councillors and our Mayor.

For those of you who have recently moved into our beautiful region, I welcome you and hope that you enjoy our lifestyle that is shared in the Somerset area. It is a large region in size with a somewhat smaller population, which offers its own challenges for council. We are fortunate to have two major dams in our region that offer water sports, boating, fishing, swimming and just a lovely spot to set up camp, or share a BBQ, or a place to take the kids to enjoy a picnic and the playground equipment. We are also the home of the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, which has become an extremely popular destination within our region. There are forest tracks that can be enjoyed by four-wheel drives, off-road motor bikes, horses or hikers. We have many towns or villages within our region that have unique stories and special characteristics. Our five major towns are Kilcoy, Toogoolawah, Esk, Lowood and Fernvale.

I especially enjoy spending time with our volunteers and I acknowledge that we are no different to many other areas, we suffer from reduced numbers of volunteers. Our communities run on volunteers, and we are always grateful for any assistance offered by our community members. I would encourage anyone who has spare time at all, to give some consideration to volunteering regardless of the number of hours you may have to share. I can guarantee, that you will be pleasantly surprised by the benefits achieved by volunteering to whatever group that ticks your box.

Our major businesses continue to grow and are respected employers of our region. Our agriculture sector is also a very important employer and regional economic driver. Presently council is supporting ventures that will attract employment and visitation to our region. It is exciting times for our region, and I am glad that you and I are part of it. I look forward to meeting you when the opportunity arises. Please jump on my website to learn more about who I am – and go to about Cheryl.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 26 February 2020

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 26 February 2020

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

28 February        Official Opening Kilcoy Showground – Kilcoy Racecourse Redevelopment

29 February        Jimna – Ceremony to remember lost wildlife

29 February        Nudes to fall from the skies – Toogoolawah

07 March             Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn Inc AGM

07 March             Free Tree Day – SRC – Esk


Well done to the new management of both Harlin and Linville Hotels, with new energy and vision, both hotels are going well and are creating increased interest. The businesses rely on passing trade, so tourism is a great economic driver.



Agenda Item # 34 Councillors’ Report  

(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

13 February        Brisbane Valley Interagency

Discussion took place around the lack of medical services in Esk, Lowood and Fernvale

17 February        Kilcoy State High School Investiture

Toogoolawah State High School Student Leaders Investiture

Resident Meeting

RADF Committee Meeting

18 February        Tourism Advisory & Economic Development Committee Meeting

Meeting with Town Planning staff

Resident Meeting

19 February        Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting

Disaster Management Meeting

Resident Meeting x 2

Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group monthly meeting

20 February        Kilcoy Art Society Inc. AGM & monthly meeting

Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce & Community – ANZ Bank Closure public meeting

Sheep Station Creek Progress Assn Inc monthly meeting

21 February        Channel 9 – ANZ Bank Closure

22 February        Channel 9 – ANZ Bank Closure

Lowood Lions Youth of the Year 2020

25 February        Kilcoy Interagency monthly meeting


Following much discussion and public representation, it is apparent that residents and businesses alike will have to work around the fact that Kilcoy ANZ Bank and associated banking services are no longer available in Kilcoy. I have been contacted by the landlord of the premises that was leased by ANZ Bank and I am aware of their disappointment in this matter. Alternatives are to enquire of the banking services offered by Australia Post, and rally around for the establishment of an agency or a community modelled bank branch. From further discussions it is evident businesses are already considering future processes and necessary banking changes. I believe that the most challenged by this closure is our elderly, and special attention will be required to assist this sector of future banking needs.


Councillor Gaedtke – Community Councillor Report – February 2020

Category : General News

Councillor Gaedtke – Community Councillor Report – February 2020
0428 408 227
674 Kilcoy-Murgon Road, Kilcoy Qld 4515
(Reporting period – ending 26 Feb 2020)

1. State Gov. has changed the clearing vegetation for firebreaks and fire management lines, with minimal impact against the Somerset Region Planning Scheme. (The scheme currently identifies that this work does not require approval.)
2. Approval given to park residential subdivision of 30 lots over two stages, and varying the effect of the Planning Scheme to allow horse keeping on a minimum 5000 m2 blocks. Mt Kilcoy Road, Winya
3. Council endorsed the completion of the 2019/2020 animal inspection program with a very successful outcome
4. Council adopts a Master Plan for the Esk Racecourse, Showgrounds and Golf Course
5. Sale of land at 24 Railway Terrace Moore
6. Disabled and Pram Access Kilcoy Racecourse approved for future funding
7. Esk State School – Swimming Pool upgrade – project design, structural engineering and hydraulic engineering approved to be included in 2020/21 financial year budget
8. Request to place knitted scarves on selected trees in Esk approved – Esk QCWA
9. Unsealed Roads Upgrade Plan adopted by Council
10. Brisbane Airshow sponsorship and Somerset region festival approved – a major biennial event and council has secured the naming rights to this event. 10,000 persons are expected to attend the event each day over the two day weekend. Council is working toward a week of festivities throughout the region. The event itself will be themed around the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. Community groups will be invited to showcase their groups by joining in with the festivities. The Somerset Expo will showcase our businesses, industries and products to thousands of people at Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield – 4th and 5th July.
11. Chief Executive Officer is empowered to waive relevant fees relating to the demolition, removal, repair or reconstruction of structures damaged I 2019 bushfires after giving due consideration to matters such as insurance coverage
12. Sheep Station Creek Progress Assn have been asked for information around the future use, plans of the Sheep Station Creek reserve
13. Toogoolawah, Moore and Esk Tennis Courts provided with strategic future works and associated budget provisions
14. Council to commence negotiations to purchase land adjacent to the Esk Showground to aid future use and development of the facility
15. RADF Committee approved grant application for project “Generations Ukulele Project”.
16. CAG Applications – The West Moreton Landcare Group Inc., Mt Beppo Public Hall Inc., and Shari Anderson

Planning and Environment Court Appeals
Roubaix Properties Pty Ltd v Somerset Regional Council and Anor Planning and Environment Court No. 2327 of 2019
This appeal against Council’s decision to refuse the Development Application was the subject of a hearing at the Planning and Environment Court on 24 January 2020. At this hearing it was determined that the flood experts were to meet to consider the Appellant’s Flood Emergency Management Plan by 4 February 2020 with a joint expert report to be completed by 17 February 2020. By 13 March 2020, additional experts nominated both parties are to meet and participate in a meeting of experts, with joint experts to be completed by 25 March 2020. The appeal is to be mentioned for further review on 3 April 2020.

Edith Pastoral Company Pty Ltd -V- Somerset Regional Council Planning and Environment Court No. 2773 of 2019. This appeal against Council’s decision to refuse the Development Application has been the subject of preliminary proceedings. Experts have been engaged and a mediation session of those experts (other than the planners) shall occur before the end of 2019. The planners have until early in 2020 to finalise their reports. The Appeal is next listed for a mention in Court in March 2020.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 12 February 2020

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 12 February 2020 

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

11 February        Esk Community Choir AGM

29 February      Commemoration Ceremony – Jimna Hall – Lost native animals of Jimna

 Congratulations to Patrick Ross Kraut (Rusty) for being awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM) as part of the 2020 Australia Day Honours List. These are some of the highest honours that can be bestowed upon QFES personnel.

Congratulations to Mother and Daughter team, Anita and Taylor Teichmann for taking out 2019 Queensland Class 3 Champions and Aus no. 2 in class of the Queensland Off Road Racing comp.

Council has received positive news from the Hon Steven Miles MP (Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services) advising that the Kilcoy dental services will be reviewed to determine how best to deliver public dental services. The dental clinic at the Kilcoy Hospital was closed for a short time due to unforeseen staffing and equipment issues, however was expected to be operational by the end of January 2020. Council has also received positive news around the ongoing provision of the much-needed outreach service of Headspace in Kilcoy. This service will be extended monthly until a source of funding can be identified. I would like to thank our Mayor for providing letters identifying the issues and requesting assistance, and also to the Hon Shayne Neumann MP for his support.

Agenda Item # 37 Councillors’ Report  

(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)

22 January          Separate appointments with two local residents

24 January          Kilcoy Kollections 11 Official Opening – Somerset Regional Art Gallery The Condensery – An exhibition with a twist of difference as three young ladies modelled wearable art

26 January          Australia Day Celebrations – Somerset Civic Centre – Esk  Congratulations to all award nominees and welcome to our country to 32 new Australian Citizens

26 January          Kilcoy Australia Day Races –  A very successful race meeting with a great show of support from locals and visitors, and it is great to see the return of the Kilcoy Gift

28 January          Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

29 January          Kilcoy District Progress Assn Inc monthly meeting

01 February        Yowie Park Run – 1st Birthday Celebrations  –  A fun first birthday celebration with wigs and hats being worn

04 February        Fire Management & Native Vegetation Information Night – Kilcoy Information Centre.  A very informative and well organised forum

05 February        Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn Inc monthly meeting

05 February        Meeting with local Social Health Workers  -A meeting with a very in-depth conversation and highlighted regional issues

06 February        Meetings-Event Planning – Esk

10 February        NCC Early Learners – Kilcoy Childcare  -Lovely to meet the new administrators of this important service

10 February        Kilcoy State School P &C Assn monthly meeting  –  Enrolment of students at 327. A decision will be reached on Thursday if an additional teacher will be appointed to the school. The school continues to develop its diverse culture with over 100 students, or 32% of students having English as an additional language

It was interesting to read an article in the publication Council Reader, the value of parkrun to small communities. The article was provided by Cr Roz Heit of South Burnett Regional Council, and is primarily about the success of the Wondai parkrun and the benefits delivered to the small community of around 2,000. In our own region we are fortunate enough to have two parkruns, Cormorant Bay parkrun and Yowie parkrun. The Mayor and I attended the first birthday celebrations of the Yowie parkrun, where we donned our wigs to join in with the fun. Cormorant Bay parkrun has been less fortunate of late with the risk of falling trees after the fires too high to reopen the track. SEQWater will reassess the situation in March. Parkruns generate tourism and economic benefits, along with social and mental wellbeing.

Councillor Gaedtke – Councillor Community Report – January 2020

Category : General News

Councillor Gaedtke – Councillor Community Report – January 2020
⦁ 0428 408 227
⦁ 674 Kilcoy-Murgon Road, Kilcoy Qld 4515
(Reporting period – ending 22 January)

⦁ On behalf of a proportion of our residents, I requested that Council Officers provide a report regarding the provision of Christmas decorations in the towns of the Somerset Region.
⦁ DA to redevelop 3 existing commercial properties – butcher, café and grocery store to provide an IGA Supermarket – Ipswich Street, Esk. The DA provides a very different look for Ipswich Street, Esk and was approved with gusto.
⦁ Council will provide a $10 bounty on feral pigs. Biosecurity Qld does not support this as an effective control method of pest animals, and only two other regional councils offer a bounty, nevertheless it is too important not to carry out.
⦁ Roubaix Properties PL v SRC – subject to mediation session. Edith Pastoral Co PL v SRC – the appeal is next listed for a mention in Court in March 2020.
⦁ Somerset Disaster Management Dashboard – public bulletins, road conditions, active centres and power outages and other important information.
⦁ – toolbox – Council knowledge network, jump on and see what information is provided.
⦁ $1.9m overdue rates as at 6 January 2019
⦁ With a total of 18 council sites to have installed rooftop solar plants, council will save a substantial amount on power costs.
⦁ Fees and charges adopted for newly constructed Kilcoy Showground dining pavilion $334 defined resident groups or $446 for all other hirers.
⦁ Regional vandalism costs to October 2019 – $6,266.
⦁ Renaming of Gardner Street South, Toogoolawah deferred until further information from respondents received.
⦁ Works awarded for footpath construction projects – Glamorgan Vale Road, Glamorgan Vale extend footpath of hall; Clive Street, Fernvale construct from BVH to BVRT; Memorial Park, Fernvale construct from carpark to toilet block; Prospect Street, Lowood construct from Park Street to Main Street; Peace Street, Lowood construct from tennis courts to Main Street.
⦁ Community Assistance Grant $16,610 to assist with costs with the replacement of the recently demolished poultry pavilion at Kilcoy Showgrounds.
⦁ Council approved the Development Application for a development permit for a Material Change of Use for an Extractive Industry – Rocky Gully Road & Banffs Lane, Coominya.
⦁ Ms Andrea Huglin from the Noosa Film Making Academy accepted an RADF cheque to assist with one-day film making incursions in the three high schools across the Somerset Region. There will be a screening at the Alexandra Theatre Toogoolawah once completed, and as well at the three schools.
⦁ Council to seek funding through Australian Government Communities Combating Pest & Weed Impacts During Drought Program. Funding designed to stimulate economic activity, facilitate local employment, manage the negative impact of pest animals and plants etc.
⦁ 2019 Mayoral Ball surplus – $22,000
⦁ Somerset Dam safety upgrade community reference group will be represented by the Mayor and CEO.
⦁ Official opening of Kilcoy Racecourse Development to be held during the Kilcoy race meeting of Friday 28 February 2020.
⦁ Moreton Bay Local Level Alliance successfully achieved (and auspiced by CADA Caboolture) funds for a scoping study to learn more about the issues impacting on children and young people in Kilcoy. It is anticipated that a second grant will be submitted for up to $50,000 to develop a community led, creative and sustainable project to help address the need.
⦁ Somerset Libraries have been nominated and selected to host two regional training workshops in 2020 on behalf of the State Library of Queensland – Be Connected (older Australians internet connectivity) and My Health Record online platform.
⦁ Monthly reports reveal that the number of residents using swimming pools/aquatic centres and indoor sports and gymnasium operations have skyrocketed.
⦁ Leukaemia Foundation of Australia is the event beneficiary for the 18th Annual Somerset Rail Trail Fund Run or Ride.
⦁ Anzac Park and the original Kilcoy Swimming Pool site to be transferred to Department of Education.
⦁ Australian Skateboarding Community Initiative (ASCI) launched a “Skate Club” program, to which a pilot program costing $1850 will be held for a 10-week trial period in Term 2 2020 at the Toogoolawah Skate Park.
⦁ Council’s CEO to liaise with Kilcoy Race Club regarding the training track proposal, should the Kilcoy Race Club wish to pursue this matter with Racing Qld.
⦁ The petition to upgrade Mahon Road Coominya met with no change to council’s previous decision of no further action to be taken at this time.
⦁ Council to make comment on the Draft South East Qld Koala Conservation Strategy 2019-2024.
⦁ Council to purchase land beside Fernvale Sports Park for $890,000.
⦁ Council in conjunction with Lockyer Valley Regional Council requested financial support for bushfire affected communities in their respective council areas, similar to that offered to the Sunshine Coast and Noosa local government areas.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 22 January 2020

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 22 January 2020

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest
24 January Kilcoy Kollections II – Somerset Regional Art Gallery, The Condensery
26 January Australia Day Celebrations – region wide
28 January Kilcoy Interagency Meeting
29 January Kilcoy District Progress Assn Meeting
01 February Yowie Park Run – First Anniversary
01 February Linville Hall Committee Meeting
04 February Info Firies Night – Kilcoy
05 February Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn monthly meeting
06 February Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee monthly meeting
10 February Kilcoy State School P & C Assn Meeting

Upon reflection, it has been inspiring to witness the coming together of communities during the most challenging times that Australia has faced since federation. The sheer amount of donations has been staggering. We have no control over Mother Nature and must respect this fact, however we do have control over our own resilience and the need of coming together to support each other. Our thoughts go out to those who have lost loved ones, houses, businesses and various other infrastructure and also, animals. I acknowledge the special efforts made by a large number of people who are looking after our precious wildlife. I fear for the longevity of some of them and all levels of Government need to make a concerted effort to ensure we keep endangered species from disappearing entirely.

Agenda Item #36 Councillors’ Report
(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)
19 December Council Staff Christmas Party – Kilcoy Showground
22 December Ride for Red 2020
09 January Meeting – Kilcoy Office
09 January Firies Project – Making Local Business’s Window Posters – Kilcoy Sports Centre
15 January Debrief – Nov, Dec Bushfires – Esk office
15 January Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Meeting – Kilcoy
17 January Visit by Coordinator-General for Drought & Flood, Shane Stone – Esk office
20 January Somerset Condensery Advisory Committee Meeting – Esk office
21 January Somerset Youth Leadership Forum – Currimundi

I took a great deal of valuable information away from attending the Bushfire Debriefing and the meeting held with the Coordinator-General for Drought and Flood, Mr Shane Stone and Advisory Board member Don Heatley OAM. Some of the shared information was disturbing to say the least, and I feel we have much to do and a long road to recovery. I wish to thank the expert knowledge offered by Mr Stone and Mr Heatley, as already mentioned – “Though the challenges are daunting, it is clear to see that they were once again being met with ingenuity, hard work and good spirit”.

Somerset Youth Leadership Forum held at the Sunshine Coast Recreation Centre was attended by 19 Lockyer Valley Regional Council students and 25 Somerset Regional Council students. Once again, very positive feedback to me was that the students showed respect, real leadership qualities in their approach to the tasks set out for each of them. This year we had many students who have never met before, and it was interesting to learn of the difference expressed between the two local government areas. To me there is nothing more enlightening than to listen to our leaders of tomorrow speak about the future and identify associated needs. Well done to all staff who are involved with organising and administrating these forums. As Councillor, I support investing with future youth forums.

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Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

📢 Funding Alert for Men's Sheds! 🛠️Our Australian Men's Sheds play a huge role in bringing men together—whether it's working on projects, sharing skills, or just having a good yarn. 💬The next round of funding is now available to support our local Men's Sheds with financial assistance where needed. Don't miss this opportunity to help your Shed continue making a difference in the community!Find out more and apply now 👉 #CommunitySupport #Grants #RDAMovement #Ipswich #WestMoreton #FundingOpportunity Queensland Men's Shed AssociationLockyer Valley Regional Council Somerset Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Ipswich City Council ... See MoreSee Less
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📢 Funding Boost for Skilling Queenslanders for Work! 💼🎉An additional $5 million in funding is helping more job seekers gain skills, qualifications, and experience to secure employment or stay in the workforce.Through Skilling Queenslanders for Work, participants receive accredited training in priority industries like construction, primary industries, community services, and hospitality, along with tailored support to help them succeed.🔎 Find funded projects in our region here: #JobsForQueenslanders #SkillsForTheFuture #TrainingOpportunities #CareerGrow Skills for Queensland ... See MoreSee Less
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Looking for grant funding?🚀 Kickstart 2025 with Grant Opportunities! 🎉Looking for funding to bring your community, sporting club, or not-for-profit project to life this year? There are fantastic grants available to help you get started!Visit the RDA Ipswich & West Moreton website to explore funding opportunities and make 2025 a year of impact. 💡🏆🔗 Find out more: #CommunityFunding #RDAMoreton #Ipswich #SportingClubs #NotForProfits #MakeItHappen Ipswich City Council Lockyer Valley Regional Council Scenic Rim Regional Council Somerset Regional Council ... See MoreSee Less
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